
Hi, I am Krista, and I am addicted to food. This is my 3rd try losing weight. The first time I fell off the wagon was due to my divorce. The second was because I ended up with kienbocks disease (broken bone in wrist that dies, I need to have surgery to fix it, it is quite painful). I am hoping 3rd times the charm!
I am 5'5"
UGW-140 (ish)lbs


  • thirdseason112
    thirdseason112 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Krista, you've got this! The first step is admitting the problem. I too am addicted to food! Let's do this!
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Welcome, Krista! You're in the right place... I hate to be the one to tell you though - there are no charms - it takes effort and honesty to beat the (addiction) beast... You take it 1 day at a time - make good food choices TODAY.. yesterday is gone forever, and tomorrow will come in it's own sweet time.

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Hi Krista :) You're starting fresh and new ... forget about the past and look ahead, you're going to do great!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I like the way you set the first goal at a reasonable level. Losing just 10% of my then current weight and keeping it off for months was a game changer this time around after a life of yo yo weight. Also this time I am trying to remember there are no external events worth me gaining weight over. :)

    Keep up the positive start.
  • sarahmayskilton
    Hey krista! I'm addicted to takeaway foods, so lets do this together!
  • kiwi_gros
    kiwi_gros Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you everyone for your support. I do know there are no charms as i have not only dealt with my weight my whole life i have also lost weight before. The only thing that keeps me down is me and my health issues (mental and physical). I can reach my goals i just have to go my own pace and make sure i do what needs to be done.
  • arightoldbag
    Hey Krista! I'm doing this for the third time too! I'm addicted to sugar, pure and simple. I find the easiest thing to do is to cut straight back on the sugar, and start eating plenty of protein to fill me up. Not easy though, as stress sends me straight to the biscuit tin! good luck xx
  • kirstlamb27
    I'm addicted too :neutral_face: I hang my head in shame lol but I did manage yo have the willpower to stop smoking without help but can't stop eating rubbish food even though it plays up my ibs and I get bad bloating for about 4 days x
  • Welsh72
    Welsh72 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone,
    No need to hang your head in shame just coz u r addicted to food. you should hold your head high that you are wanting to do something and change your life a bit.

    the first step is the hardest i have lost 3 stone and love Chips(Fries if not uk) i have cut them out to once a fortnight and it helped.

    " We fight together we lose weight together"
  • kiwi_gros
    kiwi_gros Posts: 30 Member
    Welsh72 wrote: »
    Hi everyone,
    No need to hang your head in shame just coz u r addicted to food. you should hold your head high that you are wanting to do something and change your life a bit.

    the first step is the hardest i have lost 3 stone and love Chips(Fries if not uk) i have cut them out to once a fortnight and it helped.

    " We fight together we lose weight together"
    Lol im just saying i live in the states but my profile pic was taken just a block n a half from the tower bridge in london from when i visited about a yr n a half ago. We stayed for 2 weeks. It was amazing but the "chips" were nothing like in the statesand dont even get me started on the burgers! Although the fish was amazing especially considering im very picky on fish. Even mcds was under par for taste there. The thought of giving up american french fries is a disaster in itself so be glad you dont eat them here lol but my point i understand the feeling. My favorite comfort food is cheesey fries and cheeseburgers. Ik i wont be able to cut them out completely but i have to remind myself to not overindulge and watch my calories and maybe even exercise a bit more to cover it.
  • jackibailey
    jackibailey Posts: 206 Member
    You can add me if you want. I've been on mfp since 2011 and I've gained and lost 100 pounds three times. I had gastric bypass in may and have lost 167 pounds since February. I'm looking for supportive friends who won't judge me for the surgery. I still work very hard at weight loss. I walk 3-5 miles nearly every day. I count calories everyday. And I struggle some days. I'm a very good cheerleader. Hope we can be friends.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Sounds like you're on the right path, @kiwi_gros! You will find a lot of support and quite a bit of lulz here.
  • DefiningMyHealth
    DefiningMyHealth Posts: 92 Member
    Feel free to add me if you would like. :)