What do I learn from this?

After being on a plateau for a couple of months, gaining and losing the same coupla pounds, I just dipped below 155 for the first time in a long time. Granted, it was only by half a pound, but its the circumstances of the loss that confound me. I had been fairly diligent about keeping to my calorie limit (programmed to lose only 1 pound/week) and was working out, with the most intense weeks involving running/hiking about 12 miles per week. Not much happened here. Got injured, took a two weeks break from intense workouts, and lowered my intake so as to lose 1.5 lbs a week. Nothing, nada, zip, zero. This week, which has been insane for a number of reasons, I hardly logged, tried to keep in under control, but I'm pretty certain that I went waaaaaaay over on three days of the week. Mama's homemade doughnuts anyone? Don't forget that burrito covered in queso that looked about the same size as a newborn baby! I got my 12 miles in this week, though, but I was still expecting a gain.

So, what do I take away from this? Was it a fluke? Is there some kernel of wisdom about how to change my routine here? Do I need more calories each week? Should I do this monthly cycle again (low calories and activity, high calories and activity)? What? Any thoughts?


  • cvaneaton
    cvaneaton Posts: 154
    I think that you should celebrate your success cause you have worked hard for it. You are getting healthier and stronger day by day.

    Thank you for being an inspiration. :glasses:
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I dont know what "insane" means but if that means "busy" maybe you burned more calories than you thought by just doing whatever constitutes "insane". I know I have days and/or weeks like that and it does burn a bunch of calories if you are constantly on the go. Mixing things up always helps me lose weight too. :)
  • emily2182
    emily2182 Posts: 7 Member
    I hear you! You do what the books tell you to do and weight losses last for a certain time frame then your body recognises a routine...as if it's getting bored and decides to take a nap!

    I've been on several types of diets, low calorie, low carb, shake diets and I find when I stick to them I will lose a large amount of weight, then I might fall of the wagon and then when I try to get back on the same diets I can't seem to make the weight budge as much as it did the first time. It's almost as if the body needs to be woken up with change to recognise "time to burn fat".

    It's all a bit confusing, because one minute you're told to not eat too much, but if you eat too little you go into starvation mode, then if you eat too much you gain weight. You work your butt of in the gym or are highly active and the numbers still won't budge, but after a rest the numbers seem to drop again...it's like a constant yo-yo.

    I was watching Biggest Loser here in Australia and yes the losses there are huge! Apart from working out 8hrs a day (which is almost impossible for most because we have to work), they are always changing their workouts by the looks of things. Maybe that's the rule of thumb to this whole business of weight loss?