300 calorie or less recipes?

rebeccahunt718 Posts: 48 Member
I am trying to stay around 1200 for the day which I have divided into 3 300 calorie meals and 2 150 snacks. I am having trouble finding recipes though. Any suggestions on websites or recipes you have tried?


  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Any particular reason you're eating 1200? It's quite low for most people, unless you're extremely short AND very inactive. Check into figuring out your TDEE and you can probably increase your allowance and still lose! ( ref: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1)
  • rebeccahunt718
    rebeccahunt718 Posts: 48 Member
    That's pretty much it. I have a desk job and am 5'1' and weigh 173
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Go to Pinterest and do a search. There's lots of posts with 300 or 400 calorie meals.

    Canned soups can be found with low calories for the whole can.

    Shrimp on a salad is a good choice. Chicken with a veggie side like squash, carrots, eggplant or green beans is another.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Skinnytaste has low calorie recipes.
  • amylynn82784
    amylynn82784 Posts: 26 Member
    I am trying to stay around 1200 for the day which I have divided into 3 300 calorie meals and 2 150 snacks. I am having trouble finding recipes though. Any suggestions on websites or recipes you have tried?

    I'm on the same boat as you! Friend me! I'm 5'0' and weigh 140. Need to lose about 20 more pounds!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Here is one from diabeticconnect.com/diabetic-recipes (changed a little by me):
    Mu Shu Turkey

    Makes 6 servings, 284 calories each

    0.50 cup(s), Orange juice
    1.00 tbsp(s), Ginger, Ground
    0.25 tsp, Spices - Cinnamon, ground
    0.25 cup, chopped, Onions - Raw
    1.25 lb(s), Boneless Skinless turkey breast
    16 oz package Broccoli Slaw
    1.00 container (12 tbsp ea.), Plum Sauce
    6.00 tortilla, Low carb tortillas

    Combine plum sauce,orange juice,onion,ginger and cinnamon in slow cooker;mix well.
    Place turkey over plum mixture.Cover;cook on low 3 to 4 hours. Shred turkey with 2 forks.
    Add broccoli slaw to turkey and sauce. Mix util well blended and cook an additional 30 minutes until slaw is heated through. Serve with tortillas.

    Diabetic connect has other good, lower calorie recipes too.

  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Almost any recipe can just be made smaller to reduce the calories. If you're cooking for yourself, just take your favourite recipes and adjust the quantities.

    Allrecipes has a database of 300-calorie main dishes here: allrecipes.com/recipes/everyday-cooking/special-diets/low-calorie/300-calorie-main-dishes/
  • allieallieoxenfree
    allieallieoxenfree Posts: 114 Member
    I second Skinnytaste! My faaaavorite recipe site.
  • Vananners
    I try to stick to 1200 calories as well. I open my diary to friends, so maybe you could get some ideas from my diary. I've found that keeping my breakfast VERY slim (200 calories or less) makes it seem like the calories don't run out so fast over the course of the day.
  • rebeccahunt718
    rebeccahunt718 Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you all!
  • agal129
    agal129 Posts: 215 Member
    I love making a pot of chili with 1lb meat, onions, jalapeno, bell pepper, 2 cans of beans, and a large can of crushed tomatoes (plus required spices). It is around 250 calories if you split the pot into 8 portions and each portion is a generous size. I think throwing a laughing cow cheese wedge into a bowl of chili is divine.
  • aerome
    aerome Posts: 171 Member
    I make egg drop soup that's around 200 cals. Basically, boil chicken broth, whisk eggs and/or egg whites together and slowly pour into the broth. It's filling because of all the liquid and it's hot (hot food always makes me feel more satisfied).

    Also, 8 oz of baked boneless skinless chicken breast is 200 calories. If you don't need all that protein, you could do 4 oz for 100 cals and still have 200 for sides. I do 8 oz and half a bag of frozen steamed veggies and stay under 300. Shrimp, cod, and turkey and similarly low calorie if cooked simply and without oil, butter, cheese or cream sauces. If that seems boring, sometimes I throw my chicken on salad greens and dress it with 1 TBSP olive oil and 1 TBSP balsamic vinegar.

    Good snacks are mozzarella sticks (80 cals). I found some 45 cal turkey snack sticks at walmart (like a slim jim type thing). Baby carrots are 35 cals for quite a bit of carrots.

    I cook a bunch of chicken at once, then weigh it out into baggies and keep it in the fridge.

    Make sure you meet your fat gram goals so you feel full and satisfied. I take 1 TBSP coconut oil daily. It satiates and has some other great benefits.

    Drink lots of water. It will keep you feeling full.

    I find when I go lower calorie, I'm ok for a few days and then it starts wearing on me. So I'll bump up my calories by a few hundred on days I'm feeling really tired and it helps. Listen to your body. If you're not getting enough fuel, it will let you know!
  • Lucknawi
    Lucknawi Posts: 21 Member
    For breakfast you can do egg whites and a bit of cheese. I do 3/4 cups egg whites with 1/4 cup shredded partly skimmed mozzarella scrambled. It's less than 200 calories and then a snack a couple hours later definitely gets you by and opens up some space for other meals.

