getting married.... need to lose weight...

ive tried losing weight before.... lost 30lbs then gained it all back... at my almost all time high of 321...... i have motivation of my wedding coming up in june.... but i try and try to lose it.... i lose it then i fall off the wagon and never gain the motivation back again..... help.....


  • Renee0887
    Renee0887 Posts: 214 Member
    I hear ya. Staying motivated is my constant struggle. In the last 2 years, I've gained 30 lbs. Losing it before my wedding in Sept is my number one priority... I started using my Fitbit One and it's helping...
    Add me, we'll help each other out. Renée
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Think about the love you and your partner have for each other and how you will spend many years together. One day in a picture of you in an expensive white dress is not going to matter in the scheme of things . . . so why stress yourself out six months ahead of time?
    Instead, focus on taking care of yourself one diary entry at a time and one day at a time. Exercise patience and some kindness with your body.
  • musclerevive
    musclerevive Posts: 5
    edited December 2014
    I would suggest checking out whole 30. It's a bit drastic, and I didn't want anything to do with it, but I lost 13lbs in 30 days. The funny thing is now it has "rebooted" my body, so I love it. If you have questions let me know.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Why have your other diets failed? Did you try to change everything at once? Too restrictive?

    Keep it simple. Find a reasonable calorie deficit, log your food accurately, honestly and consistently. Find an activity you enjoy doing to get yourself up and moving. Have patience.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member


    Find one thing to work on this week- and possible the next week- work on that ONE thing for a week or two.

    Then add another thing to work on.

    They can be small things.
    It doesn't have to be drastic- slow and steady wins the race.
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    i was to drastic... i didnt allow myself for a cheat day once a week... i restricted myself so heavily.......
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    If losing weight is a prerequisite for getting married, perhaps marriage isn't for you at this point in time.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    Nothing is a better motivator than getting married! (congratulations by the way). When I got engaged, we set our date for June as well. I had 6 months to lose and good lord did I look HOT on my wedding day. That was probably the skinniest I'd been since graduating high school. Not only did losing the weight make me feel great on my wedding day (and honeymoon), but made me feel great about myself.

    You should use this as your motiviation to get started. Set your goal for your wedding day (something realistic) and once you hit it, keep going.

    Your health should also be a motivator to lose weight, I didn't look at your profile, but I assuem your young (less than 40), and 321 is fairly large. If you get that weight off you'll have less health problems and live a long happy life with your husband.

    Good luck to you!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    i was to drastic... i didnt allow myself for a cheat day once a week... i restricted myself so heavily.......

    When I started I had a goal of 125 lbs to lose, so I do understand. Now I didn't do cheat days, yes I have had days over my calorie goals, but cheating at least for me, says I'm doing something wrong, eating food isn't good or bad it's a part of life. Be reasonable with your deficit.

    In the beginning work on logging your food accurately and honestly. For me, the only thing I tracked was my calories. A few months of logging consistently and making it part of my daily routine, I started to learn and track my macros (protein, fat, and carbs).

    Don't fall into the old dieting habits that there are good or bad foods, you can eat foods you love just make them fit into your day. Now some foods will keep you fuller longer than others, but other foods help with mental health as well. In the 2 years I've been here, I've had dessert usually ice cream or cookies almost every night.

    A digital food scale is a good investment they run about $15 and really do help with accuracy and learning portion size.

    Biggest things are keep it simple, be consistent, be honest with yourself, and have lots of patience.

    Good luck to you
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    ^^ what GiveMeCoffee said

    Use calorie counting as a guide to tell you how much food you can have and still meet your goals.

    Please be patient and kind to yourself. You can definitely lose weight, but don't worry so much about "I have to be this size by this date". Think of it more as establishing new habits for your newly changing life.

    Feel free to friend me.
  • sangster19
    sangster19 Posts: 5 Member
    Calories in v Calories out. Track it, be honest, and a little exercise is always good.

    Motivation is up to you. No one can light the fire inside, they can only help stoke it.

    Keep this in mind though - You can safely lose 1.5 -2.0 lbs per week. Doing this is a challenge, however. That big of a calorie deficit takes dedication and willpower. This is why people fall off.

    Realisticly, shoot for 1lb a week of loss. That's a ~3500 cal a week deficit. That's 700 a day less. That's two cans of coke less (unless you're eating way above your maintenance level of calories)

    This means that if you lose 52 lbs in a year you're doing a great job. People start their weight loss journey and get excited about the water weight and beginner loss from over estimating their initial weight or the large amount of water loss that you can get. Then they get into the grind, get discouraged, and end up heavier.

    Don't let that happen. Be realistic.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    Lose weight for your life, not for an event. An event is a point in time - your wedding will come and go. If you tie your weight loss to your wedding then your motivation will end with your wedding. Instead, make it a lifestyle change. If you start now, you will have lost in time for you wedding but it won't be the only reason.
  • mrsmalloryevers
    I was the same way until I tried on my wedding dress three months before my wedding and it wouldn't zip up. I freaked out and put my head on straight. Just know it's something you HAVE to do. (I gained it all back after the wedding... but thats beside the point and explains why I'm back on here lol)
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    im not just trying to lose weight for my wedding... i want to look good yes... but im pre-diabetic... so i don't wanna hit diabetic.... i want to be able to walk up stairs without having a asthma attack... i wanna be able to keep up with my fiance.... and for those of you that have asked im 25yrs old...
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    A low or lower carb diet (for the pre-diabetic condition) and couch to 5k program for cardio should get you on your way.
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    thank you
  • gettinfitaus
    gettinfitaus Posts: 161 Member
    those are great reasons for wanting to lose some weight, as the others have said take it one day at a time if I am looking at something 6 months down the road I freak out! Especially at this time of year with Christmas next week! So I take it one day at a time, if I fall off the wagon which if you look at my diary you will see I do often, I pick myself up, dust myself off and start again. Perfectionism is the devil! As long as you are making a genuine effort you will see results.
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    its these stupid food cravings....... soooo hungry...... almost at my calorie top...
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    sangster19 wrote:
    You can safely lose 1.5 -2.0 lbs per week. Doing this is a challenge, however. That big of a calorie deficit takes dedication and willpower. This is why people fall off.
    Realisticly, shoot for 1lb a week of loss. That's a ~3500 cal a week deficit. That's 700 a day less.
    It's 500 calories per day to lose 1 lb per week.
    And starting at such a high weight, it's probably possible to lose more than 2 lb / week safely, but she should check with her doctor.
    To maintain that weight, she's probably eating 3200 cal/day (but do your diary entries for a couple weeks to be sure), so dropping to 2200 gives plenty of room for all the healthy nutrition needed.

    My doctor told me to eat 10x my healthy goal weight. At first, I just ate 1000 cal/day less than what I needed to maintain my current weight, but as I hit plateaus I've dropped 50-100 cal at a time to nudge the weight loss to start again. Now I'm aiming for 1400, and my doctor suggested 1300. (I'm nearly 5'10".)
    That's total, not net. Ignore net, ignore exercise calories. Most people underestimate what they eat, and most machines (including MFP) overestimate calories burned.

    Here's a newbie help post I did with links to lots of useful info, including sexypants and some BMI charts, one of which will tell you how many servings of which food groups to eat to maintain a certain weight. Put in your healthy goal weight (based on BMI) or play with the numbers until it shows a BMI under 24.9.

  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    im at 1800 calories a day now... eating less is very hard for me..... im starving........