Weight loss secret?



  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I eat oatmeal too add apple or orange for more flavor. Cinnamon reduce you sugars so add too coffee and really good on oatmeal. Eat a once of almond a day it help you loss wait.
    OP did put secret in inverted commas, just replace it in your head with 'tip' if you prefer.

    What she is asking is still the same, regardless of word semantics.

    Please explain scientifically how cinnamon reduces sugar (hint: it doesn't). Same for the almonds. They are not "magic".

    Cinnamon can add a lot of flavor with very few calories (1-2 for a dash). If you have a dash of cinnamon in your coffee instead of a tsp of sugar, you are consuming 14 fewer calories. Some people find eating (or drinking) fewer calories helps them lose weight. Other spices can add flavor in other dishes, without requiring high-calorie flavor-enhancers like butter. There is no reason for diet foods to be bland or boring.

    Almonds have fat and protein. Some people find meeting their protein goals helps them be more satisfied with their meals for longer. As hunger is one of the big reasons why people quit dieting, foods that are more satisfying can be a key part of diet adherence, so long as their total calories stay in a deficit.

    My biggest secret has been keeping dairy in my diet. All of my diets have crashed and burned withing 2 months in the past with a dairy binge.

    It doesn't make any sense for me to eat dairy, I'm lactose intolerant and don't like the taste of milk, but I am overwhelmed by cravings without it. Seeing as research says that dairy (especially yogurt) supports weight loss, I chose to include dairy with this diet. I've been able to lose 100 pounds in 7 months because I didn't exclude dairy.

    Exercise is also helpful. Research shows that intense exercise can reprogram your taste to prefer less calorie dense food, helping with diet adherence.

    Protein has been important for me. It helps me stay satisfied for longer. I had not been eating near enough protein before, and a nutritionist helped me figure out how to get my protein up.

    Good luck with the journey everyone :)
  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    ketorach wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    My big weight loss secret is to eat less calories than I burn. I eat everything in moderation.


    Eat less, and I'll add: move more.

    Plain oatmeal? bleh. Why waste your calories choking down that?
    I put peanut butter and fruit with almond milk on mine. Maybe I'll add some brown sugar to it next time. :)
    When I have oatmeal, I cook it with water (1c water + 1/2 oats). And, then, when it's to the consistency I like, I set it aside to cool a bit. While it's cooling, I combine 1tsp brown sugar, 1/2tsp cinnamon, and 1/2 chopped banana in a ramekin and cook on high in the microwave until bubbling and the sugar is starting to carmelize. Dump into oatmeal.

    It tastes like breakfast creme brulee!

    Sounds yummy ...I'm trying that
    Oops, typo! Make that 1/4 tsp cinnamon. 1/2 will probably be too much!

  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    My big weight loss secret is to eat less calories than I burn. I eat everything in moderation.


    Curious OP are you doing low calories??
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Planning. Logging in advance. Eating food I like that fits my calorie limit. Exercising daily for about 30 minutes. Drinking mostly water or unsweetened tea and saving more calories for food.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    My weight loss secrets almost sound like a scam: I eat food I like (but not too much) and all I do for exercise is walks (but every day).
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    I know what you meant OP. So here are my "tips" that help ME stick with things and lose weight.

    1. I believe in moderation. This means I cut nothing out of my diet but instead just fit it in. I just may not eat it as often as I would have before. The only foods I don't eat are ones I can't eat due to a medical condition because I don't want to be sick and in intense pain.
    2. I don't drop my calories too low. This helps me keep my energy up and keeps me from binging later on. Does it also mean my weight loss is a bit slower? Yea. But I would rather have that then be depressed about what I am doing.
    3. I don't weigh myself very often. Maybe twice a month. I measure every week though. This way I can better see a trend instead of a bunch of up and downs that mean very little.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    My big weight loss secret is to eat less calories than I burn. I eat everything in moderation.


    Eat less, and I'll add: move more.

    Plain oatmeal? bleh. Why waste your calories choking down that?
    But add some TJ's Sunflower Nut Butter and it's Heaven!! nom nom

    Plus then you have the fats/carb/protein healthy combo :) Can you tell I ate some for lunch! ;)

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    It's not a secret; caloric deficit equals weight loss.

    I was thinking along that line when I saw this thread... there is no real secret (I mean yes, there are helpful tips but I don't really consider those secrets)... other than "Just DO IT" as Nike says. Off to do weights... ;)

  • donniekay
    donniekay Posts: 2 Member
    I've discovered powdered peanut butter that I love in smoothies or you could add it to oatmeal, although I have not tried that. There is even a powdered pb with chocolate flavor that is great in smoothies. My husband even likes that.
  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    My big weight loss secret is to eat less calories than I burn. I eat everything in moderation.

    Same here. Eat less, move more, log consistently! Also, drinking enough water helps me...
  • ImpracticalGirl
    ImpracticalGirl Posts: 59 Member
    Purple running shoes. Lace up every day.
    Oh, and eat less calories than I burn. B)
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    My biggest secret was getting my thyroid hormone levels fixed. Once I could lose weight, it wasn't too hard to do it.

    I have no secret, lol. People always ask, "What are you doing?" I tell them I switched to healthy foods and started exercising. Nine times out of ten, they say, "That's it?"

    It's always with a tone of disbelief or shock. As if they haven't ever heard "Eat right and exercise" before, lol.

    Then I say I've been trying some silly thing or am thinking about trying some silly thing and then the conversation moves along...into the world of dieting tips and off of my personal journey.

    But that's what I do: Eat right and exercise. (Who knew the doctors weren't lying?! ;))
  • mariaoutlook
    Just curious as to what everyone's "secret" is to weight loss success? Mine would be plain oatmeal and coffee w/o sugar. My exercise secret would include interval sprinting. Interested on some tips from you guys! :)

    Hope you eat something else besides coffee and cereals.
    Please, take care of yourself! :)
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I plan out my days and then I never let myself get hungry. I know that I will want to snack at around ten and three. I make sure that my meals leave room for snack. I also drink a lot of water. This way I don't misinterpret the need for water with the desire for food.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    Consistent logging, oatmeal with lots of cinnamon and nutmeg (to cut down the sugar, yo), figuring out when I'm actually hungry, and reading posts by people who are frustrated in their weight loss. I think we all have times when we feel like throwing the scale out the window and it helps to read that other people have weeks where they do everything right and still don't lose.
  • SteveEighty
    SteveEighty Posts: 21 Member
    edited December 2014
    Ditto here. The three big saviours that have enabled me to maintain my weight at a good level, 140-145 lbs (after losing 80 lbs) are:

    1) (mentally) logging everything

    2) food & alcohol control, eating healthily (most of the time anyhow, it's hard, I do like a good meal washed down with a bottle of wine!)

    3) exercising 45 minutes a day on average

    It's not rocket science as they say but the key is consistency. Oh and porridge, I now love the stuff!
  • SteveEighty
    SteveEighty Posts: 21 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »

    People always ask, "What are you doing?" I tell them I switched to healthy foods and started exercising. Nine times out of ten, they say, "That's it?"

    It's always with a tone of disbelief or shock. As if they haven't ever heard "Eat right and exercise" before, lol.

    Lol, it's so true and funny at the same time!

  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Eating less... Go figure