Changed to Maintence for the holidays but not sure why calories are so high

I changed my goal to maintain my current weight for the holidays so I'm not stressing about losing the last 5-6lbs. I usually eat about 1300 calories a day but when I changed to Maintence it jumped to 1850. Does this sound right ?? It seems high to me


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited December 2014
    No, thats about right :) you probably had your settings originally set to lose 1lb a week? thats why MFP subtracted an approx 500 calories off your TDEE, 1850 is what MFP reckons you will maintain at and it sounds about right.
    There are online calculators to help you double check that, you'll just put in your stats/weight/age/height etc and it'll tell you.
    I'm 5ft 2 and MFP has me maintaining on 1750 plus exercise calories.
    I have a Fitbit and it calculates my TDEE at an average 2200. By the end of the day MFP agrees with Fitbit and so far I've found it pretty accurate.

    Enjoy the holiday season and all it brings and then next week you can lower your number again :)
  • catic32
    catic32 Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks for the help :)