New ... started Saturday and I have a question! :)

rachyz88 Posts: 32 Member

My name is Rachael ... I started using myfitnesspal on Saturday. I was using the app 'lose it' for a while before but didn't seem to be getting anywhere! My friend introduced me to this so I'm giving it my best shot!

I have a question though.... Hoping one of u guys can help me!

I work full time in retail so I'm pretty much am on my feet 7 hours a day. Some days obviously more hectic then others but in all im normally busy! After work I then work out for 1-1 1/2 hours at my local gym 4 times or more a week. I notice myself hungry a lot of the time so I snack. I try and make good choices.....such As almonds, 100 cal snack packs, fruit, low fat cheese sticks etc

Do you think its OK for me to use all my calories in a day plus sometimes all of my 'exercise' calories??

I want to make sure I'm not over eating!

I appreciate anyone's help or opinion on this.



  • msheldon88
    msheldon88 Posts: 71 Member
    It is okay for you to eat all of your calories and all of your exercise calories. My fitness pal calculates your daily calorie deficit based on the activity level that your entered. So you are suppose to eat all of your calories and if you do that, you will have a calorie deficit still. Additionally, you are supposed to eat at least some of your exercise calories (I try to eat half back), so that your body doesn't go into starvation mode. I hope this helps!
  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    I think you'll be fine Rachael! :) And you already look FAB so eat all the cheese sticks you want! lol
  • RMLMoore
    RMLMoore Posts: 130 Member
    Hello fellow Rach!

    The biggest challenge with a lot of exercise is that it can make you hungry. If you want to make progress, try not to eat all of your exercise calaries. On the days you exercise, plan to incorporate more "High volume" foods such as leafy green vegetables, low fat popcorn etc. There is a school of thought that says you will eat a similar volume of food each day, so try to include some high volume low fat foods. Almonds, cheese etc. are very good nutritionally but are calorie dense for their volume so you need to offset those with some higher fibre, lower calorie choices.

    There's my 2 cents!
  • rachyz88
    rachyz88 Posts: 32 Member
    That does help thank you!! Yess I always try and eat my exercise calories..... and alot of the time I want them anyway!

    Thanks again
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    It depends.. did you set your settings right? There's a setting for people who work on their feet all day, and that allots for the calories you'll need for that.. If you're getting hungry at the same times each day, it might be a trigger that's causing you to be hungry instead of an actual need for the calories. Try to find some high fiber snacks and couple them with plenty of water to fill you up for snacks. Sometimes we think we're hungry when we're thirsty or tired. Make sure you get enough sleep too. That helps alot. The basic principle is calories out > calories in for weight loss. As long as you are honest in your tracking and keeping the out number greater than the in number, it should work out for you. That may mean you have to get adjusted to the new way of eating and experience some hunger until your "hunger thermometer" gets reset.
  • rachyz88
    rachyz88 Posts: 32 Member
    Yes ... I have noticed some of the snacks I am eating mayb arent filling me up enough! I need to try and find some low calorie snacks that will keep me satisfied for longer.
  • rachyz88
    rachyz88 Posts: 32 Member
    It depends.. did you set your settings right? There's a setting for people who work on their feet all day, and that allots for the calories you'll need for that.. If you're getting hungry at the same times each day, it might be a trigger that's causing you to be hungry instead of an actual need for the calories. Try to find some high fiber snacks and couple them with plenty of water to fill you up for snacks. Sometimes we think we're hungry when we're thirsty or tired. Make sure you get enough sleep too. That helps alot. The basic principle is calories out > calories in for weight loss. As long as you are honest in your tracking and keeping the out number greater than the in number, it should work out for you. That may mean you have to get adjusted to the new way of eating and experience some hunger until your "hunger thermometer" gets reset.

    I did set my profile to a 'active' lifestyle so I think it should be ok! Im def going to take ur advice and maybe see if I can fight the hunger feeling more :)

    I do make sure I drink enough during the day, but I definetly dont think im getting enough sleep. I have to be up every morning at 5am for work...... but im not always getting to bed at a good time. Something I also need to wrk on :)

    Thank you for ur help
  • rachyz88
    rachyz88 Posts: 32 Member
    I think you'll be fine Rachael! :) And you already look FAB so eat all the cheese sticks you want! lol

    Thanks huni!! Im hoping everythings going ok. Will def find out on Saturday ;)
  • rachyz88
    rachyz88 Posts: 32 Member
  • bethikabob
    bethikabob Posts: 128 Member
    welcome lol--althought if you click how about now? there are several links that may help explain :)