Happy Hormones Slim Belly-Jorge Cruise

Anyone else out there trying this? I am going to start this plan today and need some friends and support. I did The Belly Fat Cure a few years ago and saw great success but unfortunately I fell off the no sugar wagon. So here I am again. My goal is to lose 38 pounds and feel better again!


  • I just bought the book today. I'm excited to read it and get started.
  • Alymom2008
    Alymom2008 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! How is it going with the plan? I just bought the book and I am starting tomorrow!
  • patricepeop
    patricepeop Posts: 50 Member
    I was doing great and fell right off. I joined his online group but didn't feel it offered too much more than the book and freebies. There were some good recipes I wish that I had copied before quitting! Good luck to you both!
  • I just started this plan on Monday, and so far I am liking it. I also have lost 3 lbs, which of course is making me that more motivated.
  • hi im hoping for someone to discuss this diet with as there is not a support group on jorges web page, are you still doing this and what do you think? I am on my 5th day and lost 4 lbs so far. would love to hear from you! thanks, Chris
  • djones0906
    djones0906 Posts: 1 Member
    I am also giving this a try. I've had some success the first week losing almost 5 pounds. This seems very doable for me long term.
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    I checked the book from the library this weekend, and am starting today. The plan seems pretty reasonable, I'm not yet 40, but getting close and I've notice that in the last few years, it seems like I work out twice as hard for half the results. So discouraging!

    I know I lose more on a lower carb diet, and I'm hoping this will be the answer. I notice on the Happy Days, that carbs are still pretty limited, so I know after a few weeks, it will be a challenge. Maybe once I reach my goal weight I can start to splurge once or twice a week.

    I do like all the foods on the free list, lots of veggies, and avocado and cottage cheese, yum! I will have to sort of limit myself on the cheese, as that is easy for me to overeat.

    I'm still going to count all calories to make sure I don't go out of control, but I'm going to shoot for a limit of 1500 or so, rather than when I was trying to count calories and exercise. Previously I was trying to do 1300, and it was TOUGH! We'll see how it goes.
  • I am a bit late to the HHSB party.
    I am on day two of week 3.
    I have lost 7.5 pounds so far.
    I love the food and my family has raved about the meals I have been making.
    They are so simple to prepare and there are a lot of you tube videos as well.
    I was able to change the settings for my carbohydrate goal so I can easily track my meals and watch my calories
    but also be aware of how many carbohydrates I am eating each day.
    I have loved this plan so far!
  • noos2mee2
    noos2mee2 Posts: 18 Member
    I ordered the book from Amazon and will get it tomorrow. It sounds like a doable plan and I am looking forward to starting it. I would love to hear if anyone else is having success with this program.
  • arak331
    arak331 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi AGP (All Good People) ~ Although I've seen Jorge Cruise's other books, last week I caught him on Dr Oz going over his HHSB theory. I bought the book and now I'm wondering out to implement his plan of counting sugar calories into My Fitness Plan. Is there a way to adapt MFP to show sugar calories? I'm new to both HHSB and MFP!

    Any help and advice is VERY welcome!

    em / age 63
  • I have the same question as arak331. Is there a way to modify the goal settings in MFP to accommodate the HHSB plan? Can you modify MFP to show sugar calories?
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Sugar is a default nutrient in the Diary. Unless you are diabetic/have trouble with blood sugar levels, there is no reason to monitor or restrict sugar.

    The author was featured on Dr. Oz? That was your cue to run.