Looking for Constructive Criticism/Help

Background: 26, F, 136 pounds trying to get down to 125. Around five years ago I lost about 30 pounds and each year I tend to fluctuate 5-10 lbs. but always lose the weight to get back down under 130. This year I'm struggling. For about a month I've been consuming about 1470 cals per day and exercising 6x/week (3 days cardio, 3 days strength training) and have only lost about two pounds (I say about because I ended up getting a new scale midway through the month).

While I'm feeling the difference in my clothes, the scale not moving is unbearable. My diet is low carb/high protein. Breakfast usually consists of egg whites and a piece of toast with sugar-free jelly. Lunch is usually a small piece of chicken breast, brown rice and veggies. Dinner varies as I'm always trying new low cal recipes. I'm just looking for insight as to what I could do differently. My diary is open for viewing, but be warned that last Sunday I practically gave up and just ate whatever I wanted to. I don't want to give up though cause I'm determined to do this.

I'm considering taking a week off from strength training to focus on cardio, but I don't know if this will even make a difference. Usually by now I would have dropped about 5 pounds which is why all of this is discouraging. Thoughts, insights and help are greatly appreciated.

tldr; barely losing even though I'm staying on track. what am I doing wrong?


  • feliciapeters
    feliciapeters Posts: 525
    looks like u may not be eating enough. try adding 2 or 3 small snacks between meals, yogurt, fruit, some raw veggies. and maybe track your sodium. Your not tracking that u drank any water yesterday, that may be part of the problem too if your not drinking any/enough
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Nothing. A loss of 0.5lbs a week is perfectly normal (and advised) for somebody at your weight (unless you're like, a midget.) How much does MFP tell you you'll lose on your current intake?
  • whittlecj
    whittlecj Posts: 10
    2 thoughts after looking at your diary - 1) you seem to be having something carby at every meal - maybe try to eliminate that from at least one meal, and add your yolks back in - thats good fats! 2) don't stop the strength training, I think that is most important. You could try upping your intensity for both strength and cardio. With Cardio you could do it in intervals if you don't already.
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    You should check out this article...


    The way her body changes without any change in bodyweight is amazing!
  • jjlazar
    jjlazar Posts: 4 Member
    I'm no health consultant, but based off what you shared, I'd say your probably gaining muscle mass and losing a few inches. You said you only lost 2 lbs but in 4 weeks that is 1/2 lb a week! I'd say thats great! And you notice your clothes fit differently. I have the same issue sometimes. I'm 33, 5'7" 133lbs and my comfortable range is 130-135. I work out, eat pretty good but don't lose weight drastically, I've also had four kids though and so my body is just not always going to be the same, especially as we age on. I think I'm pretty much maintaing! lol I don't know how tall you are but 136 is not a big deal. Health is important, not image. Keep in mind as you get older your body will change, try new workouts, lower any stresses in your life that might contribute to not losing weight, best wishes in your goals, and desires!
  • deeda67
    deeda67 Posts: 9 Member
    Hang in there. Maybe its as simple as doing different workouts than you have been doing. Our bodies get comfortable doing the same thing even change the time of day or the order of the exercises. I've done that before and have broken through that plateau. I have a muscular frame so its hard for me to just do cardio to lose weight. I've always had to do something with weights (like the Firm workouts or any other cardio with weights). Maybe too that your body is just taking time to react this time around. I went for a month and didn't lose an ounce then all of a sudden, I lost 5 lbs. and I didn't really change anything around. Hang in there! We've all been there before! Wait until you're over 35, then it gets real fun :sad:
  • jldemoss
    jldemoss Posts: 9
    If you are doing strength training you increase your muscle mass which unfortunately doesn't show weight loss on the scale it mostly shows inches lost instead. If you really want to see results on the scale then maybe increase cardio instead of doing the strength training.I have battled with this many times and if you want to see the number go down on the scale you probably should increase your cardio. I believe cardio burns more calories than strength training also. Good Luck!!
  • whittlecj
    whittlecj Posts: 10
    You should check out this article...


    The way her body changes without any change in bodyweight is amazing!
  • mae3785
    mae3785 Posts: 40 Member
    You should check out this article...


    The way her body changes without any change in bodyweight is amazing!

  • mae3785
    mae3785 Posts: 40 Member
    Nothing. A loss of 0.5lbs a week is perfectly normal (and advised) for somebody at your weight (unless you're like, a midget.) How much does MFP tell you you'll lose on your current intake?

    It says on my current intake it would be .2 pounds, which seems right. I just really couldn't believe my body is taking its time this time around I guess.
  • mae3785
    mae3785 Posts: 40 Member
    I want to thank everyone for your encouraging words (and links). I'll definitely try a few more things like easing down on the carbs try to stop stressing out over the number. I'm definitely going to keep going at it cause I refuse to buy larger clothes :)
  • shadow3829
    shadow3829 Posts: 103 Member
    Your like me, great through the week, but then comes the weekend. It seems I gain back on the weekend, what I lose through the week so I spin my wheels. Might want to watch the alcohol intake.