I saw the nutritionist today...



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    In all things moderation.

    You will have to decide for yourself if you believe her. How did you come to lose 28 lbs in a month? If, in fact you were starving yorself, that's not good.

    Obsession is a devious mistress/lover. It sneaks in and takes over your thoughts and life. Too much in any direction is worth taking a look at - and you must have thought this was important enough to see a nutritionist. Try it her way and see how you do. You can always turn around at any time. But not if you've ruined your health.
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    I don't think it's bad. Generally there are 30 days in the month and you should lose a pound a day.

    Not to be rude, but that is SO wrong! SAFE weight loss is 1-2 pounds per WEEK, NOT per DAY. If you're losing a pound a DAY, you're probably doing some pretty serious harm to your insides.

    I don't think she's wrong to tell you what she did. I think you should follow her advice. With the possible exception of still watching the sodium. It really isn't good for you and will make you retain water. If you're tracking on here, make sure you hit at LEAST 1200 NET EVERY DAY. Trust me, it's important. Too many people stall out because they aren't eating enough. Besides, not fueling your body properly can hurt your insides too. Gotta be good to yourself. :)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I don't think it's bad. Generally there are 30 days in the month and you should lose a pound a day.

    NOT true. At all.

  • ashton0703
    ashton0703 Posts: 12
    I don't think it's bad. Generally there are 30 days in the month and you should lose a pound a day.

    1lb a day is quick weight loss. if you want to lose weight and keep it off go slow! 4-8lbs a month is recommended. you're doc sounds like a smart lady!
  • xiadu02
    xiadu02 Posts: 9
    I don't think it's bad. Generally there are 30 days in the month and you should lose a pound a day.

    Umm, a pound a day? That sounds way too fast and extreme to me. Now a pound a week sounds healthier.
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    It does sound about right... Although I personally monitor sodium as well...
    As for weight loss - the initial couple of months is always higher than sustained, and the more you have to lose, the quicker you can lose it in the beginning.
    I lost over 30 pounds my first month, but it slowed down from there... The Doctors I've spoken to have all said that they are generally going to be concerned at more than 3-4 pounds a week (think 12 to 16 pounds in an average month)...

    They say that losing the weight (especially quickly) is harder on your body then actually carrying all that weight around with you. As MUCH as I wanted to see the fast results to stay motivated in the beginning, it was more important for me NOT to create health problems when that was precisely what I was working to avoid (lose weight, get healthy, etc.)...

    WAY TO GO on 28 pounds, what an accomplishment, and I'm so sorry to hear about the gallstones... Follow their instructions - If you REALLY need to be an over achiever (I do), push it a LITTLE further than they suggest... I go for 2.5 - 3 pounds a week My doc says to stop it and drop it down to 2 (and then he says unofficially as long as I visit him every month or so he isn't going to beat me up for it)...
    Now - I've been stagnant a lot lately - haven't lost a pound in almost 3 months - so I really want to lose some weight quick to get back on track - but I'm going to do my best to ONLY lose 10 pounds in May... Your Doctor and nutritionist can be your friend and your motivator - listen to them - enjoy your life...
    And way to go!!!
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    Your nutritionist gave you wonderful advice.....I hope it's something you decide to follow :smile:
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    She sounds spot on. 28 lbs in one month is too much. 4-8 lbs in one month sounds more reasonable. Listen to her. She knows what she's talking about. People on this site (including me) are not the experts. She is. Trust her. She's going to get you there.

    Living healthfully means living. Living means enjoying. You've got to live life and enjoy it. Learning to enjoy a treat for what it is, a treat, guiltlessly is AS important as eating vegetables and drinking water. And breathing.

