Help with muscle gain diet & workout (I'm slightly new to macros and clean dieting for muscle gain)



  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I got home on Tuesday I think and there was a random bag sitting on my counter- I asked BF dearest- what's that- did you get lunch from the deli- he goes- nope- extra bagels.


    You can barely eat one bagel- how do you have extra?

    She gave them to me?

    Apparently he went in at 1 PM- and the local lady just tossed 4 in a bag. Something about the Tri-State area- we love our bagels.

    That's how they sucker you to keep coming back.

    I'm going to write a strongly worded letter.

    You should also make a post about how the bakery is trying to make you fat and complain about free extra food...

    OP, oats are a very good choice for bulking.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I got home on Tuesday I think and there was a random bag sitting on my counter- I asked BF dearest- what's that- did you get lunch from the deli- he goes- nope- extra bagels.


    You can barely eat one bagel- how do you have extra?

    She gave them to me?

    Apparently he went in at 1 PM- and the local lady just tossed 4 in a bag. Something about the Tri-State area- we love our bagels.

    That's how they sucker you to keep coming back.

    I'm going to write a strongly worded letter.
    send me the letter with a sample bagel from your store- I go to trenton with the letter and protest on behalf of us.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm sure we could find someone to do it- perhaps if we paid them with my BF's spare bagels?
  • AMonari
    AMonari Posts: 49 Member
    edited December 2014
    @auddil: Thanks. I'll look at properly adding oats into my meals.
  • AMonari
    AMonari Posts: 49 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi all,

    Yesterday I've started the All Pro programme without changing the workouts and the manner in which to perform them i.e. the incrementing of weights between the

    Before lifting I put in a brief but proper warm-up followed by a good set of stretches.

    I'll post a link with the details so as to get some feedback specifically with the weight levels I started with.

    One thing I noticed which was touched on my someone on this thread was endurance. Basically i had to dig really deep with proper form and right weight levels to complete the last two routines i.e. the barbell curls and calf raises .. but it was so worth it.

    On the food side of things I've discovered how tasty meat free burgers could be ( .. are these any good bulking wise?
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    AMonari wrote: »
    On the food side of things I've discovered how tasty meat free burgers could be ( .. are these any good bulking wise?
    If you ate 4 of them, yes. Or if you turned them into avocado bacon cheeseburgers...and then ate a few of those. (They're REALLY low-calorie.)

  • PwrLftr82
    PwrLftr82 Posts: 945 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    AMonari wrote: »
    On the food side of things I've discovered how tasty meat free burgers could be ( .. are these any good bulking wise?
    If you ate 4 of them, yes. Or if you turned them into avocado bacon cheeseburgers...and then ate a few of those. (They're REALLY low-calorie.)

    Avocado bacon cheeseburger = my favorite thing in the universe. Add sweet potato fries and I'm all yours.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »

    Disclaimer: You asked for my opinion and you got it. If you have more questions I'm happy to respond. To the lurkers that think I could have been nicer about it, I'm not here to be nice, I'm here to provide actual information not a turd wrapped in sprinkles.

    This is my favorite part of the thread. :laugh:

    I know, right? I want a turd wrapped in sprinkles!

  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    you've gotten some great advice - with one common theme: eat more! Be patient, you will get there.
  • AMonari
    AMonari Posts: 49 Member
    @Alicedark: I didnt have four but Thanks for the idea i.e. Avocado bacon cheeseburger. I'll give it a try this wknd.

    @jennloella: Yep. i will most defo eat more
  • beastcompany
    beastcompany Posts: 230 Member
    Did I miss something, why are you eating "meat free" burgers?
    Sounds like a terrible experience to me, especially when you're bulking.

    Although, one meal/food selection is really irrelevant in the big picture, and there is no such thing as a food that is "good for bulking" or "good for cutting", as it is a function of your overall daily dietary intake that will determine which path you're on.

    Can a burger assist you in development? Sure, if it helps you meet your daily dietary goals.
    Is it any "better" or "worse" for your goal than any other individual food? No.
  • beastcompany
    beastcompany Posts: 230 Member
    Personally I'll take a nice 1/2lb 80/20 Grassfed Beef Burger smothered in sauteed onions & topped with lettuce, whole fat cheese, and a nice Bacon Grease Infused Olive Oil Spread.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Personally I'll take a nice 1/2lb 80/20 Grassfed Beef Burger smothered in sauteed onions & topped with lettuce, whole fat cheese, and a nice Bacon Grease Infused Olive Oil Spread.

