Almost everyone quits losing weight



  • aerome
    aerome Posts: 171 Member
    My husband and I would like to have another baby. But I know that, after being pregnant and/or breastfeeding for the past almost 5 years (just weaned my daughter, my second kiddo, a few months ago) my body needs to be healthier to sustain a new life. My nutrients have been depleted and I need to get that straightened out. And I want to be a fit and healthy mom to keep up with my family. Before when I tried losing weight it was mostly for vanity reasons. That's still a reason (I have pretty low self-esteem and am at my heaviest weight ever), but not THE reason this time. I have baby fever. Major.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    There's a high to losing. I felt no high trying to maintain. I'm back up about 20lbs and having a heck of a time losing.

    I personally had no maintenance strategy and it shows.

    QFT. Every person who loses weight should read and consider this because it's so very true.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    There's a high to losing. I felt no high trying to maintain. I'm back up about 20lbs and having a heck of a time losing.

    I personally had no maintenance strategy and it shows.

    QFT. Every person who loses weight should read and consider this because it's so very true.

    Perhaps losing and gaining the same 5-10 pounds can help remedy this for some? Some people just might need to be a constant state of weight fluctuation in order to keep motivated, with the goal to be making that range smaller and within your goal size/look/whatever.

  • Maitria
    Maitria Posts: 439 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    There's a high to losing. I felt no high trying to maintain. I'm back up about 20lbs and having a heck of a time losing.

    I personally had no maintenance strategy and it shows.

    QFT. Every person who loses weight should read and consider this because it's so very true.

    Perhaps losing and gaining the same 5-10 pounds can help remedy this for some? Some people just might need to be a constant state of weight fluctuation in order to keep motivated, with the goal to be making that range smaller and within your goal size/look/whatever.

    I agree with this. My doctor found my weight fluctuations concerning (all in a healthy BMI) because, "The average adult does not change their weight more than two pounds a year." Bro, what country do you live in? I'm a small woman; it's not hard to gain weight if I'm not paying strict attention. Then I get aggravated and lose some of it. I've got bigger problems.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I think that exercise is the first tree to fall. If someone is eating back their exercise calories, once the exercise is gone, the weight creeps back on because the calorie buffer is gone.

    Sure. But if you stop exercising and cut back what you eat to compensate, you'll be fine, weight-wise.

    It's definitely easy to stop exercising and keep right on eating, though. Especially during the rationalization period where you're telling yourself that "yes, I skipped today, but I'm going to go tomorrow!"
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I guess the way I see it is that I never plan to "maintain"...I always plan to gain muscle or lose fat...I don't ever not want to push myself to be better

    That's my strategy. Keep my goals changing, and the challenges interesting. And keep lifting. If nothing else, if I keep lifting than when I overeat a bit at least some of it should go to good things and not just fat :wink:
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Maitria wrote: »
    segacs wrote: »
    There's a high to losing. I felt no high trying to maintain. I'm back up about 20lbs and having a heck of a time losing.

    I personally had no maintenance strategy and it shows.

    QFT. Every person who loses weight should read and consider this because it's so very true.

    Perhaps losing and gaining the same 5-10 pounds can help remedy this for some? Some people just might need to be a constant state of weight fluctuation in order to keep motivated, with the goal to be making that range smaller and within your goal size/look/whatever.

    I agree with this. My doctor found my weight fluctuations concerning (all in a healthy BMI) because, "The average adult does not change their weight more than two pounds a year." Bro, what country do you live in? I'm a small woman; it's not hard to gain weight if I'm not paying strict attention. Then I get aggravated and lose some of it. I've got bigger problems.

    Most of the people in my life, outside of family, aren't overweight and have never been. And I know a few of them easily fluctuate greater than 2 pounds from year to year.

    For me? It'd be shooting myself in the foot if I made my final maintenance goal that strict. I've noticed during my 110+ pounds (and counting) weight loss process so far that I've easily maintained at various points within a 10 pound range, +/- 5 pounds in either direction from a steady point. So my plan is to do so, just at a much lower weight than when I began. I'm very comfortable with gaining or losing a few pounds, as long as it's pretty steady. I wouldn't even attempt to make it as narrow as 2 pounds.
  • Maitria
    Maitria Posts: 439 Member
    Agreed-two pounds is water weight. I smiled and nodded but I am pretty sure he just made that up. :) I'd be happy if I always stuck to my ideal weight, but I'm not going stress over weight fluctuations in the normal range. My life doesn't always stay the same, and my weight isn't going to either.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Set a target. Hit target. Set a tolerance of +/- 5lbs. Weigh yourself weekly. If you are more than 5lb underweight, eat more. If you are more than 5lb overweight, eat less. Repeat until back at target.

