A little discouraged.

Folmarv Posts: 16 Member
edited December 2014 in Motivation and Support
I'm a 5'5" male in Asia, 26 years old.

I've been dieting from May 2014, and lost almost 70 lbs after 6 months. I've been in a plateau since October and decided to get a gym membership in November.

I spend 2 hours in the gym, thrice a week.

For lifting, I do row for 70 lbs, leg press for 300 lbs, leg extension for 125 lbs, vertical press for 80 lbs, overhead press for 60 lbs, and abdominals for 120 lbs (all with the help of machines, because my trainer hasn't really been teaching me free weights yet).

Then an hour-long cardio with treadmill and other machines. I make sure to burn 400 calories through cardio every work out session.

I've been doing this for three weeks now, but I'm not seeing results yet. I wonder if it's because I upped my intake. I don't trust my scale right now, since I can go from 160-170 lbs in a day, then lose it all again in a few hours, before gaining again on the following day (must be because of a lot of water weight).

Is it okay to limit myself to 1,500 calories even on days when I work out? People tell me to eat a little more during days when I work out.

Thanks, and I hope to hear from you.


  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    I usually eat back about half of my exercise calories because MFP does not factor those in when you figure how many you need. Also if you just started working out- I am told that you can definitely retain water at first, so that can be the reason you are not seeing any results yet. Stick with it and good luck to you.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    I definitely wouldn't. Your body needs more than that. My guess would be around 1900. What are you at now? What does it come out to if your settings are changed to losing 1/2 a pound a week?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I would suggest trial and error. Try combining different things until you find the perfect ratio!!!
  • Folmarv
    Folmarv Posts: 16 Member
    Hello! I just want to tell you all that I appreciate all the response. I didn't expect to get some replies at all! I'm somewhat stuck at 165 at the moment. The last 15 lbs are the hardest to lose. I've been working out for a month now.

    It says 1,830 Calories / Day if I switch to 0.5 lbs a week.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    One half pound of week -- try that for three weeks and adjust before making another adjustment. Buy a new scale.
  • Folmarv
    Folmarv Posts: 16 Member
    So, my friend and I took a picture after 1 month of working out (3 days a week), and there were very few changes. Only that my chest seemed somewhat more defined and I think my pants are getting loose.

    I'm ranging from 163-168 lbs now (possibly because of high sodium intake). I won't give up, but it gets a little hard sometimes.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I would pay closer attention to logging and make sure you're really eating at a deficit. Often what we think is a plateau turns out to be that we've gotten over optimistic about how much we're really taking in - or oxpending.
  • musclerevive
    I would concur with 47Jacqueline. Make sure you are logging your food, and personally, I would stay away from grains and dairy, and limit your sugars to fruits. You don't have to do it forever, but if you're trying to hit a goal weight, these can definitely hinder your progress.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited December 2014
    yoovie wrote: »
    I would suggest trial and error. Try combining different things until you find the perfect ratio!!!

    I agree. In the end I think this is what we all have to do. Every person's body deals with food and activity differently.

    I also agree with musclerevive's comments about what foods to limit even if only for a short while. Carbs is one thing I really have to watch at my age to cut weight.

    It sounds like you have make a lot of good progress.

  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    another good thing to do is train your brain to remove emotion out of the equation...weight loss is math, don't allow the seesaw of emotions to take over. Just observe, calculate, re-calculate, and keep moving on. It never ends..remove the word 'discourage' from your vocabulary...replace it with 'persistence' and continue on. You're moving in the right direction. And Jacqueline is right, you should reassess your food calculations...I weigh in grams as often as possible, and even log my vitamins. You don't have to be that anal, but for now at this 'plateau" (should remove that word from your vocabulary, too) it may help.

    do you have a jump rope? In August I just added 10 minute jumping sessions after work every day that month and my weight dropped almost 7 lbs!

    Every bit of MOVEMENT counts....every calorie you put in your mouth counts....it's all math. remove the discouraged feeling and calculate instead. good luck! <3
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Folmarv, the body is going to do a lot of different things but you will probably continue to lose weight (just not on your time frame). In your new life at your desired weight of 150, if you did no exercise you will still maintain around 1900. Personally I wouldn't go under 1600 at this time. As others have said, feel free to try new things and make sure you are measuring properly. You've accomplished a lot. Enjoy your life. You'll get there. Just don't feel like you need to starve yourself.
  • Folmarv
    Folmarv Posts: 16 Member
    I just want to tell everyone that I'm really happy to receive these replies and words of encouragement.

    I'd like to think I've accomplished a lot in 7-8 months. Before my weight loss, I've been battling major depression for almost 10 years since I lost my dad. I didn't have an ounce of self esteem, and have been obese all my life (220-240 lbs). I didn't take care of myself. Never did I imagine myself getting thinner again.

    Now I'm down almost 70 lbs, I have to get through this 10 lb roadblock to have a normal weight for my height (140-150 lbs).

    I want the best for myself, and the best I can be.

    Also, I've cut the sugar off my diet. I don't even drink calories anymore. I used to drink liters of coke every day, and every meal.
  • Folmarv
    Folmarv Posts: 16 Member
    UPDATE: It sounds weird, but when I weighed in last night (after dinner, mind you), I was 154 lbs! That was the lightest I've ever been in my life! I slept and in the morning, I was back at 161 lbs, but that's OK.

    I feel like I have a lot of water weight. Besides that, my gym performance is consistently improving. I feel stronger and better, and I'm going to reward myself later by buying a video game and getting a facial dermabrasion!

    I just want to thank those who have responded here.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Folmarv wrote: »
    UPDATE: It sounds weird, but when I weighed in last night (after dinner, mind you), I was 154 lbs! That was the lightest I've ever been in my life! I slept and in the morning, I was back at 161 lbs, but that's OK.

    I feel like I have a lot of water weight. Besides that, my gym performance is consistently improving. I feel stronger and better, and I'm going to reward myself later by buying a video game and getting a facial dermabrasion!

    I just want to thank those who have responded here.

    Folmarv it sounds like you are doing quite well. The 7 pound over night weight gain I expect was due to your scales for some reason unless you 'sleep eat'. :)
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Thanks for the updates. Keep doing what is working for you.