    That just made me hungry =D (butter though)
  • AMonari
    AMonari Posts: 49 Member
    Hi all,

    Since starting this thread I've made changes to my eating based further research on my macros goals/daily protein, carbs and fat intake combined with advice from this thread plus further reading up on quality foods to help with bulking.

    In short my daily macros goals breakdown based on a body weight of 66KG and body fat % of 13% is as follows:

    Protein => 132g
    Carbs => 413g
    Fats => 27g

    See further down in the post to see how I arrived at the above numbers.

    I've attached my adjusted eating plan based on the above numbers. I've been the attached meal plan for the last 5 days and would like some suggestions regarding any improvements I could make with the goal remaining the same as in my original post i.e. bulking


    To get the above macros figures I used the help of

    Here's a more detailed breakdown:

    STEP 1 - FIND BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate): The amount of calories you need to consume to maintain your body if you were comatose (base level).:

    Basically using the Katch-McArdle:Considered the most accurate for those who are relatively lean. Use if you have a good estimate of your bodyfat %.
    BMR = 370 + (21.6 x LBM)Where LBM = [total weight (kg) x (100 - bodyfat %)]/100

    My BMR = 370 + (21.6 * LBM)

    My LBM = 66 KG + (100 - 13%) / 100 = 57.42

    So my BMR = 370 + (21.6 * 57.42) = 1610.27 CALORIES

    STEP 2 - TEE = My BMR * Activity Factor

    TEE = 1610 * 1.5 => 2415.40 CALORIES

    STEP 3 - Select a goal: Either lose, gain or maintain
    - To ADD weight: ADD 10-20% of the TEE to your TEE calories
    - To LOSE weight: SUBTRACT 10-20% of the TEE to your TEE calories

    Attempt calc for 2 goals:

    GOAL 1 - Maintain:
    After step 3 calculation calories remain the same => 2415.40

    GOAL 2 - Gain:
    => 10% of 2415.40 = 241.54

    Hence to gain based on 10% increment => 2415.40 + 241.54 = 2656.94

    SO FOR GOAL 1 - Maintain:

    STEP 4 - Macronutrient Needs:

    1. Protein:

    So - GENERAL sports nutrition guideline based on clinical trials suggest that in the face of ADEQUATE calories and CARBS the following protein intakes are sufficient:
    STRENGTH training -> 1.4 to 2g per KG bodyweight (about .6 / pound)
    ENDURANCE training -> 1.2 to 1.8g per KG bodyweight (about .8 / pound)
    ADOLESCENT in training -> 1.8 to 2.2g per KG bodyweight (about 1g / pound)

    So for me WRT:
    STRENGTH training -> 1.4g to 2g per KG bodyweight (about .6 / pound):
    LOW END GRAMS/KG VALUES: My weight = 66kg meaning for 1.4g per KG of 66KG my PROTEIN GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 92grams.

    HIGH END GRAMS/KG VALUES: My weight = 66kg meaning for 2g per KG of 66KG my PROTEIN GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 132grams.

    ENDURANCE training -> 1.2g to 1.8g per KG bodyweight (about .8 / pound):
    LOW END GRAMS/KG VALUES: My weight = 66kg meaning for 1.2g per KG of 66KG my PROTEIN GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 79grams.

    HIGH END GRAMS/KG VALUES: My weight = 66kg meaning for 1.8g per KG of 66KG my PROTEIN GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 118grams.

    General 'bodybuilding' training (same as HIGH END GRAMS/KG VALUES for strength training) -> My weight = 66kg meaning for 2g per KG of 66KG my PROTEIN GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 132grams.

    So PROTEIN GOAL: Target should be an DAILY intake of 132 grams OF PROTEIN.

    2. Fats:

    General guides:
    Average or low bodyfat: 1-2g fat/ kg body weight [between 0.4-1g total weight/ pounds]

    So for:

    0.30g FAT / KG => My weight = 66kg meaning for 1g per KG of 66KG my FAT GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 19grams.

    0.40g FAT / KG => My weight = 66kg meaning for 1g per KG of 66KG my FAT GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 26grams.

    0.5g FAT / KG => My weight = 66kg meaning for 1g per KG of 66KG my FAT GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 33grams.

    1g FAT / KG => My weight = 66kg meaning for 1g per KG of 66KG my FAT GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 66grams.

