I've had it!

For the past few years, it seems my body has aged. I also eat more and exercise less. So, at my annual parental visit, they always say I get bigger, and for the past few years I told myself that I'll be back to my old weight of 150lbs by our next meeting. But, the opposite has happened. I've gained a few more lbs every year and now all my clothes are so tight, and I feel bad about letting myself go.

Being a cheap person that I am, I don't want to buy any new clothes!!!!

i read somewhere that a study has shown that journaling everything you eat increases the chance of losing weight and also increases total weight loss by 200%. So, here I am, jornaling.

So far so good. I am more mindful of what I'm putting into my body. I will take a picture of my protruding belly, as is. So when I get my flat belly back (or close to it as possible), I'll do another picture. I have really taken my younger year's metabolism for granted. Though I don't have the same metabolism, but I will change my eating and exercise habits.

In any case, greeting to everybody!


  • alpharhythm
    I'll be honest, the ONLY thing that keeps me accountable to myself and to my goals is by tracking my food and journaling. I find it so much easier to lie to myself (yes, this 1/2 a cake is totally under 500 calories so I can eat all of it now, etc) if I am not holding myself accountable by tracking my food and also talking about how I feel about these changes. And it is AMAZING how much I have learned over the last few months that I have been doing this, and how much easier it is to make these better decisions for my body!

    Greetings to you, I'm glad journaling is working out so well for you thus far. Keep it up! :)
  • LetzgoOU
    LetzgoOU Posts: 24 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. That is why I joined this community. I have only been on here for 2 days but have already been encouraged by many people! Good luck to you as you start your weight loss journey!!!! :):smile:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm tired of journaling my food every single day. But, I keep doing it because it keeps me accountable. If I bite it, I write it. Even the smallest things -- the handful of jelly beans I had at work last night. I make sure it gets put in my journal. I think it also helps to show us other things about the food we are eating -- like sodium levels or how much sugar, etc.
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    I'm tired of journaling my food every single day. But, I keep doing it because it keeps me accountable. If I bite it, I write it. Even the smallest things -- the handful of jelly beans I had at work last night. I make sure it gets put in my journal. I think it also helps to show us other things about the food we are eating -- like sodium levels or how much sugar, etc.

    I want to throw my phone sometimes when I think about journalling my foods. But I don't, and I log, and I get over it lol
  • dot513
    dot513 Posts: 38
    Same thing here! I refuse to buy new summer clothes because mine from last year don't fit! Good luck and stay motivated!
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    One BIG thing I also learned-- measure your food accurately-- don't assume or guess.
  • rgsmi
    rgsmi Posts: 30 Member
    Personally, using this site is the most effective I've ever been on a diet--nearly six weeks in and I haven't had a "gain" day once.

    As I use the MFP site and phone app, I have found the following patterns begin to emerge:
    - I think about what I'm going to eat, and the fact that I'll have to work out harder to get my number green again.
    - I do *MUCH* more "eat this not that" decision making. Did you know a McDonald's Egg McMuffin is 290 calories?
    - I exercise almost every day, to balance out food I know I'm going to eat (1400 actual calories is really hard; net is easy)
    - I make more decisions to be moderate. Stick to the 1/2 cup of ice cream, and it's only 150 calories.
    - I don't weigh myself...just trust the math, the better fitting clothes, and (to a lesser extent) the mirror.
    - I'm honest with myself about what I'm eating.
    - I'm finding alternatives to food.

    All of these are good things, and shockingly, they do not put me in a "suffer through a diet" mentality I normally end up on.

    Best of luck!

  • too2sweet
    too2sweet Posts: 2
    Thank you everybody for your support. I feel so welcome!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Welcome! I also have found that completely honest journaling is the key! Having the app on my phone also makes it so much easier. It almost becomes a game for me, seeing how I can stay within my daily calorie goal. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want a little extra support!