    I find the more simple the meals the less the calories, I have a problem with dairy and gluten and am allergic to all kinds of nuts so I stay away from those as much as I can and my meals can be pretty calorie light because of that.

    4 oz steamed Chicken Breast with 3/4 cup of steamed rice and 4 oz of boiled carrots could do it for a dinner too at less than 300 calories.

    I have yet to perfect my smoothie but what I have it at so far is 388 calories (it's a dessert style also, so I can fit it in my macros but still really enjoy it). It's 1 scoop Iso Sensation 93 Chocolate Fudge Protein powder + 1/2 cup sliced frozen Strawberries + 1/2 medium Banana + 1 tsp powdered Flax Seed + 1 cup of Soy Chocolate Milk... over time I am sure this smoothie is going to be adjusted so that it's less thick, probably more soy milk or water, and then it'll work for me :)

    I find that if you play around enough with different food cooking styles and finding ways to remove a lot more of the 'bad stuff' (per se) you can find something that works to keep you in that 1200 cal a day plan... however you didn't note if you were going to work out or not, if you are then you will need to eat back those calories as your body will need a balance of caloric intake and caloric expense.
  • katiedid1179
    katiedid1179 Posts: 9 Member
    This is a little off topic but, a good thing to remember is your calories can be very very different from someome else's recipe depending on the brands you use or say the fat content of your ground beef. Also, I use the USDA to look up calorie counts for specific foods. I've noticed many people have the wrong information. Unfortunately MFP has so many choices that it can make things difficult.
  • rebeccahunt718
    rebeccahunt718 Posts: 48 Member
    I have noticed that also. However, I use whatever looks the closest to what I am eating for things that are from restaurants because I eat (due to reps bring food) at a lot of family owned places. When I am doing recipes, I use the barcodes to scan all my ingredients. It makes everything a lot easier.
  • PowerfulHunt
    PowerfulHunt Posts: 281 Member
    Turkey, Sun-dried Tomatoes, & Chickpea salad; it's one of my favorites! A little more than 300 calories.. will depend on brands used, etc:

  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    I just threw this together recently, but it turned out to be REALLY yummy (I'm sure I'm not the first person to have thought of this):

    Two 2-oz chicken breast tenderloins
    Two Laughing Cow cheese wedges (my fav to use are the Herb & Garlic or the Spicy Pepperjack)
    2 Tbsp of Italian Seasoned Bread Crumbs (mine are gluten free, but I'm sure other types would be similar calories)

    I've fixed this a couple different ways and it was good both times. One way is to coat each tenderloin with 1 wedge of the cheese - top and bottom, and then sprinkle 1 tbsp of the bread crumbs on each tenderloin. Then bake on 350 for 30 minutes.

    The other way is to bake the chicken first, by itself - again on 350 for 30 minutes - and then I shred the chicken and mix both Laughing Cow wedges together with the shredded chicken (it helps if you nuke the wedges in the microwave for about 30 seconds to get them a little melty). Then I kind of make it all into a patty and sprinkle the breadcrumbs on top and put it back in the oven on "broil" for about 3-5 minutes to get the bread crumbs crispy. Tastes delicious either way and is around 240 calories for the whole thing!
  • xpiratebarbiex
    xpiratebarbiex Posts: 7 Member
    when I want to switch it up I like getting a little creative. These are called zoodles, basically use a potato peeler or something to make long strips of zucchini and you can use them like pasta. I like topping with chicken, shrimp, salmon, or i'll cut up and sear a turkey burger with some light olive oil, pepper, and fresh garlic. Its nice to add some other little veggies like bell pepper, green onion or whatever. Its all about the seasonings so play around with different stuff. This is just an example:
    I only strip off the first few layers for my zoodle meal, but can use the inside parts of the zucchini to roast with brussel sprouts and other stuff, or put on a veggie flatbread if im spoiling myself.

    another way I've been keeping my meals low throughout the day is filling up on steamable veggies. in the morning before work while im getting ready i'll heat a pan with some Smart Balance pan spray, throw in some broccoli, asparagus cuts, or green beans, lightly season with a fresh garlic clove, pinch of salt and pepper, then toss in a Tupperware and top with a protein like some chicken cut up or shredded turkey. then lunch rolls around, boom 3 mins and like 200 cals. For snacks, I do a steamable bags of edamame, tasty and fun to eat without seasoning. or maybe apple slices/celery with a little peanut butter
  • purplemystra
    purplemystra Posts: 159 Member
    Spaghetti squash is my go to food. Low in calories and hearty. Delicious with 1/2 cup red sauce. Sometimes I sauté mushrooms and add to sauce.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    My dietitian suggested trying to keep the snack at 100 calories, and invest more in breakfast. Sometimes lunch will be a salad.