Woman Only Please Read!



  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    Take Extense :smile:
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    I think it's the hormones that a pregnant woman produces that make the hair and nails grow so fast and strong not the prenatal vitamins, although the vitamins may help a little.
  • brittanybotsford
    brittanybotsford Posts: 20 Member
    I'm not sure if it's bad for you or anything, but I did used to take prenatals. I actually loved them. I did notice my nails growing much faster/stronger as well as my hair and I felt as though my energy levels were higher. Just like any other vitamin though, be sure to take them with food or they WILL make you sick.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    My mother has always said to eat jello:huh: Not sure but she says it makes the nails grow. It may be urban legend!

    @DaveInpgh, this is not a highschool website hun:indifferent:
  • cassieday
    cassieday Posts: 55 Member
    Prenatals are the BEST! Seriously, i love them because they are meant for woman. My doctor suggested taking them as a multi vitamin even after my daughter was born and they are amazing. The folic acid is awesome for your hair and nails. I have to take iron on top of the prenatal but i struggle with anemia so if you dont prenatals alone should be perfect.
  • redhead91
    redhead91 Posts: 251
    I always heard that taking prenatals when not pregnant was bad for but I had a lot left over from when I was pregnant (I miscarried after a month) so I asked my doctor. She said there's nothing unhealthy about it. She stated that even though some prenatals have extra stuff in them pregnant women it's not gonna harm you at all and will definitely help your hair and nails! Also, if you have energy problems they could help with that. I hope that helps :)
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    Like I wasn't gonna read it.....lol

    LMAO :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Girl those are only for expectant mommies your body will just pee it out the only thing you'll get from them is bright urine sorry :blushing:

    Not necessarily. My OB/GYN said I could continue them after I had my kids. But I was nursing, so I don't know if that makes a difference.
  • kthume03
    kthume03 Posts: 15 Member
    My first question to you is are you getting enough protein in your diet, i had bariatric surgery and that was the one thing that they stressed the most about the diet was the protein intake. So deffinetly check with your doctor but also check your protein intake
  • I take Biotin- it's a vitamin that promotes metabolism and streghtens hair and nails...hope this works :)
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Hello Ladies, I have a questions...Ive been told that if I take Pre-natual vitamins, It will help with my iron levels and make everything like my hair and nails healthy! I have noticed since Ive been working out, I lost some of my hair and my nails are not growing at all :( so I was wondering any one of you ladies take them to improve your bodies health?

    thank you ladies!!

    It's more than one thing that has to be done. I was thinning on top, I was pre-menopausal and I thought that may have been the problem, but I talked to older women and they said that should not cause hair thinning, necessarily. So I did research and read wt. loss Boards and began using BIOTIN. I started with 2500mcg per day and now I am up to 5000mcg per day (Approx 1 year.) I began to see some results and was very happy, THEN I began to eat RIGHT; the first thing I did was reduce My Sodium Intake, to 2000, then 1500mg per day (for about 6 months, now I am back to between 2000-2500mg). My hair started growing and has not stopped. I really can't keep up with My nails, they are super long, hard and beautiful. i have been asked if I have a "french" manicure.

    So, bottom line is about Nutrition: Eat Right, REDUCE Sodium, Eat Fresh Produce/Cook at home, Take Vitamins (ESPECIALLY B's of which BIOTIN is one), Take EXTRA Biotin (2500mcg-5000mcg per day!)

    To Cut the Sodium: IF YOU NOTICE, the Items that Have a LOT of Salt ALSO have PRESERVATIVES/NITRITES
    *Buy Low/No Sodium Products>>>Can Foods, Frozen, Breads...
    *Cut Out/Back the Deli Foods and Cheeses; Sausages, Hotdogs, Bacon...
    *Buy Sea Salt and keep a measuring spoon near
    *Cut Out/Back on FROZEN Meals
    *Cut Out/Back Fast Foods

    There is No coincident that VERY Young Men have been going Bald. When I was coming up, very seldom did you see a man under 30 yrs old bald. NOW, they go bald in high school and women are thinning early. It's what we eat...the sodium, nitrites, preservatives, drinks other than water. We have been fooled that you can be healthy by eating high sodium low calorie foods, NO WAY!

    ONLY YOU can DECIDE what is More Important to you...Your HAIR and NAILS or That Stuff up there^!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Prenatal vitamins are great for women between puberty and menopause... and even menopausal women in some cases.
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    My dr. suggest prenatals for me because I had a hard time swallowing the large multis...now i just buy adult gummy multis. As for the hair and nails, I take biotin and it has helped a lot. I did the slimfast 3-2-1 plan and my hair started falling out a lot because my body was in shock from lack of calories. After stopping that and eating normal food, it stopped, and the biotin has helped make it fuller and my nails stronger!
    Also, I eat vita-tops, which is basically the top part of a muffin and it has a ton of vitamins in it, iron especially! You could look into those, they're a bit pricey, but delicious!!
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member

    @DaveInpgh, this is not a highschool website hun:indifferent:

    Get a sense of humor!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    Momma24, jello is NOT an urban legend, as gelatin is what makes your hair and nails grow- protein and collagen.. But jello is mostly made up of chemicals and the better sources of gelatin are the cow, pork and fish ones. but I know most North americans are not into aspic and pork knuckle as us Eastern Euros :)
    i personally think it is delicious.
  • kailyamie
    kailyamie Posts: 130
    I take a slew of vitamins every day :) Do some research on vitamins, it is worth it. The female body is a strange thing and balance of hormones can be as important as balancing nutrition. Most pre-menopausal women are severely lacking folate and believe it or not, that can throw all of your hormones off balance and cause hair loss and weight gain. It seems like these things are downplayed for some reason, but weight is not the ONLY thing that can throw a woman's body off-kilter and it is NOT just important for pregnant women to get the vitamins they need. Finding a balance within your body can help a great deal in the way you feel, the energy that you have, your skin, your hair, your reproductive system, etc. A prenatal vitamin will have extra folic acid and iron, as opposed to a regular vitamin. It will not hurt you! A Folic Acid supplement can also do wonders and a B-complex supplement can really help balance everything. Women's vitamin needs are far different than men's. I have done a lot of research and reading about the balance of hormones and weight (I have PCOS too, so that is part of why I was so interested in researching these things) and the effect that they have on one another and the balance of vitamins that I take every day has made me feel 100% different in the last 5 months.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member

    @DaveInpgh, this is not a highschool website hun:indifferent:

    Get a sense of humor!

    First be funny!:smile:
  • erinhale
    erinhale Posts: 137 Member
    Prenatals may make you gain weight....if you are doing it for hair and nails take biotin instead. If you take GNC multi's you can get your dailys plus.
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