Your weight on MFP.

Hey everyone, so I currently only use MFP for knowing my macros as I'm about 63kg and my goal is 80kg (it's going to take a long time I know) my question is since MFP says 'by this date you should weigh' etc. does it automatically update your weight/macros in accordance to what it predicts or do you constantly have to update your weight?
Thanks :)


  • You have to update your weight manually.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    Every 10 pounds or so it will give you a reminder notification that you have lost weight and might need to update your profile & goals to reflect your new statistics.
  • Sweet, I'm already eating more than enough protein (I'm on a bulk) so I'll ensure to always eat a bit more than it says so I don't start eating under my macros :)
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Out of curiosity, what is your protein goal set at, in grams?
  • My daily goal is 126g according to MFP, but I'm eating 172g a day.
    My sister approved of this, she's a qualified personal trainer.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    edited December 2014
    My daily goal is 126g according to MFP, but I'm eating 172g a day.
    My sister approved of this, she's a qualified personal trainer.

    No offense, but your sister being a personal trainer means nothing about her knowledge of nutrition. Some personal trainers have basically zero knowledge of nutrition. I'm not saying your sister falls into that category, but the best way to learn about nutrition is through science, not through what other people who you think are qualified tell you. You do not need to be consuming anywhere near 172g of protein a day. You weigh 63 kilos, or 139 lbs. That means that in order to maximize muscle synthesis in your body, you should consume a minimum of 114 grams of protein a day. More than that will not hurt you in any way, but it's also unnecessary and will give you no further advantage in body composition or muscle growth/preservation. 172 grams a day is way more than you need, though as mentioned if you enjoy eating that much protein for taste reasons, or for satiety reasons, then by all means go for it. I'd highly recommend you give this a read, it's very informative.

    Also, definitely give this a read, you will learn A TON.
  • My sister has done a degree in both personal training and nutrition :)
    She said for someone of my body type who's trying to bulk then the amount of protein I'm eating is absolutely fine, it's because I eat a lot of tuna and chicken haha.
    But thank you for those articles, much appreciated!
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    edited December 2014
    My sister has done a degree in both personal training and nutrition :)
    She said for someone of my body type who's trying to bulk then the amount of protein I'm eating is absolutely fine, it's because I eat a lot of tuna and chicken haha.
    But thank you for those articles, much appreciated!

    Yes, the amount of protein you're eating is fine, it's just more than you need. You could be eating more carbs or more fat in place of that excess protein if you'd like. I just suggest you read those articles I posted all the way through and make a decision for yourself, that's the best way to do it, rather than have someone tell you what to do. Good luck :)