What is a REALISTIC goal??

Right now I am a 30 year old female, 5 foot 5 and 155 pounds. I am getting married in 62 days. I'd like to weigh 140 pounds on my wedding day because I know I look and feel healthy at that weight.. Is this a realistic goal, and if not what is? I am working out 5 days a week for 45 minutes to an hour (mostly cardio but also some light weight lifting) and eating a deficit of 300 to 500 calories in addition to my exercise regimen.


  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    It looks like you are trying to lose two pounds a week and being that close to your goal weight you may find frustrating to get to. I think with you being close to your goal weight you can realistically lose a half a pound a week without having to drop your calories too low. I am sure someone will post the guidelines for how much you should attempt to lose for the amount of weight you need to lose. You may want to increase the weight training to help tone your body and lose inches.

    Congratulations on the upcoming nuptials!
  • Meli311ssa
    Meli311ssa Posts: 25 Member
    debubbie wrote: »
    It looks like you are trying to lose two pounds a week and being that close to your goal weight you may find frustrating to get to. I think with you being close to your goal weight you can realistically lose a half a pound a week without having to drop your calories too low. I am sure someone will post the guidelines for how much you should attempt to lose for the amount of weight you need to lose. You may want to increase the weight training to help tone your body and lose inches.

    Congratulations on the upcoming nuptials!

    Thanks! That was my worry that it will a challenge with being so close to my goal. Funny how 15 lbs can feel like so much fat, but can be so hard to lose. I agree I should step it up on the weights.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    Do you really want to lose that much in 62 days and incur the wrath of your dressmaker? ;)

    +1 to stepping it up on the weights.
  • Meli311ssa
    Meli311ssa Posts: 25 Member
    Do you really want to lose that much in 62 days and incur the wrath of your dressmaker? ;)

    +1 to stepping it up on the weights.

    My dress is actually a bit snug! I know it would fit fine if I lost 5 more pounds. But another 10 and I'd probably also look better in it. I will do more weight lifting and increase the resistance on my elliptical machine. So, do you all think that 10 pounds is more realistic?
  • ksmithnh
    ksmithnh Posts: 68 Member
    I think 10 lbs is more realistic but with the strength training / weights you could lose more inches too and either way you'll feel great about yourself when the day gets here :). Congrats!
  • Meli311ssa
    Meli311ssa Posts: 25 Member
    ksmithnh wrote: »
    I think 10 lbs is more realistic but with the strength training / weights you could lose more inches too and either way you'll feel great about yourself when the day gets here :). Congrats!

    Thank you! And inches are waaay more important than Pounds to me. The scale is not my friend! I prefer to try on a very tight pair of goal jeans once a week :)
  • ksmithnh
    ksmithnh Posts: 68 Member
    That's a great idea! I'm still so far from goal but I do have some clothes still from the last time I was there... They'd prob be good motivation.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    The less you have to lose, the more slowly it comes off. That's just the way the human body works. A healthy, sustainable loss is .5 lb. per week for every 25 lbs. you're overweight.

    So 4.5 lbs. in less than 9 weeks.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    If you are new to working out I would suggest paying more attention to your measurements instead of the scale. Use your dress as your guide. Best wishes on your upcoming nuptials!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    yeah, 10 lbs is really more realistic.
  • Meli311ssa
    Meli311ssa Posts: 25 Member
    Weighed in 2 pounds lighter at 153 today!! Woohoo :) that was a big accomplishment with Christmas being last week! I have been exercising my butt off!! Going to do some dumbbell exercises this afternoon too.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    I think it's a realistic goal. If you lose 2lbs a week for the next 8 weeks, that's 16lbs. You'll just need to stick to it and work your boo-tay off. You can do it, getting married is an excellent motivator.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    editorgrrl wrote: »
    The less you have to lose, the more slowly it comes off. That's just the way the human body works. A healthy, sustainable loss is .5 lb. per week for every 25 lbs. you're overweight.

    So 4.5 lbs. in less than 9 weeks.

    Nope. Weight comes off at whatever level of calorie deficit you set. It appears to come off more slowly because you have less room to reduce calories whilst not dropping below BMR.

