Calorie allocation?

Does anyone know what percent of calories should be allocated per meal and snacks? I think maybe my problem is that I am not eating the right amount of calories at the right time.


  • rseman
    rseman Posts: 50
    Does anyone know what percent of calories should be allocated per meal and snacks? I think maybe my problem is that I am not eating the right amount of calories at the right time.
  • opatt23
    opatt23 Posts: 90
    It depends on how many calories your alloting yourself for the whole day. Say if your calorie level is 1200 or 1500, it would depend on that..

    Hope this helps...:smile:
  • rseman
    rseman Posts: 50
    So this site says it is 1200

    (which I have a hard time sticking to and haven't been able to do it yet because I get hungry)
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    That is the calorie count I try to eat also. This is kinda what a typical day looks like for me.

    6:00am-instant oatmeal, diet cranberry juice.
    8:00am-2 cups coffe with sugar-free creamer
    10:00am-a banana(or some other fruit) and a 90 calorie granola bar
    noon-1/2 c cottage cheese with 2 sesame crackers, 1 stick of celery with 1 tbsp PB, and a sugar-free (80 calorie) yogurt. (This is my biggest meal of the day).
    2:00pm-apple (or some other fruit) and 2 rice cakes or 18 almonds
    5:00 or 5:30pm-chicken, turkey or fish with some kind of vegetable (salad, green beans, broccoli...)
    6:00 or 6:30pm-my evening workout
    8:30pm-1 scoop whey protein with 1 cup of skim milk

    So, this is kind of what a typical day looks like and I workout for about 2 hours 6 days a week. I think my calories are usually over 1200 for the day but my exercise allows more. So, it's probably closer to 1300 for the day. Hopefully this gives you some ideas...

  • rseman
    rseman Posts: 50
    WOW I don't think I could ever do that!!! But maybe some of it :smile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I didn't used to be like this...but I have this motivation right now for some reason! It's what keeps me going. I figure that once I hit my goal weight, it won't be hard to maintain since I am used to a schedule like this. Good luck!

  • angelatanner
    I found a link off of NBC's Today show the Joy fit club, if go to the menus it will give all kinds of choices for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks ranging from between 100 - 200 calories. Their menu is adjusted for around 1400 calories a day and I am trying to stick to 1200, but you can use some of their ideas to get started. Especially if your finding yourself hungry, they have some great high protein options, that leave you feeling fuller longer. Hope this helps.