Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 8



  • itsjustme77
    itsjustme77 Posts: 102
    Oh poop... I totally forgot to send you my weight this week. Next week I'll try to remember.
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    guess i wasn't late...hmmm...oh well

    have a great week everyone!!
  • Sorry ladies, I didn't get a chance to post my weigh in yesterday, which really REALLY sucked since I had a decent lost.


    Congrats to all you on keeping it up!!
  • valeriedent2
    valeriedent2 Posts: 154
    Great job this week, ladies!!

    As expected, my weekend at my sisters totally sabbotaged me. I'm in at 202 right now. TOM started yesterday afternoon, so some of it might be bloat. We'll see. My *kitten* is dragging and I'm totally wiped out! I HATE warm weather/summer periods! They seem so much worse than other times of the year. Ugh.

    Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be feeling human again and can work out. I might bounce back this afternoon, and get a light workout in after work. Meh. We'll see. I'm not going to force it, even though sweating would help with the water retention.
  • CaraRadz
    CaraRadz Posts: 169 Member
    Even if this wasn't the best week, we've got to keep in mind that the group has lost nearly 300 pounds since this challenge started. That's something to be proud of!!

    I am humbled by the fact that I currently have the highest percentage of weight loss, but I just wanted to let you ladies know that I'm temporarily going into maintenance. My wedding is May 28, and my final dress fitting is this Thursday. I've reached the minimum weight that my seamstress has allowed me, so I need to maintain for the rest of the month. I'll still be checking in, but my numbers shouldn't be changing.

    Have a lovely week!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Hi Rach I didn't weigh in last week due to a huge gain, shame on me, I owned it on my profile I should of owned it here. Sorry ladies not a good example.

    My weight yesterday was 148 lbs.

    I have stepped up my game this week and I'm in it until the end.

    Let's do it ladies, we know we can and we know we will be upset with ourselves if we don't.

  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    I don't normally set a goal for myself, but I have gained the last two weeks so maybe setting a goal will help...I want to burn at least 1000 calories a that bad?? and no ice cream the rest of the week (this one is going to be hard). By Monday I just want those 2 pounds gone (maybe 3 so I will finally be in the 140's)

    Have a great Tuesday!! :-)
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Most definitely time for me to step it up. I seem to be in this cycle of great loss for a couple of weeks and then gaining. I've been far too lax on the weekends (not logging food, not doing any real exercise, eating out too much) and I really need to make a commitment to getting that under control.

    I went out for Thai food with the BF last night and while I only ate half of my entree, I had a large bowl of lemongrass soup to start and I know that it was completely sodium laden. I am gonna have to hit the water like never before today and the rest of this week to have any chance of getting back down into the 170s (I was there by the end of last week and it felt AWESOME!)

    So, goals for this week - cook at home the rest of the week and this weekend, increase my water intake (I usually get in 10 cups but would like to get 12-15 per day this week), get back to exercising (even if it is on the dreaded recumbent bike) daily.

    Hope you all have a great week!!!!!!
  • TanyaLee122175
    TanyaLee122175 Posts: 67 Member
    We can do it ladies...

    Same goals drink more and try to excercise more.
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    Really? I've lost ONE pound in SEVEN weeks? How pathetic.

    Good news is the scale was nice to me this morning...but I can't seem to keep it that way til next Monday.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Water - How much do you drink each day and when?

    1 cup of hot water with a wedge of lemon when I wake up.

    2 cups while I am getting ready for work.

    2.5 while driving to work

    2.5 at the gym during workout

    2.5 while driving home from work

    That's 10.5 right there. If I work out in the evening I have another 2.5 and usually 1 with dinner.

    Needless to say if you can't find me I am in the ladies room.

    Weekends when I am not on a schedule are a little harder for me.

  • sray30
    sray30 Posts: 97 Member
    My goals for this week are:

    Work out as much as I can at home since I can't go to the gym..damn pink eye
    Drink more water. Since I'm not at work anymore I find it hard to get all my water in. I'm busy doing stuff around the house.
    Don't blow my hard work during the week over the weekend. Must....resist....Hibachi!!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Forgot to weigh in yesterday. No change for me!

    My goal for the week is to keep up with my workouts. I did not want to do it yesterday, but I did anyway. Today I opted to stay in bed. need to get out of this funk!
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I am getting frustrated with being sick. I have had back to back colds, and not so great flare-ups making workouts difficult combined with family parties.... Not good! I want to start working out again this week, but will have to see how things progress. This latest cold has me so exhausted all I want to do is climb into bed when I make it home from work :ohwell:
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Must of been an off week for us pin-ups. But we were only a few lbs short of 20 lbs lost so that's great!

    I know for me it's TOM and I'm feeling so icky these days. I'm hoping TOM goes away quickly, I just want to feel normal again soon.

    Still no time for workouts right now. I"ll probably have to give them up for another month or so while I'm in school. :sad:
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    Goodbye scale! See you next Monday!

    That is actually one of my goals this week. Not to get on the scale until next Monday. I seriously weigh myself at least twice everyday and I think it is messing with me.

    So, no scale until next week, water, stay in calories and no negative self talk. We will see what happens. :smile:

    That is also one of my goals cause Ive been obsessing over my weight and the scale lately I figured I would go back to weighing myself once a week again.:)
  • rockonerin
    rockonerin Posts: 84
    i've definitely been obsessing about the scale too, even though it hasn't been moving. luckily, i'm leaving for vacation on thursday!! i'll be gone for 8 days so just go ahead and put me down for the same weight on monday - i'm sure i'll come back and have a little extra to lose but i'm not gonna think about it :)

    love you all!
  • lillie1201
    lillie1201 Posts: 64
    Ladies, you're all very positive and motivating. I'm sorry I haven't been doing my part- so I am in there with yall and will dedicate myself to really trying this week. I keep losing a few, gaining a few, what am I doing? From this day on, I WILL RECOMMIT!!!!! We can and will do this ladies! Have a great, successful week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink:
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    Really? I've lost ONE pound in SEVEN weeks? How pathetic.

    Good news is the scale was nice to me this morning...but I can't seem to keep it that way til next Monday.
    you and me both sister!! LOL
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Only worked out for 13min after work. The boyfriend went with me and just ran a bit on the treadmill and said he was done. I missed lunch and my stomach was eating itself, not to mention I'm trying to take it easy on my foot so I agreed and went left and hit the grocery store. That's where my bf decided he wanted to try these angus burgers for dinner......380cals a patty! lol They 'were' pretty good but after dinner I was feeling cruddy for doing only 13min of exercise and still being about 250calories in the red.

    Sooooo I got my butt off the couch and went back to the fitness center for another 30min. I feel muuuuch better and even though my calories were a bit over my goal....I enjoyed my dinner, no longer feel guilty, and am still on the right track.

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