    Pretty simple really.


    If you learned something from your journey in your new life style than you know when you are over eating. I accept the fact that i have to step on the scale my whole life to keep control of my weight.
    Pretty simple and i dont have a problem with it. I want to be fit, as healthy as possible and keep my desired weight. Which means i have to control and check the calories.

  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    The first time I tried, I was newly married and slowed down from a busy retail job to unemployed (long story). I was very uneducated about the whole process. I starved myself, jumped into fad diets, ate lots of processed garbage, hated water and food was easy to quit. I've since been on and off with the attempts at losing weight and every single time, I learn something new or change a habit/thought process.

    This time around, I'm better off. I drink tons of water with a single cup of coffee in the morning and the occasional coke. I don't like the taste of most processed foods anymore, though chips and sweets will never lose my interest. I eat more vegetables than fruit than I did before. I treat dessert as a "sometimes" food, not a once-every-night food. Salt, oils and butter don't please my palate as much as it used to.

    All changes I have sustained and I can continue to sustain. Portion sizes are still hard, but I lug my food scale around with me religiously. It will get easier. I know it.
  • ChristineRoze
    ChristineRoze Posts: 212 Member
    I think most people fail because they rely on motivation. Motivation is fleeing. In the end, those who make it, and keep it off, tend to be people that are disciplined. Discipline and habit tend to last a lifetime. Motivation comes and goes so quickly. No one is motivated to get up everyday at 4am and go to the gym, however, some people are disciplined enough to do it, even when it's the last thing in the world they want to do. It's really more of a habit and complete lifestyle change...and when I say lifestyle change, I mean a real one. Not just a change for a couple weeks. But, where you stick to it, basically, for the rest of your life.

    So true and relates to me!! I always give up once the motivation leaves me :( It's the emotional push that helps you get through it but once it's gone you have to rely on pushing yourself which is the real challenge. Hoping that I can do it this time haha
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Look, I manage my budget and personal finances by logging and tracking everything I spend and everything I earn. I balance the chequebook at the end of the month and pay the bills. I save up for major purchases, and I don't spend more than I earn.

    Do those things give me a high? No. Do they make me motivated or excited? Not really. They're just things I do because it's part of being a responsible adult. It's just part of the routine. I've been doing it for years and years, and I will do it for the rest of my life, and I hardly even think about it anymore. I don't find it tough or cumbersome; it takes a few minutes a day and a periodic review of the budget to make sure I'm on track, that's all.

    I've come to realize that I need to look at weight loss the same way. Just as I need to spend less than I earn, I need to eat less than I burn. Sure, logging and tracking takes me a little longer because I'm newer at it (and because unlike my bank account, my stomach doesn't have a convenient "auto-download transactions" feature). But, honestly, it's not all that different.

    Right now, I look at weight loss as getting out of debt. Once I'm out of the "debt" I incurred with these extra pounds, I'll still have to balance the food budget for the rest of my life. Hopefully it'll become just as much second nature as the personal finances are.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    glickman1 wrote: »
    Why do you think you'll stay strong and stick with it?
    Why do you think others quit?
    What makes you different?

    Well... I quit losing weight when I hit my goal. Now I maintain. So yeah, I guess at some point you do stop losing weight, but let's not paint with too broad of a brush here.
  • missbirrell
    Why will I stick to it? My health. It's worse when I'm bigger and I can't physically eat how I used to anyway. I also don't deprive myself, I take time off my diet for meals out and social events and I pretty much eat what I want 24/7. The biggest thing is that what I want to eat now is different from what I wanted to eat before. That's probably the key thing for me. Also, I've done it before. I lost 60lbs+ in 2006/2007. It went back on from 2009-2012, but I know why. It won't be going on again. More also, I've got rid of my bigger clothes and I'll be damned if I'm going to have to buy bigger again.

    Why do people fall off? They don't see results quick enough. They hit plateaus and fall off because their loss stops. Also, major weight loss is HARD because it usually involves a complete lifestyle change and some people aren't willing to make that commitment.

    I'm no different from anyone else. I'm just on a mission, however long it takes. Gains and all.