Hcg drops diet

Hi everyone, i was wondering if a yone has taken the hcg drops and followes a different diet and lost weight...
I have a very good low carbs and low fat diet that i want to follow whiel having the hcg drops. Its a chemical diet. I want to experminet both together. So that i also can do some exercise with both. Since 500 calorie diet wont help me exercise.
So any ideas or suggestions?


  • Flora_k
    Flora_k Posts: 72 Member
    The drops are bogus. Read the measurements on the bottle and do a search for what they mean. It means there is no hCG in the drops. They are useless. I actually found out that the measurements mean that it is a spirit-like healing force (creepy!) that is at work instead of hCG.
  • krispie67
    krispie67 Posts: 23 Member
    I was sceptically of HCG as well. But I have watched my work colleague drop 30 pounds in 30 days on the hcg diet. She feels great and she is wearing clothes she hasn't been able to fit into in years. Her self esteem is fantastic. Her Sister did the drops a year ago and it worked great for her. She has kept off all the weight. I have done the research and I see the pros and cons. So it is a matter of choice. Either way, if you don't make changes with lifestyle and eating, in my opinion, no diet is going to work. I have tried for years to lose weight but in the end, i have no one to blame but myself for not "really" trying. I will monitor how my colleague does, and I might consider this myself.