Thinner thighs?



  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    "Spot reduction" is an old myth in the exercise world and most trainers admit that it's just not legit. Yes, you can focus attention on one muscle group if you want to make other groups appear smaller but it's impossible to tell your body WHERE to burn fat from. Your best bet is to just keep working hard, eat clean, burn those calories, and eventually, your body will have no where else to burn fat so it will focus all it's attention on your trouble spots. Worked for me!

    I have to agree with this. Your body chemistry may just be that you have thickness in your thighs...or butt...or wherever. Keep up the hard work and eventually you're body will even out.

    Until then, always remember that mostly any piece of clothing can be altered.. :wink:
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    Same problem here. I have had the problem my entire life even when I ran highschool track and was at the weight all the experts said I should be at. Now I am heavier and still have a hard time getting a good fit. I find that curvy fit pants do fit me better, no matter what weight or size (wish they had been around 30 years ago). Anne Taylor has some nice ones. On sale, the price is pretty good. I also like them with a modern waist location at or around the belly button rather than at the true waist.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    I am a big booty girl, with serious thighs. It is the first place I gain weight, and the last place I lose. My waist is 36.5 and my hips are 48.25. If you are plus sized, I highly recommend Lane Bryant's Right Fit line. I wore Blue, and the fit was perfect. But any pant that sits below your natural waist and has a curved waistband (higher in back than in front) is going to give you the most forgiving and comfortable fit. do not buy anything that tapers toward the ankle (i.e. those hideous skinny jeans). This will only emphasize the largeness of your rear and thighs, and more than likely will not fit properly in the first place.

    As for reducing, know that you will have to be patient. You have to lose the fat from all over your body. Your body is probably prone to holding onto extra fat in the thighs (like mine is) and that means it will be one of the last places you see significant change. You can definitely increase the muscle tone by strength training, doing stair treadmill, or walking hills/stairs. However, until the fat is gone, you will not *see* a huge difference, but the measurements will gradually be going down.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Hm I have big thighs but a small butt so I am going to start trying to tone them and my stomach.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Strength training and CARDIO!!! I am also bottom heavy and for the first time ever, they are getting thinner...or should I say leaner? I didn't think I'd ever see the day and I'm still convinced that my thighs never be skinny...but SKINNIER works for me! My trick has been to continue losing weight by doing tons of intense cardio and several days a week I do TONS of squats and lunges with light weights. The light weights don't really allow you to build muscle (because us bottom heavy girls don't want anymore size) but it tones and gives the long lean look. But the most essential part for me has been the cardio and continuing to lose weight. I reached my goal weight recently and since my thighs were still large and you can't spot reduce fat, I decided to continue losing until I am happy with my legs...just a little bit more!
  • St33787
    St33787 Posts: 7
    Interval Training! It's amazing for shaping your thighs!
  • MissConfidence
    Aside from exercise (which is the right thing to do), I sometimes wear a shaping suit - it's not really a suit, it's like biker shorts that are tight and hold things in when I want to wear something a little tight or whatnot. It's something that takes care of the look when you are out wearing clothes, but obviously, like everyone said, actually taking care of large thighs will happen with exercise. Squats squats squats and cardio should do it (here's to hoping, at least!) :)
  • michz
    michz Posts: 102
    Thank you! This is quite helpful!
  • michz
    michz Posts: 102
    Awesome! Thank you! This feels like some good honest answers! Thank you!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    So of course you cannot spot reduce... and when you lose weight and inches you lose it everywhere at the same time. HOWEVER... I swear by my daily habit of doing calisthenics on the step mill (rotating stairs) machine. I usually do 20-35 min each time. I spend 5 minutes going up sideways to the left and then to the right... then at least 15min (sometimes more) walking up every other step. I also do HIIT on the step mill regularly. If you go to my blog link in my signature I posted a before/after of my bum/thighs.... HUGE difference!
  • xiadu02
    xiadu02 Posts: 9
    Sometimes it all just boils down to genetics and being accepting of your genetics. No matter how hard I work, I will always have a small waist and a big butt. Even when I was skinny this was the case. I grew tired of fighting it, so I learned to love it instead. It sucks that I can only find one brand of jeans that fit me correctly, but it is what it is... :ohwell:
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I am a bottom heavy girl. I'm running into that issue that my jeans are one size for my stomach but another size for my butt and thighs and of course they don't match.

