zumba wii game

xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
i have just ordered the zumba game for the nintendo wii :) just wondering does anyone have this game and is it any good? as in does it help you to looose weight because i havent lost anything for a few weeks now, thats why i thought id order this game :D.. please post your opinions on the game if you have it or know anyone who has. thankyou x


  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    i have it and it's lots of fun but I have not used it enough to say it has helped with weight loss. I'm interested to see what others have to say.
  • trixylewis
    trixylewis Posts: 197 Member
    i havent used it but a couple of time so i cant say its helped with my loss, but its made me sweat, alot! lol
  • skwright2001
    skwright2001 Posts: 7 Member
    Much like the reply before I have the game, but don't know if it will help in weight loss. I really enjoy it though! The only bad thing is tripping over my 6 and 8 year olds as they try to dance with me!:laugh:
  • Shannmarrs
    Shannmarrs Posts: 117 Member
    After trying it at a friends house, I am TOTALLY getting this game. I thought it was a great workout. I sweated my butt off. And it works your core and legs (places I need)...not to mention fun.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    After trying it at a friends house, I am TOTALLY getting this game. I thought it was a great workout. I sweated my butt off. And it works your core and legs (places I need)...not to mention fun.

    is it fun doing it alone? I've not tried zumba yet but I get the feeling that it gets a lot of it's fun from being sociable, so wondering if it'll be much fun home alone
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    I have this game and i love it, you do work up a sweat. I think it has helped me loose weight, i use it about about once a week just to change things up a bit.
  • BronzeLady
    BronzeLady Posts: 13
    My SIL loaned me hers for a few months. It is a blast even when I'm by myself. When she loaned it to me, after the first few days I finally busted through a plateau that I'd been fighting and I finally dropped some more pounds, so yes it did help me to lose.
    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
    I dont have the game but I go to the rec center to do zumba, and it is a very good workout and has helped me to lose weight :)...I love zumba!!!
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    Now I cannot speak for the Zumba Wii game in terms of weight loss, but I can speak for the Zumba DVD's and those do work and they are fun! The DVD's have helped me shed weight and I enjoy the routines! My favorites are the African Beats and Calypso! So, I would assume that the game is just as helpful in shedding the weight and fun too! Zumba over all is fun to do!! :)
  • shellybra
    shellybra Posts: 21
    Don't have the game but have the dvd, My god do you sweat!!!! But it's seriously good fun and before you know it you've done the workout!
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I bought it after all the great reviews I heard and read. I went into it with no Zumba expericence. I only played it a few times before I put mine on Ebay. Now I do have a disclaimer that I can't dance and don't have the coordination to do half the moves.. so that was alot of my problem.
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    I bought it after great reviews and I simply hate it.
  • Shannmarrs
    Shannmarrs Posts: 117 Member
    After trying it at a friends house, I am TOTALLY getting this game. I thought it was a great workout. I sweated my butt off. And it works your core and legs (places I need)...not to mention fun.

    is it fun doing it alone? I've not tried zumba yet but I get the feeling that it gets a lot of it's fun from being sociable, so wondering if it'll be much fun home alone

    I did it a little by myself, and I still loved it. It's nice to switch things up =)
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    thankyou guys :) i really cant wait to get this game should be comeing tomorrow hopefully!