Christmas is coming!!

Javancub Posts: 181
edited September 2022 in Chit-Chat
and its time to get the decorations and tree out. :drinker: So, this year we started off with a newer and bigger (fake tree) It was a 3 foot hamy down tree from mom, and its been in the family since i was 5, so we went out and bought a new one. I'm very excited about it. Though i have one MAJOR problem how do i keep my cats out of the tree:mad: ?!?!?! they are driving me nuts! :explode: and the squirt bottle only seems to be doing so much. Any suggestions?


  • Javancub
    Javancub Posts: 181
    and its time to get the decorations and tree out. :drinker: So, this year we started off with a newer and bigger (fake tree) It was a 3 foot hamy down tree from mom, and its been in the family since i was 5, so we went out and bought a new one. I'm very excited about it. Though i have one MAJOR problem how do i keep my cats out of the tree:mad: ?!?!?! they are driving me nuts! :explode: and the squirt bottle only seems to be doing so much. Any suggestions?
  • luvlee884
    luvlee884 Posts: 98 Member
    I have no help - in fast we used to use the squirt bottle on our dogs... now the Mastiff just sits there and tries to drink it! :tongue:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    We used to have a real tree but out cat knocked it over at 3am - scared us to death!!

    We switched to fake and he leaves it alone - I don't let any ornaments hang lower than the tree and I don't use tinsel

    Funny thing - he looks just like the cat in your picture!
  • AngelaBeaulieu
    AngelaBeaulieu Posts: 109 Member
    try hanging some decorations with cayenne pepper in the tree or find out what your cat dislikes and put some in the tree . . . google it, hopefully something that smells good to us but they hate is there like vanilla or cloves . . . . good luck!
  • Javancub
    Javancub Posts: 181
    Thanks everyone...if i find something, i will let you know.
  • vanessadawn
    Yeah my cat really hates the smell of mint, so I would spray a mixture of peppermint extract/water on the lower part of the tree if it was me.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    There is a product out there called "Cat No" that is supposed to discourage cats from places or things.

    It didn't work for my cat. I know it is going to sound like abuse, but I finally got to the point where I would set up the tree, and before I put any decorations on it, I would throw the cat at the tree. I hoped to make the tree a negative thing to him, and it would work for a bit. But after about a week, he'd be back to climbing the tree. He's 18 years old now, and the last 3 or 4, he hasn't bothered at all. Guess he's getting too old.
  • Javancub
    Javancub Posts: 181
    I was getting to the point of pulling my hair out:explode: . For 3 days i did the squirt bottle technique and still to no avail.:noway: I think they are actually getting used to the water bottle because they just look at my like phhffff, i'm still gonna go in the tree!:huh: We decided to move the tree into another room where we can close the door. :frown: Unfortunately we cant enjoy the tree but it relieves us from having to worry about it and we can finally get some sleep. But hey! its infront of a window so when my neighbors come outside or people drive by, they can see it. Happy holidays to everyone!!!:drinker:
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    and its time to get the decorations and tree out. :drinker: So, this year we started off with a newer and bigger (fake tree) It was a 3 foot hamy down tree from mom, and its been in the family since i was 5, so we went out and bought a new one. I'm very excited about it. Though i have one MAJOR problem how do i keep my cats out of the tree:mad: ?!?!?! they are driving me nuts! :explode: and the squirt bottle only seems to be doing so much. Any suggestions?

    tie ribbons and bells around them and pretend they are decorations?:laugh:
  • Javancub
    Javancub Posts: 181
    and its time to get the decorations and tree out. :drinker: So, this year we started off with a newer and bigger (fake tree) It was a 3 foot hamy down tree from mom, and its been in the family since i was 5, so we went out and bought a new one. I'm very excited about it. Though i have one MAJOR problem how do i keep my cats out of the tree:mad: ?!?!?! they are driving me nuts! :explode: and the squirt bottle only seems to be doing so much. Any suggestions?

    tie ribbons and bells around them and pretend they are decorations?:laugh:

    :laugh: you know...thats not a bad idea! If you can't beat em, join em!! right?! :laugh:
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