32 year old girl happy to meet new members

Hello everyone!
I am a 32 year old girl currently living in Stockholm.
I am interested in clean eating, organic food and although I sometimes eat fish and dairy I do strive to have a more vegetarian/ vegan/ raw lifestyle.
I am also completely friendly to Meat eaters, Paleo... whatever works for you! I don't believe in strict dietary regimes :))
Working out is something very new to me and something that I quite despised before.. but I am actually now enjoying activities such as Body Combat, or Pilates...
I would really love to meet new people with both similar and different interests... the more colors in the rainbow, the better!
Would love to share recipes, tips, fitness ideas, learn from others experiences... and just share general motivation!
Best wishes to all***


  • blueakama
    blueakama Posts: 399 Member
    Hi and welcome. Good luck on your journey.
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hello! I always love meeting new people. Feel free to add me! :)
  • NaeTeaspoon
    NaeTeaspoon Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome! Always nice to meet new people, and I like your intro!
  • lilystars
    lilystars Posts: 36 Member
    Hello and thank you ! So pleased to meet new friends! :)
  • 28stars
    28stars Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am new here and noticed your post because you have star in your name - and I do too!
  • moosefacedgoose
    moosefacedgoose Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me, I'm a long term commited veggie, but my issues are that I need to eat clean and commit to my workouts. Maybe we can motivate each other!