2015: Health, Happiness and Weight Loss! Post here to get more friends.

EatRight_41 Posts: 4 Member
edited December 2014 in Getting Started
What are your goals in 2015? Just starting out and looking for support? Me too. Please add me.


  • RHPSgirl1984
    RHPSgirl1984 Posts: 436 Member
    Just to be better and happy!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Lose 30lbs and hopefully maintain that loss once I get there.
    Wear a Bikini for the first time in years and feel confident.
    Get closer to my Goal BF% of 20%.
  • Add me!!! I'm about 20-30 lbs away from my weight loss goal!
  • DarcysLosingIt
    DarcysLosingIt Posts: 81 Member

    - I plan to lose 70 pounds during 2015. Lost 10 so far.
    - I am looking for people to an relate to the weight loss struggle, who are committing to logging in daily. I will provide support to you and hope to get support back.
  • To make healthy and clean eating and fitness a way of life... Not a passing fad
  • rawrpaola
    rawrpaola Posts: 48 Member
    Iwanna lose 20kg and become healthier, please add me
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    to keep the weight off that I have lost, the hard part, maintaining
  • jnord8729
    jnord8729 Posts: 234 Member
    Just get back on the wagon and restart the good habits. Feel free to add me!
  • sophomorelove
    sophomorelove Posts: 193 Member
    My goals are more process oriented: to log every single day, not to give up, keep working on my relationship with food. In the past I wanted the result so bad that I often used extreme diets, and I ended up almost in complete desperation before I came to MFP. This time I don't care how much I lose, I just want to stick with it. I am changing my life here. Next year will be a year where I don't quit.
  • helenjn
    helenjn Posts: 24 Member
    My goals: take it slow and steady - in the aim of making this a life change. To maintain motivation this way (i.e. not losing faith if the scale isn't changing much). Eventually, I'd like to be ~l15kg lighter! Happy for you to add me, just add in a little message about yourself!
  • DaniellaB1995
    DaniellaB1995 Posts: 64 Member
    To log everyday, no matter what! Also reach my goal weight

    Feel free to add me anyone :)
  • EatRight_41
    EatRight_41 Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck everyone! I hope you all meet your goals. Please add me. For some reason, I can't add friends. If anyone knows what would cause this to happen, please let me know. Happy Holidays!
  • bumpin :
  • jca12345
    jca12345 Posts: 148 Member
    To lose 22lb hopefully by May/June
    Log everyday
    Workout 5 times a week
    Don't sabotage myself by not logging when I have a bad day

    My diary is open to all, feel free to add me.
  • RachelCane
    RachelCane Posts: 33 Member
    add me :smile: just another 10 pounds or so to go next year, aiming for the summer before im off to uni
  • sarah72085
    sarah72085 Posts: 18 Member
    My goals: to feel better both physically and emotionally. To stop making excuses and to not give up when it's hard. I'm looking for friend to help me stay motivated.
  • KatrinaGrey
    KatrinaGrey Posts: 101 Member
    Looking to lose serious weight in 2015 and also complete a 5K with no walking. Always looking for friends :)
  • I'm looking to lose weight in a healthy realistic way, I've tried the fads and always put the weight back on. I want to maintain a healthy weight and increase my energy levels and would love to fit back into some of my old clothes.
    Would love some friends to keep me motivated.
    I'm also on Fitbit, fitbit.com/user/32VTMB so feel free to add me there as well
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 619 Member
    I am looking to find 'ME' again! Small steps to include eating healthier, exercise more and log both daily :)
  • jiagetsfit
    jiagetsfit Posts: 273 Member
    To be consistent even during weekends.
    To lose 19kg.
    To complete any workout program i start.