I'm a noob (sort of)... *awkwardly waves* "Hiiiii"

megann221 Posts: 6
edited December 2014 in Introduce Yourself
This is my second time around with MFP. I signed up four years ago and had really tremendous success (I lost sixty pounds... that's like the size of a microwave!). Over the past couple years ago the weight has crept back up.

I decided to start anew and create a new MFP account. A fresh slate is a good thing, right? I think so. The only down-side? Now I'm completely friendless. :'( Who wants a MFP buddy?

A little about me. I'm a 29 from the frozen tundra of Minnesota. I like petting kitten bellies, eating pancakes, and wearing new shoes (in that order). I'm slightly redneck: I fish, hunt, garden, and forage to stock my freezer rather than going to the supermarket. I will likely post many pictures of chickens, cows, and perhaps even the occasional pig. But you probably want to know about what kind of MFP user I'll be:

- If you're looking for someone that eats like a bird as a friend... you'll be disappointed by food diary every. single. day. I'm 100% serious. I imagine I eat like like an elephant after he smoked a lot of weed. It's totally comprable. Prepared to be amazed.

- Once I get into the swing of things... I am super dedicated. I was running in races every weekend not even three years ago (and I even placed in a few them). It's just getting to that point where it exercising becomes 'enjoyable' (if that's what you can call it).

- I admire anyone who tries to get healthier. In short: I'll be your very-own-personal cheerleader. *Disclaimer: I may tell you to "suck-it-buttercup" from time-to-time too... but I'll say it with love <3. (wow I use an inordinate amount of hyphens)

So... friend me. I'm lonely. :blush:



  • lawlifehanna
    lawlifehanna Posts: 90 Member
    I won't even bother writing a long message, since it would be mostly the same... :) I'm 23, second time and a new account, eat a LOT, love pancakes. Differences: live in the city, probably no farm animal photos (never say never), a college student. Looking to lose 55lbs over the next year, although my actual goal isn't a certain number on the scale but a certain number in the size tag of my jeans.

    Friend me if you feel like it!
  • emuravyeva
    emuravyeva Posts: 103 Member
    Hiii! I'm 25 and I'm from not-so-snowy-this-year Nova Scotia, via Illinois. I'm basically in the same boat as you. I'm a strange mix of red neck (e.g., my husband has no idea what it means when I tell him that someone "fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down" and the like) and prim, proper, super-educated brainiac. And my downfall? Chocolate...
  • TracyMarie72
    Newbie and seeking honest motivation...and can offer the same!!
  • Ja_ja_jakeya
    Ja_ja_jakeya Posts: 88 Member
    I'm definitely adding you as a friend! I can tell you'll be a wonderful motivation buddy (not to mention you're hilarious!). I'm 20 and I could probably eat my weight in red velvet cake (sweets are my weakness). I'll more than likely need to hear "suck it up buttercup" at least once a week because I can be extremely dramatic. I look forward to experiencing this weight loss journey with you!
  • LOVE this post (&replies!) You ladies speak my language. I dont starve myself, I love the outdoors and I want some honest friends that are embarking on this journey.
  • lizlikewoah06
    lizlikewoah06 Posts: 8 Member
    Also on the fresh (new, again) start! Love the motivation that comes with MFP. Please add me, too! I"m 30, live in DC, trying to get my bf to join me in the journey.
  • harryt678
    harryt678 Posts: 130 Member
    I am also new on here, just joined today and I am on the new journey to losing weight and most importantly eating right! I will send you a friend request, as I want to offer and seek motivation and support in return. On a side note, anyone is free to add me!!
  • lisopolous
    lisopolous Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Meg and everyone else,
    I'm a 31 year old new mom and grad student from NH. I'm new-ish to MFP but certainly not new to the struggle of trying to stick to a healthier lifestyle. I think what I lack is support, so I'm trying to build that this time around! I'm looking to give support, not just get it, so anyone, please feel free to add me!
  • sittingstill4
    I am new here. I would like support on my weight loss journey too. I am a huge animal lover too.
  • ErinK09
    ErinK09 Posts: 687 Member
    Welcome back :D
  • sittingstill4
    I have no idea how to add friends so feel free to add me.