Benefits of oatbran?

I seen oatbran on Dr.oz. Im usually a morning kinda person. Just seeing how oatbran can benefit me better than oatmeal. thanks


  • arabellastrange
    Higher fibre, for one thing. I do a half and half mix with rolled oats for my porridge.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Higher fibre, for one thing. I do a half and half mix with rolled oats for my porridge.

    I mix quick oats, oat bran, and cream of wheat in equal parts with some dehydrated fruit for sweetness. This way you get the benefits of all 3 of these hot cereals. You can also do 2 parts oats, 1 part oat bran, 1 part cream of wheat.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I love oatbran!! It is higher in fiber and I think you get more of a filling breakfast (and less calories!) than regular oatmeal. I like to do a mix of oatbran and oatmeal also.
  • EdwardCPT
    EdwardCPT Posts: 37
    I will try mixing it in my much does it cost? is it around the same price as oatmeal?
  • ruffledviolet
    ruffledviolet Posts: 260
    I will try mixing it in my much does it cost? is it around the same price as oatmeal?

    cheaper. at least at my local Shop Rite.