Needing exercise motivation!

Hi! I'm here to start to reach my weight loss goals. I've been eating healthy for three days now and the food isn't a problem and I like eating healthy a lot better than the junk I was eating before. I'm eating well and I've been doing ab exercises like sit-ups but I can't get motivated to work out! I do just fine when I'm working out at a gym mostly because since I don't drive it's not as easy to get up and leave and for some reason being around people motivates me more, plus there's a variety of machines I can use. I used to get good exercise as well by going on 4 mile walks and aiming to walk at a 4.0 speed. Those do me well, but I can't bring myself to get on the treadmill. Let me rephrase that, I can, but I end up giving up easier and/or getting bored walking on a treadmill for an hour. And now it's snowing pretty bad outside so walking isn't much of an option and I won't be able to get to the gym as easy. Does anyone know any at home alternatives for working out without a treadmill? Or can someone give me motivation to get myself on the treadmill :P thanks!


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    fitness blender, there are tons of workouts on youtube. You either want the weight loss enough to do some exercise or you do not. Just do 30 mins worth as some os better than none. :ppl for something you enjoy doing.
  • Last night was my first time tying any type of work out in years. I turned on Youtube and found Zumba. I couldn't keep up. It may take a while before I will ever be able to keep up. But it's exciting for me to see these people working hard.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Youtube is a great resource. Fitness Blender, sworkit, and Nike+ are great apps for circuit training as well.

    Find an exercise you like, and you'll look forward to it. Motivation is fleeting though, so don't rely on that to get you through the days when you feel like doing nothing. Get in a routine, and do it the same as you would brushing your teeth or taking a shower.
  • CraigShift
    CraigShift Posts: 69 Member
    Get a bike ride around your hood, ride what you can each day go further everyday.
    A friend of mine Scott Cutshall was at 501 # when he first started riding a bike, now he is 168# I think you can google his name , or even large fella on a bike.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    +100 for routine. If you are only three days in and are stalling now, then you probably have to recommit yourself about making traget and understand what it requires. Small achievable tragets will help you build consistency and give you the feeling of progress.

    You can do all sorts of exercises at home as suggested above, but just do a bit every day for 30 minutes or start with 3x a week. It all helps.
  • tjohnston14
    tjohnston14 Posts: 18 Member
    I never used to like workout DVDs, but since starting MFP almost 8 months ago I have discovered that I really like the Jillian Michaels DVDs. Keep in mind that people either love her or hate her, but I personally think she is very motivational and she makes me want to keep going until the workout is done. I never quit one of her workouts early :) I have about 6 of her DVDs now that I rotate, but her 30 day Shred is a good one to start with. I agree with hollydubs85 though...don't exercise only when you feel motivated, you need to just make it part of your routine. Once you get into the routine of exercising though, I bet you will feel more motivated to keep doing it!
  • I literally just went on fitness blender and did a workout and it was great haha it was 21 minutes and wasn't so agonizing or boring at all as the treadmill can get and there's so many more other options you can do. thank you guys:)!
  • txteachermom
    txteachermom Posts: 83 Member
    I have been the same way, but then yesterday I had a food binge and realized part of my problem is I've been mindlessly snacking at my desk rather than focusing on when my body is actually hungry! I made myself a goal of 10000 steps a day, and today I reached that goal! Tomorrow is a new day, but I feel great. Do what works for you. Feel free to add me for support!
  • Lose-Win Situation focuses only on motivating people to diet and exercise. Their motto: "Weight-loss motivation inspired by charity." Check out:
  • MartyAlencar
    MartyAlencar Posts: 125 Member
    Jump rope!!
  • SexyKatherine73
    SexyKatherine73 Posts: 221 Member
    play some tunes and dance like there is no tomorrow :smile:
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Check your local library for workout dvds. Mine has a few, but they also have Interlibrary Loan requests. I can go to their online catalog and request all kinds of workout dvds (or books, or whatever) from many other libraries--to be shipped to my library. Its kinda like shopping on amazon, except free. I get to borrow them for a week or so and see what I like.
  • MoochieRama
    MoochieRama Posts: 71 Member
    KettleWorx are the answer. Trust me they work.
  • getalife9353
    getalife9353 Posts: 100 Member
    I can relate to the boredom of the treadmill. You could try doing intervals of light jogging and walking on the treadmill. That helps break up the boredom. If it is snow that is keeping you form getting outside and walking, think about how you can change it up to enjoy the environment that you have. Buy some snowshoes or cross country ski's, bundle up and go find a trail. Active recreation can be as beneficial as purposeful exercise and a lot more fun.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    hardenburn wrote: »
    Last night was my first time tying any type of work out in years. I turned on Youtube and found Zumba. I couldn't keep up. It may take a while before I will ever be able to keep up. But it's exciting for me to see these people working hard.

    Keep at it. You'll catch on.

    Anything of moderate intensity that's more than walking will build your fitness level. Walking is good as a basic - 150 minutes a week.
  • chiilipepper
    chiilipepper Posts: 17 Member
    I understand the lack of time or motivation. If you cant make it to the gym, try doing some basic things such as burpees, push ups, body squats, abs, jumping rope, jumping long as you can do like a circuit and set your timer to do 3-4 cycles . 20-30 mins that's good. If you make it to the gym, take a class and it doesn't matter if you cant move or keep up with class as long as you are moving at your own pace and getting the heart rate up and down that's all it matters.
    Motivations its hard to get sometimes, but jus think about where do you want to be fitness level and focus in getting there. It takes time and consistency. Don't give up and just keep your eyes at the end result that you want to achieve
  • bradjryder
    bradjryder Posts: 9 Member
    My brother got me onto the '7Minute workout' app on my phone. Good workout and you can do it a few times a day to get the body moving.