Any Hypothyroid People

FullOfSpice Posts: 176 Member
So back in 2010, I was told I could be border-line hypothyroid given by T4 and T3 levels. I haven't been back to the doctor since, but I'm starting to think it may be a culprit. My grandmother was hypothyroid, and I'm not sure if my mom is but I've been told she showed the symptoms.

I am looking for advice on type of questions I should ask the doctor. I have an appt scheduled with an Endocrinologist June 15th. Were you wrongly diagnosed? My primary care doctor said people go many years without being properly diagnosed, and it doesn't occur until the symptoms and blood results actually show you extremes.

P.S. In 2010 my T4 Free was 0.8, range is .8-1.8, TSH was 1.86



  • MommyofBoys
    MommyofBoys Posts: 75
    I think I might be. Im actually going to the doctor tomorrow. Did you have any excessive weight gain? In the past 4 weeks I have gained 11 pounds even though I exercise and eat right.
  • bmr5770
    bmr5770 Posts: 13
    I really don't know what my T4/3 levels are but I've been on Synthroid since the beginning of 2004, when I was originally diagnosed.

    My personal symptoms were a lot of weight gain and severe fatigue. I would sleep for 12 hours, be up and about for 4, then *need* a four hour nap. What finally got me into the doc was my snoring (from the water/weight gain). It got bad enough I could only get like an hour or two of sleep a night.

    From what I've always understood, the T4/3 levels are what you should go by (but I am *not* a doctor, so please check with yours ). If you were borderline last time those were tested, have them checked again. If it's low, it's an easy fix (or was for me) with just a pill a day :)
  • JesslcaLong
    JesslcaLong Posts: 4 Member
    I think it is a great idea for you to get checked again. I was diagnosed last year and it has made a-world-of-difference in my life.

    I think it is an issue that I have had all of my life because I didn't realize that I was experiencing symptoms until I started my treatment. I figured the state my body was in was "normal."

    My symptoms were pretty textbook for hypothyroidism but it was only after I had gone to the doctor with migraines that my thyroid hormones were actually tested. I had a very severe intolerance to cold...I would wear winter coats when it was 80 degrees outside. I was exhausted all the time with barely enough energy to get through the day and would sleep 10+ hours at night. I was at an unhealthy weight despite a fairly healthy diet. Constapation; I would only use the bathroom once a week. I had confusion, memory loss... I couldn't place the name of everday objects (an orange for instance). Muscle weakness, cramps, low libido, dry skin, irritability... My fiance would always joke around and tell me that I just had the metabolism of a turtle. (In a way, he was right!)

    Now, I feel so much better! I have energy, clear thoughts, I lost over 45 pounds in 16 weeks (with diet and exercise, of course).... It is worth getting the test! :)
  • LissaBaby14
    LissaBaby14 Posts: 46
    I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism when I was 12.. My mom noticed that despite my extremely active lifestyle I was gaining weight. If i'm not on my Synthroid (Which has been upped throughout the years) I'm soo tired, moody, etc. A blood test can be given to determine your thyroid levels. It a wise decision to be checked out. Good luck!!
  • FullOfSpice
    FullOfSpice Posts: 176 Member
    I think it is a great idea for you to get checked again. I was diagnosed last year and it has made a-world-of-difference in my life.

    I think it is an issue that I have had all of my life because I didn't realize that I was experiencing symptoms until I started my treatment. I figured the state my body was in was "normal."

    My symptoms were pretty textbook for hypothyroidism but it was only after I had gone to the doctor with migraines that my thyroid hormones were actually tested. I had a very severe intolerance to cold...I would wear winter coats when it was 80 degrees outside. I was exhausted all the time with barely enough energy to get through the day and would sleep 10+ hours at night. I was at an unhealthy weight despite a fairly healthy diet. Constapation; I would only use the bathroom once a week. I had confusion, memory loss... I couldn't place the name of everday objects (an orange for instance). Muscle weakness, cramps, low libido, dry skin, irritability... My fiance would always joke around and tell me that I just had the metabolism of a turtle. (In a way, he was right!)

    Now, I feel so much better! I have energy, clear thoughts, I lost over 45 pounds in 16 weeks (with diet and exercise, of course).... It is worth getting the test! :)

    Wow, that's crazy. I'm glad you are doing better now! I am just worried b/c if I am hypothyroid and require medication, what if there are more negative side effects.
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    I have hypothyroidism too. I am on synthroid for it, which has brought my thyroid activity back to normal levels based on blood tests. When I was first diagnosed, the doctor had scans of my thyroid conducted to look for abnormalities and she also did a blood test to check for Hashimoto's. Both came back negative. So, my hypothyroid was triggered by something else...could have been stress, a cold/flu, etc...we're not really sure. Before taking synthroid, I was tired and sluggish all of the energy, had gained weight, felt cold most of the time. Now, I'm feeling much better. I regained some energy, which helped me get on track with exercising. Now, exercising is a reinforcing the cycle and providing me with even more energy. So, my recommendation is to go to your doctor and express your concern.

    Here are a couple of websites to check out:

    They have symptoms lists. Just tell your doctor that your thyroid was borderline before and you are concerned about it now, being sure to note any symptoms you've experienced.

    Hope this helps! And just remember, hypothryoidism or not, YOU CAN DO THIS!

  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I've been hypothyroid since I was 12 and didn't start getting treated till I was 20. I'm 25 now and have been on meds since I was 20. Feel free to message me or add me as a friend
  • JesslcaLong
    JesslcaLong Posts: 4 Member
    There is always a chance of side effects with medication but I believe the medications for this disease are significantly lower than those of other medications. I am currently on levothyroxine and I haven't had any side effects.