Monster gain

I've been restricting my calories a happily loosing weight. I don't sleep we'll anymore, when I ate crap
I slept 8-10hrs a night but now its 4-6hrs. I binged last night in order to sleep better a I've gained in one
day what I've lost over the past week, WTF???.


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member

    you haven't

    you have binge food in your stomach - water weight - sodium etc
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    Just as rabbitjb has said, drink lots of water and poop lol!
    I gained 8lbs in 3 days which was not FAT as i was in a deficit, but i didnt drink or eat enough, but in 4 days i was back to the starting weight.
    Have you tried a herbal sleeping aid, like nytol or something to help you sleep? its not a long term answer but might get you back into a full nights sleep if you tried if for maybe 3 nights.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    And if you aren't sleeping, you are probably not getting enough calories in - which means your going too aggressively toward your goal. Up your calories some and see if it helps. Binging is not the answer.

    And yes, you didn't gain the weight back - you gained water weight and there is probably still food in your tummy.
  • zipa78
    zipa78 Posts: 354 Member
    I've been restricting my calories a happily loosing weight. I don't sleep we'll anymore, when I ate crap
    I slept 8-10hrs a night but now its 4-6hrs. I binged last night in order to sleep better a I've gained in one
    day what I've lost over the past week, WTF???.

    You are probably eating too little. How many calories are you getting, how tall are you and how much do you weigh? Also, do you exercise?

    Don't worry about the weight, most of it will be gone in a few days since it isn't fat in your tissues, just junk in your system. Just as rabbitjb said.
  • abi111
    abi111 Posts: 50 Member
    i have binge eating disorder so can eat 10000+ cals a day. but unless you have done that your weight will go down over the next few days.
    maybe your deficit is too large, that can affect your sleep.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    What are your stats? Age, gender, current weight, height, goal weight loss per week?

    How many calories are you currently eating

    I agree that if too few it can affect your sleep patterns - and we need sleep

    Maybe time to ensure you're following the right path with your calories
  • ianjohnward
    I'm 41yrs old, I'm 198Ibs 5ft 10. I've been eating less than 1000kcal daily.
  • ianjohnward
    Yeah it's not a lot, I'm probably too impatient to loose it. I want to loose 21Ibs by the end of march.
  • ianjohnward
    And I'm male.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I'm 41yrs old, I'm 198Ibs 5ft 10. I've been eating less than 1000kcal daily.

    You aren't doing it right I'm afraid - you are eating so few calories you're burning through your muscles

    If your activity levels are low you should be eating at least 1800 calories at your height and weight

    If they're higher you need to eat more

    I bet you if you fuel your body properly you will lose the insomnia

    do yourself a favour and look at your settings again and re-commit to doing this the right way
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I'm 41yrs old, I'm 198Ibs 5ft 10. I've been eating less than 1000kcal daily.

    Eat more. The lowest a male should go, unless guided by a doctor, is 1500-1800, and your needs will most likely surpass that. That's probably why you binged.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    auntrhon66 wrote: »
    And I'm male.

    um...what's your point on posting this?

    Because he'd left it out of his stats at first? It does make a difference when it comes to caloric needs.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    auntrhon66 wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    auntrhon66 wrote: »
    And I'm male.

    um...what's your point on posting this?

    Because he'd left it out of his stats at first? It does make a difference when it comes to caloric needs.

    his screen name pretty much covers that he's male...ianjohnward...don't know any females named ian you?

    bolded part - duh...everyone knows that...

    It's the internet you never know who is behind a screen name, so yes the male comment is important.

    Now OP I'm 43 & female and I have successfully lost over 120 lbs eating 1500-1900 calories daily.

    And don't sweat the normal weight fluctuations, take a poop it will be gone. Also stop being so damn impatient. Did you gain the weight overnight.. no so stop trying to lose it overnight.
  • zipa78
    zipa78 Posts: 354 Member
    I'm 41yrs old, I'm 198Ibs 5ft 10. I've been eating less than 1000kcal daily.


  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    auntrhon66 wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    auntrhon66 wrote: »
    And I'm male.

    um...what's your point on posting this?

    Because he'd left it out of his stats at first? It does make a difference when it comes to caloric needs.

    his screen name pretty much covers that he's male...ianjohnward...don't know any females named ian you?

    bolded part - duh...everyone knows that...

    A username is not always a good indicator of gender, even when it's a gender specific name. I've seen people use their kids' names in their username which can give the wrong impression. Besides, not everyone pays attention to usernames.

    But either way...he was asked for his stats, posted them, then had an afterthought that it may be helpful to include the fact that he's male. I'm sure he didn't think to himself "my username makes it obvious but I'm gonna tell 'em anyway because they're stupid." Besides, it's nice to have verified info instead of making assumptions.

    And even if it is just stating the obvious, why are nitpicking something so harmless and getting attitude about it?

    bolded part - duh...everyone knows his point in posting that he was male was because he was asked for his stats.
    And no, not everyone does know that caloric needs differ between men and women.

    If you're just in the mood to fight and argue, find a better thread for it. I'm out of this one because I don't want to be part of a hijacking.
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    1000 calories a day lol, best of luck with your eating disorder goals of 2015
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    auntrhon66 wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    auntrhon66 wrote: »
    And I'm male.

    um...what's your point on posting this?

    Because he'd left it out of his stats at first? It does make a difference when it comes to caloric needs.

    his screen name pretty much covers that he's male...ianjohnward...don't know any females named ian you?

    bolded part - duh...everyone knows that...

    Yeah... ok.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    I'm 41yrs old, I'm 198Ibs 5ft 10. I've been eating less than 1000kcal daily.

    Im not surprised you aren't sleeping well. You need to fuel your body!! I eat 1700-2000 cals a day, and losing weight. Don't make yourself miserable!!!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited December 2014
    I've been restricting my calories a happily loosing weight. I don't sleep we'll anymore, when I ate crap
    I slept 8-10hrs a night but now its 4-6hrs. I binged last night in order to sleep better a I've gained in one
    day what I've lost over the past week, WTF???.

    So how many calories did you eat? 3500?
    How much new weight do you claim to have put on? Monster. A stone?

    Without details then your post lacks muh meaning.

    You ofc realise that your body will fluctuate 1-5lbs in a dat quite naturally.

    Yay less than 1000 cal a day go you Mr im going to be malnourished and get an eating disorder. Nothing like finding out what you are doing and dieting in a safe and sustainable way.