Looking to share the journey

I'm a 46 year old, married mother of 3 boys. I am self employed working from home with a gym a block from my home. I have zero excuse to continue down this path of unhealthiness. I need someone to help keep me accountable as well as share experiences. If there are other women who are menopausal or perimenopausal who are having success I would really welcome feedback as this phase is new for me and I'm not sure what to expect. I am looking to lose 80lbs overall. If you want to share this journey to health please add me as a friend.


  • fjones1971
    fjones1971 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm just starting the journey and have over 100 lbs to lose. I'm also perimenopausal and would love to know the same.
    Best wishes to on your journey.
  • natashajf
    natashajf Posts: 35 Member
    I'm fairly new to this too, started two days after my 42nd birthday. I have almost 50kg to lose (that's over 100lbs). So far going great, although the post xmas weigh in tomorrow will tell the tale.
    Great to have some friends on board - good luck.
  • 907_CC
    907_CC Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome! I have been on mfp for the last several years and I have been pretty successful. I am perimenopausal as well. Feel free to add me for mutual support and encouragement.
  • Hello 21 and seeking friends on here (:
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Hi 48 and peri. Happy to have you add me.