    High bodyfat: 1-2g fat/ Kg LEAN weight [between 0.4-1g LEAN weight/ pounds]

    Low calorie dieting: You can decrease further, but as a minimum, I would not suggest LESS than about 0.30g/ pound.

    So FAT GOAL: Target should be an DAILY intake of 26 grams OF PROTEIN.

    3. Carbs:

    For 'general gyres':

    simply find the calories left over from subtracting fats/ protein from your TEE:

    remaining cals = Total cal needs - ([protein grams x 4] + [fat grams x 9])
    Therefore grams carbs = (remaining cals)/ 4

    REMAINING CALS = 2415.40 - [(132 * 4) + (26 * 9)]
    = 2415.40 - [528 + 234] = 2415.40 - 762

    CARBS GOAL Target = 1653.40 CALORIES / 4 = 413.25g

    So for 'general goers' CARBS GOAL Target should be an DAILY intake of 26 grams OF PROTEIN.


    For athlete involved in a good volume of training:

    Moderately active: 4.5 - 6.5 g/ kg (about 2 - 3g/ pound)
    My weight = 66kg meaning for 4.5g per KG of 66KG my CARBS GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 297grams.

    My weight = 66kg meaning for 5.5g per KG of 66KG my CARBS GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 363grams.

    High active: 6.5 - 8.5 g/ kg (about 3 - 4g/ pound)
    My weight = 66kg meaning for 6.5g per KG of 66KG my CARBS GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 429grams.

    INTENSE activity: + 8.5g / kg (more than 4g/ pound)
    My weight = 66kg meaning for 8.5g per KG of 66KG my CARBS GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 561grams.

    Then find your protein as above normal. Fats then form the remaining cals from your TEE:

    remaining cals = Total cal needs - ([protein grams x 4] + [fat grams x 9])
    Therefore grams carbs = (remaining cals)/ 4

    REMAINING CALS = 2415.40 - [(132 * 4) + (26 * 9)]
    = 2415.40 - [528 + 234] = 2415.40 - 762

    CARBS GOAL Target = 1653.40 CALORIES / 4 = 413.25g

    So for 'more than active general goers' CARBS GOAL Target should be an DAILY intake of 413.25 grams OF CARBS.

  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    I think you messed up the fat calculations.
    0.30g FAT / KG => My weight = 66kg meaning for 1g per KG of 66KG my FAT GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 19grams.

    0.40g FAT / KG => My weight = 66kg meaning for 1g per KG of 66KG my FAT GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 26grams.

    0.5g FAT / KG => My weight = 66kg meaning for 1g per KG of 66KG my FAT GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 33grams.

    1g FAT / KG => My weight = 66kg meaning for 1g per KG of 66KG my FAT GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 66grams.
    The 0.40-1 gram is for each pound of bodyweight, not KG. So in your case, the low end (0.4 gram/lb) works out to 58 grams.
  • PwrLftr82
    PwrLftr82 Posts: 945 Member
    I think you messed up the fat calculations.
    0.30g FAT / KG => My weight = 66kg meaning for 1g per KG of 66KG my FAT GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 19grams.

    0.40g FAT / KG => My weight = 66kg meaning for 1g per KG of 66KG my FAT GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 26grams.

    0.5g FAT / KG => My weight = 66kg meaning for 1g per KG of 66KG my FAT GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 33grams.

    1g FAT / KG => My weight = 66kg meaning for 1g per KG of 66KG my FAT GRAMS/KG of my weight is: 66grams.
    The 0.40-1 gram is for each pound of bodyweight, not KG. So in your case, the low end (0.4 gram/lb) works out to 58 grams.

  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Yes, your maths is wrong - 27g of fat is just silly.
  • AMonari
    AMonari Posts: 49 Member
    Hi all,

    Yes indeed I messed up there. For the fat aspect of my macros the following should be correct:

    2. Fats:

    General guides:
    Average or low bodyfat: 1-2g fat/ kg body weight [between 0.4-1g total weight/ pounds]

    So for:

    1-2g fat/ kg => My weight = 66kg meaning for 1g per KG is: 66 grams

    So FAT GOAL: Target should be an DAILY intake of 66 grams OF FAT.

    With the above correction in short my daily macros goals breakdown based on a body weight of 66KG and body fat % of 13% is as follows:

    Protein => 132g
    Carbs => 413g
    Fats => 66g