online dating



  • SGartz
    SGartz Posts: 57
    Keep at it mate.

    I wish I were a woman, it's so easy for woman to get guys. Woman are impossible to chat up these days in a pub/club. They are so self involved. Internet dating ftw!!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Keep at it mate.

    I wish I were a woman, it's so easy for woman to get guys. Woman are impossible to chat up these days in a pub/club. They are so self involved. Internet dating ftw!!

    It's easy for women to get LAID. That isn't the same thing. ;)
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    I met my husband on singlesnet dot com....I was a member of two other websites at the same time, he was a member of one of those, but we never perchanced up each other on the other web site. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people on these sites, it does take a long time to weed through them. I went on a lot of terrible dates, a lot, like...a lot A LOT! Have faith and don't let e-rejection get you down, they haven't rejected you, because they don't really know you.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I met my husband on match "dot" com so I'll forever sing its praises! Go for it! It's 2011... the bar scene is old skool. Good luck!

    Me too. Just had our 2 year wedding anniversary.
    But, I have to say that I kissed a lot of frogs before I found my prince! Enjoy the process and meeting new people but don't take the rejections to heart and don't invest all your heart and hopes on it.
    And, be cautious about who you meet, remember it is easy to be someone else on line and a small percentage of people are looking for someone to take advantage if.
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    contrary to popular belief its not as easy for women either. at least not for me. after reading some of these "women get all these messages" posts i'm starting to wonder what's wrong with me.

    not only am i doing online dating and have met some great friends and horrific human beings, but i work for a pretty hardcore online dating site. i can't use the one i work for which makes me kinda sad but man all i hear all day long is "no one likes me" "my matches are fat/ugly/bald/old/lazy/unattractive/too far away" so on. and "omg i'm a success and we are soo happy! thank yoU!"

    and then i go home and check my inboxes only to find them empty.

    so yeah. its tough. but you brush yourself off and keep sending messages, get outside opinions on your profile and post the best pics you got. or have friends take great freakin pics. and the best advice i can give you is this... confidence is key. women as attracted to the fine balance of strength and sensitivity. arrogance isn't sexy and neither is a blubbering baby.

    at this point in my dating career i've started to not car. LOL my current photo here is also my main photo on like every dating site i'm on just to see what would happen :P
  • ♥AngelKisses♥
    I met my boyfriend online ( and our 1 year anniversary in this month. I think online dating is a great way to meet someone. But as mentioned b4 I recommend not investing to much b4 you meet in person.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I have, I met a great guy on singlesnet. Sadly I met him at the wrong time and ended up breaking it off for no good reason. Now I'm more focused on getting myself in shape so I don't really have time for dating but I would try dating sites again in the future.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I met my husband on the Yahoo personals in November 2002 when i was 18 and he was 23. we started dating in December 2002 and got married in June 2004.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I met my hubby on eHarmony and we've been married for 4 years now and together for 6. Best decision I ever made. I'm not introverted myself, I'm just a pain in the butt. I'm very outspoken and stubborn and it really takes a special person to deal with me. eHarmony allowed me to get matched to people that can handle someone like me. :-)
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Honestly never had an ounce of luck with any of them but also live out in the middle of nowhere to be fair about it.
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Met my wife online just over 8 years ago. AOL Arizona Chat HA HA HA Nothing like old school right? This was back when it was way not cool to meet people online. But we hit it off, and are happily married. We both hesitated for a while to tell people how we met because of the questioning we'd get. Now, it's so common for people to meet online.
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    DAMN im at work and i wanna see what u could have possibly come up with for this one!
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    ive done it, hasnt worked out for me yet. but i will say im still good friends with a lot of them. i still use plenty of fish dot com from time to time. but thats about the only one i use to actually dating... although i will say... theres a lot of hotties here!!! jk. most are married. sigh. ha.
  • torshi
    torshi Posts: 107 Member
    I've actually thought about doing it, but I don't think I would ever have the guts to...
  • Marcus_E
    Marcus_E Posts: 124
    That's because you are a man.
    Any reasonably attractive woman with a well-written profile gets a minimum of DOZENS of responses per day. (I used to online date and went on a lot of dates, so I had a great profile!) At first, I tried to respond to everyone but it was just impossible.
    So here are some tips:

    This is a great response and some good advice as well.. I spent ages umming and arring about doing the whole online thing, but eventually did it and have done a few times since. Been on a few dates from it, one fairly serious, but didn't pan out.. It makes it a bit easier to break the ice and meet someone you wouldn't normally..

    I find pubs/clubs etc nowadays difficult to chat to anyone, even mates, soo bloody loud (could be my age..haha), so online dating is not a bad start..

    Good luck fella - she's out there for ya...
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I tried it and didn't get very many replies. Maybe 3 in a couple months. Then I just ignored it and went on with my life. I play a lot of video games, and I started emailing a friend that played a game along with me. We started a relationship, I moved across country to live with him, and in October we'll have been dating for 4 years. :smile:

    So, if the online dating sites don't work, don't feel down. You can keep trying both online and offline. You might find a great gal in a most unlikely place.

    (now that I find out I cannot cancel my online dating profile, I keep getting messages once or twice a month - I wish I could delete it!)
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I met my wife on yahoo personals, best decision I have ever made. My buddy put me up to doing a profile and before I knew it, I met a bunch of girls, one that moved from New York to Florida, my wife, and then several others. I never had a problem going up to a woman at the bar as long as I had a few dozen drinks in me. Those never seemed to work out though. Take it slow, my wife and I first met online on 3/20, I finally got up the stones to go out with her on 4/08, we were engaged by 12/31 that year and married come October for 4 years.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I met my wife on yahoo personals, best decision I have ever made. My buddy put me up to doing a profile and before I knew it, I met a bunch of girls, one that moved from New York to Florida, my wife, and then several others. I never had a problem going up to a woman at the bar as long as I had a few dozen drinks in me. Those never seemed to work out though. Take it slow, my wife and I first met online on 3/20, I finally got up the stones to go out with her on 4/08, we were engaged by 12/31 that year and married come October for 4 years.

    We were engaged for a while before actually marrying about 20 months.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I met my husband (now sadly deceased) online, and have had a profile for a couple of years since, and no luck yet.

    So I have thought long and hard about what is different this time around. Firstly, you have to have an incredibly thick skin to do it, because as you have already found out, it is a numbers game and there are a lot of players. Basically, I think you have to be prepared to put in a lot of energy to kiss a lot of frogs. I believe most people use the shotgun method, sending out lots and lots of kisses to see what comes in. I just don't want to put that much energy in any more.

    Another thing that has put me off is to see people I know on there and how they misrepresent themselves. Also, I think men my age (49) want much younger women, or a man is saying they are the same age as me and look 10 years older.

    When I was doing the online thing before, the service I was using used to have great functions, with ice-breakers and I think I had more fun/luck with meeting people face-to-face there.

    So I don't buy into the whole 'women have it easy' thing because I have not had much in the way of contact, and when I have it hasn't led anywhere.

    Good luck, it can be really good, especially if it means you gain some confidence and social skills, meeting new people is always good. Very good advice already mentioned is not to invest too much into each contact, or too soon with anyone you meet, and always, always follow the 'rules' (i.e. not identifying yourself too much in the initial meeting etc.)

  • thedisappearringman
    try Plenty of's free and very easy to far as getting no responses it just means they weren't the right person for you....keep may find THE ONE...........but don't limit yourself to on-line otherwise you will be inside all the time........get out take a class do some volunteer never know where you will find the right one for you........