Parents arnt supporting!



  • chloemeow
    chloemeow Posts: 71
    just letting you all know,
    i only get 15 mins breaks
    and i finish at 4.30
    and get home around 5.
    then i do homework as soon as i get home.

    okay this was a bad idea to post this because yous arnt really thinking of my situation.
    i am a student, the last thing i can do is move out, because then im going to go broke and eat junk food,
    i hope i can delete posts, cozim going to delete this, thanks for everything to the people who understand my situation.
  • finley1
    finley1 Posts: 1
    Its not good when your parents or friends don't seem to take on board the seriousness of how hard it is to loose weight.However, in order for you to continue,you have to accept that this is your path to take.I know we all need to feel accepted and taken seriously,but at the end of the day you have to dig deep somewhere inside you and do it for you. when you focus on you, everything else will follow.Keep on refusing foods that you have chosen not to eat and tell your parents nicely that you dont appreciate them trying to saboutage you, and move on from it.They will eventually get the message.whatever you do,dont loose your temper as this takes you somewhere emotionally that will lead you to seeking comfort , probably in food. you can do this and you can do it without them if you really want to.Be strong on go for it girl!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My parents aren't either, but then at 33 I don't really expect them to be.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    just letting you all know,
    i only get 15 mins breaks
    and i finish at 4.30
    and get home around 5.
    then i do homework as soon as i get home.

    okay this was a bad idea to post this because yous arnt really thinking of my situation.
    i am a student, the last thing i can do is move out, because then im going to go broke and eat junk food,
    i hope i can delete posts, cozim going to delete this, thanks for everything to the people who understand my situation.
    Seriously, you asked for advice and people gave it. If your parents won't buy in the food you want then there's nothing you can do if you're not prepared to go out and get it yourself. It's not like you need to go shopping every day, I used to go once a week when I worked 12 hours a day and that worked out fine.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Go food shopping after work? Get up earlier and go food shopping before work? I know your situation isn't perfect, but you're not accepting advice given to you, it's not that people don't ~understand~ your situation (which really isn't that bad at all given the facts you've given us), it's that you are making excuses when we offer you practical advice to resolve your issue. If you want it, you'll find a way.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    you could move out...
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    If you think someone's buying bad food for you to eat then you don't have much willpower. My brother always buys junk food but I never eat any of it.
  • teebeegeebee
    teebeegeebee Posts: 218 Member

    this may sound harsh

    dont eat it

    eventually when the cupboards are overflowing your mum and step dad will get the message and not buy it as its going to waste
    don't bin it - they will replace it
    don't hide it - they will replace it
    don't eat it - they will replace it

    leave it they will eventually realise you dont want it
    the rest is willpower and how much you desire the changes

    I suspect that if you face this and look at what happens at tafe in the day you are probably not eating correctly as a whole and instead of confronting your own weaknesses you are clinging to the view that its someone elses fault

    I am sorry if this sounds harsh - I have finally found my own solution to my weight problems at 48years of age - its me !
    Now the hardest thing you will need to do is be patient takes 30 days to change a habit
    So new habit number one - be honest with yourself and record all your food and drinks consumed - regardless of who bought them do this for 4 weeks and review it each day - did i need that soda or would water have done etc etc
    then after 4 weeks look at the 4 weeks and see what else you could have missed I think you will be surprised
    there are lots of people with lots of similar stories on here look read and learn you will then get the hang of it and find the strength you need to succeed
    please be patient as it will happen for you
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    Oh and BTW my family never supports me either. They just ask me when I'm going to start gaining weight again.
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Do you think they might be trying to teach you to handle a little more responsibility? Just a thought...
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