Can't wait for new year, starting now

So I'm a massive yo_yo dieter, I always start off well but then I lose it so this time I'm trying the community side of MFP something which I've never done before. I'm looking for people that use the app as much as I do to form a support group for when I slip again, which I will undoubtedly do.

I LOVE to cook, so people with recipe ideas and stuff like that would really keep me interested and hopefully I can do the same for you too :)


  • getinmabelly
    getinmabelly Posts: 23 Member
    Thumbs up, like, whatever the MFP equivalent is. I too braved the scales this morning, and while I was horrified at what I saw, I'm still giving myself a mental pat on the back for facing my fear and the rapidly rising scale needle. Good luck - I personally am aiming to lose the Christmas weight by the end of January. What's your first short-term goal?
  • jodster1504
    Yay for being back on track!! I only discovered the MFP community a few days ago but I've found it really helpful already :) I try to log daily - though I gave up for a couple weeks there when I was away for the holidays.. argh.. - and I'm bursting with recipe ideas lately. Have you set any short term goals? Actually seeing progress is the most motivating !
  • hscgirl13
    hscgirl13 Posts: 16 Member
    I am a massive yo-yo dieter as well, and this especially happens now that I am trying to maintain my weight. I think the main thing to do after you've had a crappy run with food is to pick yourself up and try to get back on track. Just start with little things such as cutting junk foods and drinks.

    It happens to the best of us! Good luck :smiley:
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Seems like you lose interest. If you decided that you want to find a way of eating that you can sustain for the rest of your life, you will be able to give up the yo going life style.

    I don't use the app.

    Its great that you lvoe to cook. Cooking is what people need to do if they want to lose weight in a healthy sustainable way and keep it off. You are miles ahead already.

    Its also great you couldn't wait for new year to start. I hope you have a great year and lose all the weight you want and find a way ot keep it off.

    For my part, i realised that i didn't need to exercise to lose weight and this has meant that i have been able to sustain my weight loss longer than in hte past when i was a yo yo dieter too.
  • sami0921
    My first goal is to get to 16 stone, so 22 pounds to lose and I want to try and get there for the end of March at the latest really. After that I'm just going to take it a stone at a time I think. I don't really know what weight I will feel comfortable and healthy at my bmi weight should be around 11 stone but just now that seems very, very far in the future. Short term goals are the way forward I think :)