    Your comment seems to promise that any woman who sets her goal to 2 lbs. per week will lose 8 lbs. every month, and that's simply not true.

    A woman who's 5'5" and 155 lbs. is not going to lose 15 lbs. in 62 days (1.7 lbs. per week) or even 10 lbs. (1.13 lbs. per week)—at least not in a healthy way.

    OP, your partner loves you. However many pounds you eventually lose, I'm sure you'll make a beautiful bride. Best wishes for a happy, healthy life together!
  • Meli311ssa
    Meli311ssa Posts: 25 Member
    Thamks for all of your responses!! I am definitely not hungry or depriving myself at all; but I am very diligent and commited! Since I now have 13 pounds to lose in 61 days (because my bi-monthly weigh-in was this morning, and I'm down to 153!) I am thinking that 10 pounds is a more realistic goal. If my jeans fit looser, that will make me happy too. I am active and drink lots of water. I do think I look fabulous lol, but I want to feel healthier too!! So here's to losing 5 pounds in January and another 5 in February! I'd be happy to post an update to share :)
  • CharleneMarie723
    CharleneMarie723 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm 29, 5'4''. I weighed in at 140.9 on Dec 2, today I was 132.4. I dropped 8.5 in almost 4 weeks, including two days of eating Christmas cookies and lasagna (Dec 16 and 17). But I have been eating 1300 calories per day and working out almost everyday. I try to get in at least 12,000 steps plus about 20-25 miles of running in per week. 1 glass of wine each Saturday night and only if it fits in. Dropping 2lbs per week is doable. Weigh your food, work your butt off, and stay on your feet as much as you can. Good luck and Congratulations.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm 29, 5'4''. I weighed in at 140.9 on Dec 2, today I was 132.4. I dropped 8.5 in almost 4 weeks, including two days of eating Christmas cookies and lasagna (Dec 16 and 17). But I have been eating 1300 calories per day and working out almost everyday. I try to get in at least 12,000 steps plus about 20-25 miles of running in per week. 1 glass of wine each Saturday night and only if it fits in. Dropping 2lbs per week is doable. Weigh your food, work your butt off, and stay on your feet as much as you can. Good luck and Congratulations.

    What? I have the same stats. I can't imagine dropping that fast right now. I eat 1600 and am still hungry...with a crap ton of protein too.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    I'd opt for 1.25 pounds a week. With all your exercise that should be very doable.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    ~5 lbs is realistic imo. I personally would not be wanting to aggressively diet at the same time that I was dealing with the stress of planning/preparing for a wedding.
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I'm 29, 5'4''. I weighed in at 140.9 on Dec 2, today I was 132.4. I dropped 8.5 in almost 4 weeks, including two days of eating Christmas cookies and lasagna (Dec 16 and 17). But I have been eating 1300 calories per day and working out almost everyday. I try to get in at least 12,000 steps plus about 20-25 miles of running in per week. 1 glass of wine each Saturday night and only if it fits in. Dropping 2lbs per week is doable. Weigh your food, work your butt off, and stay on your feet as much as you can. Good luck and Congratulations.

    What? I have the same stats. I can't imagine dropping that fast right now. I eat 1600 and am still hungry...with a crap ton of protein too.

    And I'm 5'7 with a 1410 cal goal and im never hungry. I have a steady loss of about 2lb/wk. People are different.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I'm 29, 5'4''. I weighed in at 140.9 on Dec 2, today I was 132.4. I dropped 8.5 in almost 4 weeks, including two days of eating Christmas cookies and lasagna (Dec 16 and 17). But I have been eating 1300 calories per day and working out almost everyday. I try to get in at least 12,000 steps plus about 20-25 miles of running in per week. 1 glass of wine each Saturday night and only if it fits in. Dropping 2lbs per week is doable. Weigh your food, work your butt off, and stay on your feet as much as you can. Good luck and Congratulations.

    What? I have the same stats. I can't imagine dropping that fast right now. I eat 1600 and am still hungry...with a crap ton of protein too.

    And I'm 5'7 with a 1410 cal goal and im never hungry. I have a steady loss of about 2lb/wk. People are different.
