Realizing I can't do this alone, need support!

This is a HUGE step for me putting myself out here but I have come to the realization that I can't do this alone. My family and friends are supportive but they're not enough because they "love me as just as I am".
I'm very determined but I need help and encouragement. This weight didn't show up overnight and I know it's not going away overnight, but that would be nice. (lol) I'm wanting this journey to be just about getting healthy, no fad diets (Atkins, cabbage soup, lemons on Tuesday and oranges on Wednesdays, etc.) So please let me know of any healthy tips and/or recommendations and thanks in advance for the support.


  • jnord8729
    jnord8729 Posts: 234 Member
    That's good you're asking for help. Maybe we can help each other out. FR sent!
  • webdarren
    webdarren Posts: 8 Member
    You go - you've got the right attitude :)

    My advice would be DO NOT DIET - change the way you eat, and your relationship with food... and find a way of excercising that you actually want to do and makes you get out of bed.

    Have a look at the start of my journey for 2015 here: started with an 8k run this morning and I am now trying to avoid the kids chocolate ;)

    Good luck!

  • theknot
    theknot Posts: 5 Member
    The fact you want to make a change is a great start. What are you currently doing to make a change? What has spurred you to make this change, I only ask because hanging on to what motivates you is a good tool. Best of luck and if you have any questions feel free to ask.
  • harryt678
    harryt678 Posts: 130 Member
    Hello and welcome! I just want to firstly say that by being on here you have made the change to get on the right path! I know its difficult especially with family and friends loving you as you are. I was watching a vlog on YouTube who had also made that point yesterday and said that is how most people get stuck and also let go. But by having a support system and motivation in this community, I feel that it would be helpful. I will send you a friend request and we can check in on each other's progress.