I actually lost weight... Can I have an explanation?

Alright, so if you haven't already noticed I'm really bad at this weight loss thing. I've made many threads because I'm absolutely confused. So, terribly sorry if you've seen my posts and just thought that I'm completely annoying.

Anyways, yesterday was Christmas Day and I spent most of the day laying in bed, playing computer games, and eating. and not the good food. I ate lots of junk. A bunch of Pringles crumbs which really only equaled like 12 chips. Give or take a few. A chocolate ball in the shape of an orange. Steak pieces the ones made my Tillamook. And tons of Christmas dinner. A large turkey leg and some extra pieces of meat on the side. A bit of mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy. It actually wasn't that much. Tons of green bean casserole, and a thin slice of chocolate satin pie from Marie Calendars. And yes I do mean thin. About 2 inches wide when I sliced it. :p I didn't log any of it, but should've.
My point is, these past few days I've been eating quite a lot and haven't gained a pound and actually lost weight?? More than I would from eating super healthy and paying super close attention to what I ate. Can I have a bit of an explanation?

Sorry this is so lengthy


  • maybayokay
    maybayokay Posts: 4 Member
    have you been moving around a lot? stressed?
    or if the weight you lost wasn't a lot (like less than 2-3 lbs) then it could just be normal fluctuation and not any actual weight loss
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. Some weeks you do everything right and maintain—or even gain. Others you lose a whole lot in a "whoosh."

    If you want to understand how weight loss works, please read the Sexypants post. So much good information: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Typically what shows on the scale is what you've been eating the past couple weeks, not the last couple days. The only reason big meals usually make you gain is that it's often full of sodium as well, and water retention from sodium is pretty immediate in most cases.

    Plus it doesn't seem like that much food, and my guess is you're eating too little if you really think it is, so it's probably still well within what you would eat to maintain weight, so you would probably not gain any fat from it anyway.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    WTG you lost weight.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    We have no idea what you've been eating or how you've been moving the past couple of weeks - there's no logging, nothing.

    There is no meaningful answer to your question.
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    If you were active before, and took a break, you may have lost the water weight that is carried from being active. Your muscles will hold on to some water when they are healing themselves. When you start being active again, you will gain a couple of pounds of water weight, but the increased weight loss from activity make up for the carried water over time.

    Logging your intake and activity really does make a difference in weight loss. It's a good commitment to make to yourself.

    You sound a little like you are having trouble with motivation. That may fix itself when the holiday stress passes, or you may want to talk to your Dr about it (and any difficulties you are having losing weight). Other ways to approach could be writing down your motivations to lose weight (for your family, to be better at your hobbies, to fit into old clothes, etc.), thinking about what you can do, or do differently when you've gotten to your goal weight, or to find physical activities that you enjoy and look forward to. You can also try experimenting with new recipes, or fine-tuning your favorites.

    Best wishes.... :)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    From previous posts you have no organisation and you really have little idea of whether you are eating at a deficit or not. You also lack patience, do not understand about fluctuations or weight loss in general. Do yourself a favour and read the stickies on the forums so you understand how it works and end your confusion about everything. With knowledge you can then appreciate what you need to do and how to make your plan more successful.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    If you think you're being annoying and you don't get it you should start educating yourself because only you can give you the answers

    Asking questions is a good way ...not complaining about that ..but reading around is also important ...and focus on what you read so you take in the message

    I've just read a post in another board ...you should read the OP and the article he's posted as it is interesting and contains useful information
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    There are many possible explanations. Since you did not log your food, there is no way to tell if you were at a deficit.

    One day's weight is also not enough information. You may be up 3 lbs tomorrow from water retention.