does anyone allow themselves 1 treat per day



  • DeterminedFee201426
    i eat treats everyday
  • DeterminedFee201426
    zyxst wrote: »
    I'd have killed someone and gone on a binge if I didn't work in "treats" (however you use that term) every day. I don't think of them as "treats", but I have dessert after my 2 meals.
    Haha! me too!*

  • OhMaryMack
    OhMaryMack Posts: 11 Member
    As a recovering carbaholic who is controlling type 2 diabetes with diet alone, I definitely believe simple carbs are "evil." But I eat a couple of Hershey's mildly sweet sugar free dark chocolates every day. I just make sure to leave room for them in my calorie budget. Not too hard to do -- 2 of them total only 64 calories.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    WhoIsAmber wrote: »
    I enjoy everything I like in moderation :D If it fits my calories for the day, I'm going to eat it and enjoy myself. I used to overly restrict what I eat, putting foods in "good" and "bad" categories and whenever I did that, I'd soon fall off the weight loss wagon because I was miserable.
    (*) (*) (*)

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    cwlsr wrote: »
    I will keep it short! The nice part about MFP is it allows you to plan ahead so you can eat in moderation. If you know that you like certain foods that might be call treats then plug those calories in first for the day. After that you then can determine what your menus will be for the rest of the day. The snack section of meal planning is the perfect place to add all those foods you call treats. Tip: One of the most successful forms of staying on track is to do meal planning the day before you plan to eat them.

    I agree. I often plan my day out while drinking my morning coffee.

  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    Up to 20% of my calories can be (treats, snacks, junk food) whatever you call it assuming that I've covered my nutritional needs for the day with the other 80% or more.

  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I eat whatever the heck I want as long as it is in my caloric guidelines
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Every day. I think id have been bored to death without it. I normally have a bag of chips/ crisps as well as an optional chocolate bar if I feel like it. I more or less earn it though.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I guess I am still in the left brain stage of learning a healthy eating lifestyle so the research and science that I can dig up is my treat. :)

    My treat at this point is not having to take cancer causing meds to manage my pain so leaving off most all carbs because they act like a poison to my body (pain shoots up) is not really hard because the cravings have gone. My main treat is not being mean to my family and others due to high level of pain and or being a bear because of a sugar crash.

    I did not decide/select to do LCHF because I did not know about the Low Carb High Fat eating concept. I was trying to manage my pain levels and just evolved into the LCHF world without even being aware of that fact at first.

    That being said I have been into Extra Dark Chocolate for years as a health food. I was using the power in my one cup of coffee most mornings. The wife read what Hershey put on the box about their 100% Cacao Natural Unsweetened being the highest in natural antioxidants and she picked it up at WM or Krogers which I now use.

    One tablespoon (5g) is 10 calories with .5g Fat, 3g carbs/2g fiber and <1g Protein.

    It works for me plain especially after learning some research links the rise of Type 2 diabetes even in thin people to artificial sweeteners as one cause of the explosion of that disease.

    Bottom line is we are all different so find what works best for your brain/diet and do it. I lost a lot of weight on my RC Cola diet a few years ago. My right brain likes tricks like that too. :)

    We do not die from a bit of this or that from time to time. In my case years of massive carb abuse is what getting me. A taste of carbs is not going to kill me any more than a taste of beer is going to kill a former alcoholic. It is what a taste could do to do to drag a former abuser back into being an active abuser that concerns me. That is just my thoughts coming from a family that abused alcohol. Dad stopped drinking at the age of 16 but all of his five brothers did not and paid a high price at many levels until death.

    Again if treats work for you then do it. For me at my age to do another regain would end badly and being a carb abuser I have to act on what my brain tells me to do and not to do.

  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    I have some dark chocolate most days, and while I do enjoy it I don't consider it a cheat. It fits in my calories, has a relatively low glycemic index, and has relatively low sugar and a lot of antioxidants. That being said, I have a few small bites...only half a serving...because it is relatively high in calories.

    I think you can generally have anything you like if you either only have it once in a while ( an exception) or eat it more frequently in very small quantities as part of an overall healthy diet.
  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    Absolutely! I had licorice candy and tootsie rolls last night and i plan on doing it again tonight. It would have been chocolate mousse but i ran out of some of the ingredients.

    In the mornings I plan out what i want to eat for the day and sometimes do it for a few days in advance so that everyone in the family gets at least one meal that they want within the week. This makes it easier for me to figure out different "treats" that i want.

    "Snack" time is a regular part of the day in my house. My daughter is learning moderation. Every night we have some sort of treat that she can look forward to throughout the day and she does less grazing. The best part is that she started asking for a variety of things like raw veggies and fruits instead of ice cream and candy. It works for me too.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Yes. And I don't think of it as allowing myself a treat, but rather just. Having a treat.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    scoandmur wrote: »
    Gingerbread Oreos are my current treat favorite!!

    Those are so delicious. I have not been able to find them down here this year. :(

  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I've never been a chocolate or sweets person in general, but yup every day I have stuff I like and want. Like dark beer.
  • JGonzo82
    JGonzo82 Posts: 167 Member
    If I really want to eat something, I eat it. I just find a way to make it "fit" into my deprivation.
  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    Jennloella wrote: »
    I've never been a chocolate or sweets person in general, but yup every day I have stuff I like and want. Like dark beer.

    Yummmm, i don't really crave beer in the winter but when summer comes i will gladly trade all of the candy, chocolate and sweets for a nice cold Guinness and a relaxing porch swing in the evening.
  • blossomingbutterfly
    Yup! I have 100 cal popcorn bag per night. It's wonderful.
  • beadworm
    If I have enough calories, I allow myself a piece or two of dark chocolate mints (one serving is 5 pieces, so I get 1-3 depending on surplus calories), and I've been steadily losing weight since joining 15 days ago!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I enjoy pretty much everything in moderation.

    This. If you need something to "get through" eating low carb, why are you forcing yourself to eat low carb?
  • bobkat80
    bobkat80 Posts: 347 Member
    These days my daily treat is pecans. (I'm not a big chocolate fan.) When my pecans are gone I will go back to pistachios. Once in a while I will have a frozen snickers bar because I get them free with a fill-up of gasoline.