Looking for friends to start the new year off right



  • raaraa17
    raaraa17 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend
  • Hi all, let's motivate each other!! I too am looking to drop a few and get back to a healthy lifestyle, but life and sad excuses seem to always interfere. Hoping to make myself accountable for inaction, make some great connections and help others achieve their goals! Feel free to add me
  • I too am looking for some new friends for support/motivation. I have been making excuses through nursing school and now that I have 60 lbs to lose its time to get serious and buckle down for my health. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Petals3
    Petals3 Posts: 2 Member
    Looking for friends also. Don't have any here as yet... Looking to give and receive motivation and support. Since having my gallbladder out... the weight is really creeping on! 91kgs!
  • MonieLuv46
    MonieLuv46 Posts: 13 Member
    Please add ne!
  • I'm new here also. Looking to tone up. Add me if you want.
  • kalieahh
    kalieahh Posts: 17 Member
    Add me! I just amde a new group for people to motivate eachother, starting new years day! We will have a spreadsheet. Add me as a friend and i will add you to tthe group!!!!
  • Robotscallmecoty
    Robotscallmecoty Posts: 24 Member
    In the market for some friends my self. Not new to MFP but have never fully committed. Never had a support system. I have about fifty lbs I want to lose and my journey starts now.
  • Lola3009
    Lola3009 Posts: 10 Member
    edited December 2014
    Looking for friends as well!! Feel free to add me

  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    Feel free to add me.
    I've recently come back here as I've put 7lbs back on in my first year of uni (studying to be a Psychotherapist) & want to lose that & continue this time to my goal weight.
    I find MFP great for support & encouragement I log in every day & have already set my goals for January & am looking forward to feeling healthier & fitter again.
    Hope to see some of you along the journey :smile:
  • Cynderelli76
    Cynderelli76 Posts: 3 Member
    I am also looking for new friends for support on my weight loss journey
  • Im desperate to lose weight this time round too. Really am up for it but need help. Im starting on new years day. Anyone, please feel free to add me as a friend. Seeing others daily diarys def helps and spurs me on. Good luck everyone.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    you are welcome to friend me but please please do not friend me if you do not give mutual support support is a y=two way thing and this just does not work if it is not two way, good luck
  • Oddsocks15
    Oddsocks15 Posts: 27 Member
    Yep am deserate to lose weight too, my trousers just don't do up anymore :(
    Please feel free to add me as a friend and we can keep each other motviated :D
  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    Hello, and welcome. 'm down almost 60 lbs from my heaviest, about 44 since I started using MFP, and about 30 since I started seriously working at it. I'm here all the time and I don't see that changing. Welcome to friend me if you wish. Good luck with your journey!
  • LeKeenz
    LeKeenz Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, new to myfitnesspal and determined to kick off 2015 in a healthy way! Looking for friends & encouragement please ! :)
  • Hi im a new mom who is liking to lose weight I can finally use friends to help me through this journey also. Add me :)
  • Looking*
  • 221shannon
    221shannon Posts: 34 Member
    edited December 2014
    I'm looking for people too! I'd love to add you!
  • jimmyunkle
    jimmyunkle Posts: 53 Member
    Feel free to add me