    Thank you for reminding us all of this. I'm going to drink some sugary hot chocolate with more than one serving of marshmallows.
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    Yeah i knew i was doing something wrong.. not that i wasn't happy to be 28 lbs less but i was becoming obsessive with measuring EVERYTHING. She did mention about this turning into a eating disorder if this continues. She also said to fllavor my water some i can add crystal light. I guess i am just over motivated when i heard my original weight on 3/31 i went into overdrive and stopped all my old habits that day. I would love to be able to have a small treat once a week and not feel guilty about it. I just feel bad now that i may have caused these gallstones myself.. now i have surgery this Thursday.. like in 1 day lol Yesterday i exercised and burned over 250 calories so i only net about 800 it was bad and i realize that. She told me i NEED to be over 1200 net not under she said even at my size my body will go into starvation mode if it hasn't already. Today i am netting like 1100 or so with no exercise besides appointments today so a little better than yesterday.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Great, I'm really glad to hear that you are paying attention to her!
    I had a quick look at your diary and from the pages I saw you are eating pretty good stuff but just not enough of it :)
    And, I agree that an occasional treat isn't a bad thing. If you can't stop at just one little treat don't keep them in the house, but don't deny yourself everything - it is a long journey and you need to find the path that you can follow and stay motivated.
    And remember that you also have to be part of your family and community and if that means eating a piece of birthday cake or eating out at someone's house every now and again which takes you over your calories for the day - that's OK! It's called life and you don't want to withdraw from that!
    Good luck.
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    You can lose all the weight you want and still feed your body. Food is not the enemy. Check out my diary. Look how much I eat. I am losing about 2 pounds per week and my doctor was even questioning me if I was doing it in a healthy way. The key to long term success is the develop healthy lifestyle habits and that means losing it in a slower but more natural way. My only goal was to lose weight the heathy way yet, without trying, I am seriously developing a new lifestyle. I never cared about sodium, I just wanted to lose weight but now I am aware of sodium and keep half an eye on it and I know I am more healthy for it. Personally, I think you should measure your food so you will know if you are eating enough. I have to watch for that ALL THE TIME!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I don't think it's bad. Generally there are 30 days in the month and you should lose a pound a day.
    :noway: :noway: what? :noway: MFP and my own doctor warn against losing more than 2 lbs per week. Maybe in really obeese people in the 400 to 500 lb range can lose that much, but I doubt even that. :flowerforyou:
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    I don't think it's bad. Generally there are 30 days in the month and you should lose a pound a day.

    You should lose a pound a WEEK, not a pound a day!
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    Thanks for the facts everyone i seriously thought for someone of my starting weight that losing weight this quickly is normal. I put away the scale and am going to work hard on eating more but healthier choices obviously.
  • serendipityrr
    serendipityrr Posts: 109 Member
    28 lbs is too much.....and whoever said 1lb a day....no way!
    You'll be sick in no time....you need food to stay healthy, and get your vitamins and minerals....you can't get that if you eat so little...
    take care of yourself.

  • Lisone
    Lisone Posts: 78 Member
    I'm scared to talk to my nutritionist too.
    I'm pretty sure she's going to tell me to stop using MFP and tell me that measuring all my calories, fat, carbs and everything else is obsessive and a bad idea for someone like me.. (a diabetic and past bulemic)
    It's hard to be told no when you think you're doing the right things and you actually start to lose (or at least feel like you're losing) real weight. Good luck to you, and I hope everything works out and all the advice she gave you is the right one.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I would still track sodium... sodium, being a big cause of heart problems and joint issues... you need to keep it down.

    I don't believe you should not track sodium. Sorry, but I think it is wrong.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I don't think it's bad. Generally there are 30 days in the month and you should lose a pound a day.

    It's meant to be a pound a week, not a pound a day.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I don't think it's bad. Generally there are 30 days in the month and you should lose a pound a day.

    Is this a typo? I really hope so because a pound a day is definitely not what someone should be losing!! I think we can all agree after years of studies that 1-2lbs a week is the maximum you should be losing, maybe a little faster if you are very heavy and just starting out but lets clear that up so no one thinks thats what they should actually be losing.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I agree with her saying your weight loss is too fat.

    I disagree with her saying veggies are free food.
    A can of corn has like 250 cals or more.
    Vegetables aren't free foods, everything should be counted.