hey everybody fitness question?

so im finally maintaining and sticking
again to my goals
and always active but I recently got
through recovery of a cyst and want to get
back to working out. im really in to beach
body and I miss doing my workouts but
my doctor said I could only workout for 30
minutes, im really into rio extreme its a lot
of fun but its over 30 minutes pretty much
its around 50 so I was thinking if I could
make it shorter basically tweek it so that
its actually around 30 minutes or 35 or 40
the most. get all the cardio first then do all
the weight strength training does anybody
any suggestions? like all the power lunges
I counted all the moves to all the cardio
sessions and there around 100 for each
which is a lot so anybody have a any
ideas? this is how the workout starts,

Warm up jogging and squats jump rope
around 4 minutes long
then its overhead press squat 14
Booty drums 1 minute 40
Arnold press with squat 14
then its elbow to knees exactly 74
then plie with bicep curls 14
elbow to knee again 74
plie with hammer and tree pose
then its the frevo a Brazilian dance with a
lot of energy 1 minute 30 seconds
Lateral raise with lunge 12
jump rope again 2 minutes
lateral raise 12
Power lunges 1 minute 40 seconds
Dead lift 14
Double squat 1 minute 40 seconds
Dead lift with leg raise 14
afro Brazilian lunge 1 minute 30
lunge with rows 24
Burpees 12
triceps with squat 14
123 dance to the side 32
chest press 24
roll ups with sit up 32
chest fly's 24
pullover leg touches 30

then after the cool down with the warrior
and downward dog pose
its a lot of moves but I'm trying to modify it
to fit 40 minutes
so can anybody give me advice I want to
continue the same workout but I have to
shorten it would really appreciate any
feedback happy holidays everybody stay
healthy (:


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    What is your goal? And what do you like about that workout?
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Cut out all the ab work for starters.
  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member
    I would do something much more simple than that. I would have days that focus entirely on cardio and others on specific muscle groups for strength. For cardio you could just run outside for 30 mins (or less, depends on your level of fitness) and then on other days you could focus on strength. A workout like this sounds so complicated.
  • eversmj
    That's complicated and full of junk exercises. Do a full body workout using 3 quality movements (squat, deadlift, overhead press, bench press, barbell row, etc) twice or three times a week. Add some type of cardio you enjoy on the other days. Simple and definitely something you can finish in 30 minutes.