Chasing to Cosplay...Hello friends!

Hi there, everyone! Nice to meet all of you, I'm Kyt. I'm a young, energetic 19 year old who is currently looking for some friends to help keep me motivated through my weight loss journey! First of all, I'll admit it, I'm a huge nerd. I play video games, I love drawing, and my biggest love? Anime. One of my biggest goals is to be able to cosplay at the Minnesota convention in May! :smiley: Though, don't worry if you're not big into any of my nerdy interests; we're all here for the same goal, right? :)

Here's a little bit about me...
As mentioned before, I'm 19. I went from a highly-active job as a CNA to a full time student.
I'm about 5'3" and currently at 191 pounds. I'm looking to get down to 150 before May, but a more real expectation is about 175ish, we'll see where my journey takes me!

:) Good look to everyone with your journeys! Feel free to add me, or message me! Whatever your goals, I know you can do it!


  • exoxokai
    exoxokai Posts: 2 Member
    Hi!! Im a 16 year old girl and Im trying to lose weight as well! I used to like anime and right now im only watching one piece ahaha, im new to this community since Ive only been doing my logging privately on the app. I would love to be friends!!
  • CrmpetsNTea
    CrmpetsNTea Posts: 23 Member
    Good luck! Cosplay is awesome so I hope you make all your goals! I'm also a nerd (a bit older, but young at heart) and love anime. Feel free to add me!
  • Lalalindaloo
    Lalalindaloo Posts: 204 Member
    Hey! Older than you, but similar height (5'2.5"), started at 185, just hit around 130. Feel free to add me.

    Have never Cosplayed, but I did go as Hit Girl for Halloween and had so much fun that I can see the draw! What characters or genres do you like?
  • AmmB23
    AmmB23 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Kyt! I'm also 5'3" but I started at 221, I'm down to 209, and my goals are very similar to yours. I know I will get to 175 and hopefully then to 150... and one of my goals is also to feel confident enough to wear a costume to NYC ComicCon in October :smiley:
  • veronakings
    hey! I want to add all you nerds! i'm taller and older, but I love anime and video games and cosplay and sci fi and drawing etc!!
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Cosplay was a huge motivator on my journey. My profile pics are littered with the progress along the way :) Also, Minnesota! Consider yourself friended!
  • kestrel359
    kestrel359 Posts: 342 Member
    Fellow cosplay nerd here. Would love to add a few cosplayers to my friend list
  • danibanani_
    Hi ! Im a bit older & from germany but play some Video games too :) and i love cosplay although i've never done it before myself. What games do you play ? Wish you all the best with your goals. Feel free to add me as friend. Im a newbee here aswell. ;)