    Any ideas of whys to trim inches from my butt and thighs?

    I swear by tubojam DVD---all that kickboxing has done wonders for me. Its the only exercise I have done, (okay, maybe a few water aerobics class) but I owe it all to turbojam by Beachbody (no, I don't sell the product-LOL).
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Some bad news... You may have lipedema. It often effects the calves and thighs, but can be just thighs or just calves. (see also here where Amanda from biggest loser talks a bit about having lipedema If you do have it, you may not be able to actually ever lose all the weight you want in your thighs. Even if you literally starve yourself.

    I have a sister who was a competitive wrestler in highschool. She was a size 00 on top and a size 4 on bottom. She exercised several hours a day and you know wrestling is an incredibly demanding sport. She also strictly limited her calories. She competed at 112 pounds at 5'4" Other wrestlers would often comment on her huge legs. Her top was so thin that her ribs were too obvious and she had a visible six pack and every muscle in her back and arms were clear so it was a mystery at the time as to why she but she had the big legs. But now we know it was mild lipedema.

    I have pretty severe lipedema due to some weight cycling I did in my younger years. (with lipedema you lose it in your body, but then when you gain weight it gains in your legs and then a good portion of that weight in your legs does not come off so you actually exacerbate the problem by yo-yoing. ) And what is worse, is that as the lipedema progresses, it's also painful in the shins like if feels like you have a bruise that someone is constantly pressing on

    I'm not saying that lipedema is an excuse for being fat.. BUT if you have lost down to where you are a good size on top and continue to exercise and eat right but you can't seem to lose the thighs or calves, it could be something beyond your control. Also some doctors say that lipedema can also cause abnormal lower abdomen (below belly button) fat, and butt fat.

    Oh yes, and if you want to know what very mild lipedema looks like.. it's called cankles.. fortunately, not everyone with cankles develops the really painful tree trunk legs!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    "Spot reduction" is an old myth in the exercise world and most trainers admit that it's just not legit. Yes, you can focus attention on one muscle group if you want to make other groups appear smaller but it's impossible to tell your body WHERE to burn fat from. Your best bet is to just keep working hard, eat clean, burn those calories, and eventually, your body will have no where else to burn fat so it will focus all it's attention on your trouble spots. Worked for me!

    ditto !!! Jillian says its the last place to lose it. and just to hang in there and it will fall off. I do lunges and a ton of squats
  • Peanutmanda
    Peanutmanda Posts: 103
    Some bad news... You may have lipedema. It often effects the calves and thighs, but can be just thighs or just calves. (see also here where Amanda from biggest loser talks a bit about having lipedema If you do have it, you may not be able to actually ever lose all the weight you want in your thighs. Even if you literally starve yourself.

    I have a sister who was a competitive wrestler in highschool. She was a size 00 on top and a size 4 on bottom. She exercised several hours a day and you know wrestling is an incredibly demanding sport. She also strictly limited her calories. She competed at 112 pounds at 5'4" Other wrestlers would often comment on her huge legs. Her top was so thin that her ribs were too obvious and she had a visible six pack and every muscle in her back and arms were clear so it was a mystery at the time as to why she but she had the big legs. But now we know it was mild lipedema.

    I have pretty severe lipedema due to some weight cycling I did in my younger years. (with lipedema you lose it in your body, but then when you gain weight it gains in your legs and then a good portion of that weight in your legs does not come off so you actually exacerbate the problem by yo-yoing. ) And what is worse, is that as the lipedema progresses, it's also painful in the shins like if feels like you have a bruise that someone is constantly pressing on

    I'm not saying that lipedema is an excuse for being fat.. BUT if you have lost down to where you are a good size on top and continue to exercise and eat right but you can't seem to lose the thighs or calves, it could be something beyond your control. Also some doctors say that lipedema can also cause abnormal lower abdomen (below belly button) fat, and butt fat.

    Oh yes, and if you want to know what very mild lipedema looks like.. it's called cankles.. fortunately, not everyone with cankles develops the really painful tree trunk legs!

    Well, This may explain how after losing 50 lbs( 8 inches from my waist) i've only lost .5 an inch of thigh... and 0 calve. Thats not depressing at all... lol : ) Thanks for the info!