Jogging/Walking 1000 miles in the year 2015.

Hello all, fairly new to this. I decided for my 2015 resolution was to jog 1000 miles in the whole year.

Definitely going to need motivation on this one. Even if it just a like on my status. I use run keeper religiously and looking for people to add on there too.

I'm 25 with an average to athletic build, I do my push ups every night and morning. Used to be a long distance runner until I tore my meniscus, trying to show that injury's is just a temporary situation.


  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Great goal! I'm training for my first half marathon in February and *might* attempt to do a full marathon by the end of the year. I use runkeeper too! Feel free to add me on here, and on runkeeper my username is LaurenAOK.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I do about twice that amount, right now. ;)
  • MlleKelly
    MlleKelly Posts: 356 Member
    Good luck with that goal! I made a resolution to be vegetarian for a year in 2006 and I've kept it (mostly) for 8 years. A little over 2.5 miles a day is totally doable!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Ooh, I am quite a previous marathon runner who had ACL reconstruction last year, I feel your pain/frustrations! I have only managed to get up to about 20 mins running at a time so far, so slow and steady as far as my build up goes, but with care I could give it a darned good go!!
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    That's a nice goal. I power walk between 2 - 5 miles daily. It was my main source of exercise during my 80 lb loss and it still is during maintenance. I'll add up my monthly miles at the end of this month, but I'm estimating I should be around 1200+ miles for the year. When I first started I could barely keep up with a 1/2 mile.

    Best of luck OP!

  • kristimason3
    kristimason3 Posts: 131 Member
    Great goal! I'm in!
  • ToughHippieChick
    ToughHippieChick Posts: 698 Member
    edited December 2014
    Sounds awesome! This is a goal I've had myself for several years now but never been able to meet it. Closest I got was around 800.
    Would LOVE it if you would start a group for everyone interested in joining you for the 1000 mile goal. I would definitely join.
  • JeanMBK
    JeanMBK Posts: 728 Member
    great goal!
  • srlib12
    srlib12 Posts: 13 Member
    Great goal! I will add that to my goals for 2015! Right now I am using Couch to 5K, did my first 5k walking/jogging Thanksgiving Day.
  • tonedby46
    tonedby46 Posts: 93 Member
    Great goal I would join too
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    A bit over my head but I am on Run Keeper if you would like a friend for encouragement.
  • Toria718
    Toria718 Posts: 396 Member
    same with me above my head, but i am also on runkeeper :)
  • MartinOsier
    MartinOsier Posts: 7 Member
    Sounds awesome! This is a goal I've had myself for several years now but never been able to meet it. Closest I got was around 800.
    Would LOVE it if you would start a group for everyone interested in joining you for the 1000 mile goal. I would definitely join.

    I ended up making a group for this. Not sure how it will work but if anyone is interested, please add me with a short message and I will invite you.

  • chelsey728
    chelsey728 Posts: 138 Member
    this my my goal for 2015, too! hoping to get a few 10 milers between the 1st & 4th... i really want to start the year ahead of schedule