130/135 to 110/115: Does anybody have similar goals?

Hello! I'm returning to this site after some time away and am looking for some friends who have similar goals.

I'm 5'5", currently weigh between 130 and 135 lbs, and am planning to lose about 20 lbs. I'm not in any big rush, but I'll probably shoot for 6 months since it'll be summer then and why not.

Feel free to add me as a friend if you're in the same boat. Or even if you're not, the more the merrier!


  • kgangl1028
    Wow, that's alot of weight to lose for your frame....I currently weigh in the same range and am about the same height but am trying to focus now on body fat percentage to improve my overall fitness. I figure it's more important for me to use measurements like body fat % and body measurements to determine my effectiveness rather than just the scale. I don't think the scale is a very good way to determine how healthy you are. Sorry, didn't want to discourage you but wanted to provide some additional things to think about as you go about setting your goals and measuring your progress.
  • sadiehawkins
    sadiehawkins Posts: 5 Member
    I appreciate your feedback! I use lbs only as a rough metric for my goals. I know that weight and BMI are kind of nonsensical when it comes to overall fitness and health, it's just a lot easier to use that in a post like this than BF% (which I have no way to measure at the moment), goal measurements (which I don't know), or clothing sizes (which are all over the board).

    Your post is not discouraging at all-- no need to apologize! My main goals for the future are to increase strength (which I know will likely cause weight gain in the literal sense of the term) and to increase my running speed (which is something that weight loss could definitely help with). At my fastest I was in the 110/115 range, which is why I'm shooting for that, but if I never get there it won't break my heart.