Injury due to "too much, too soon"

Lets start from the beginning! I am 29 and I used to run the mile and 2 mile races in high school track. I also did some light jogging for fun with a jogging stroller the last couple years. I decided in June 2014 to begin training for a 5k race after I had taken the winter and most of the spring off from running. The shoes I had were not the greatest and I think the C25K program was too much too soon for me, as i ended up hurting my self pretty badly. I felt something happen to my left leg and within days my left hip hurt with every movement and even touching it sent me into tears. I decided to stop running and take the rest of the season off. Here it is almost 2015 and the area STILL hurts! I ice it and it will help a little, but even walking makes it flair up! I cannot sleep on the left side or it is will so bad i can barely walk the next day. I have done some googling and found my symptoms most fit that of Bursitis....
I will be seeing a dr. about this asap and finding out what I can do.

Anyone ever have this happen? And I going to be laid up from running for ever? What did you do that helped?


  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    See your doc and get fixed up. Do something else to get in cardiovascular shape in the meantime that doesn't make you hurt.

    Then do the C25K plan, but if it is too much for you repeat days or weeks if necessary. Don't skip rest days. Make sure you stretch (find a good runner's yoga routine). Do strengthening exercises--you can google strengthening exercises for runners, read runner's world or running times magazines or find a book for strength training for runners (strengthen those glutes!). Read that sticky note at the top of the fitness forum for new runners (ThickMcRunFast has lots of good advice).

    Happens to lots of people. If you want to run, you can do it.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    see your doc, do the pt, and start over slow. It happens. I went from one mile runs to trying to hit a 5k for 2x a week. Quickly sprained my mcl and lcl in both knees. It was super awesome high five thunderforce forever.

    Build up slow, you aren't a kid anymore.
  • FitnessTrainer69
    FitnessTrainer69 Posts: 283 Member
    See the Dr. to see whats wrong and maybe an excersize physiologists to learn how to fix it.
  • atipple1
    Thanks for the responses so far! Waiting to see the doctor, takes a few weeks to get in these days! Hopefully I can get back into light running by spring. I really enjoy running! I can do some cardio, like hoola hooping, with out pain. I have yet to find much else that does not cause me pain. Suggestions? I am in the process of looking into stretches to help the IT band and my hips, but I am going to wait and see what PT says about it...scared to hurt myself worse! :|
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Yup, ask a pt.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Get fit for proper running shoes once the PT has cleared you
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Try different cardio--swimming/cycling/rowing. Just don't do anything that hurts until you get authorization from a medical professional.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Definitely see a PT.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    So, its been over a year, and you are now going to the doctor asap? You've been in pain for this long and are now asking people over the internet what to do, when you haven't even seen a doctor yet. IDK, I think you should have gone to the doctor a year ago.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    So, its been over a year, and you are now going to the doctor asap? You've been in pain for this long and are now asking people over the internet what to do, when you haven't even seen a doctor yet. IDK, I think you should have gone to the doctor a year ago.

    Reading fail.

    She started running in June. So sometime in tue last 6 months shes hurt herself.

    In her defense, I've injured myself and by the time I saw the ortho, I had healed up so it does make sense to give it some time before insta-doctor. But she probably shouldve gone of it wasnt better after 2 weeks
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Ahem, dislocation of the pubic symphysis. Just suggesting because your exact situation sounds oddly familiar...... The good news is, once popped back in to place the worst of the pain stops pretty much immediately and you should have a good shot at healing up enough to run this spring. And a good PT can do it without the need for a doc. I teach at a highschool, so it was the football PT that figured it out in my case.

    Also, when running, forefoot or heel strike?
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    YES! I am also a runner. I was on high school track and I ran division 1 track in college. I have hip bursitis and I cannot run the same way I did before. That's what happens when we put so many miles on us that young. Usually rest will take care of things like this, and most likely a doctor will tell you if it doesn't go away then start taking up swimming and yoga - things that won't bother the bursitis. One of the only treatments is steroid shot, which is painful and not usually a permanent correction.

    I feel your pain :neutral_face:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    603reader wrote: »
    So, its been over a year, and you are now going to the doctor asap? You've been in pain for this long and are now asking people over the internet what to do, when you haven't even seen a doctor yet. IDK, I think you should have gone to the doctor a year ago.

    Reading fail.

    She started running in June. So sometime in tue last 6 months shes hurt herself.

    In her defense, I've injured myself and by the time I saw the ortho, I had healed up so it does make sense to give it some time before insta-doctor. But she probably shouldve gone of it wasnt better after 2 weeks

    6 months though is a lot of time to heal wrong, create some pretty kick *kitten* muscle imbalances, and general gunge stuff up.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    603reader wrote: »
    So, its been over a year, and you are now going to the doctor asap? You've been in pain for this long and are now asking people over the internet what to do, when you haven't even seen a doctor yet. IDK, I think you should have gone to the doctor a year ago.

    Reading fail.

    She started running in June. So sometime in tue last 6 months shes hurt herself.

    In her defense, I've injured myself and by the time I saw the ortho, I had healed up so it does make sense to give it some time before insta-doctor. But she probably shouldve gone of it wasnt better after 2 weeks

    6 months though is a lot of time to heal wrong, create some pretty kick *kitten* muscle imbalances, and general gunge stuff up.

    Oh I know. But she didnt how long ago the pain started.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    Yoga has some excellent poses for the IT band.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    atipple1 wrote: »
    Lets start from the beginning! I am 29 and I used to run the mile and 2 mile races in high school track. I also did some light jogging for fun with a jogging stroller the last couple years. I decided in June 2014 to begin training for a 5k race after I had taken the winter and most of the spring off from running. The shoes I had were not the greatest and I think the C25K program was too much too soon for me, as i ended up hurting my self pretty badly. I felt something happen to my left leg and within days my left hip hurt with every movement and even touching it sent me into tears. I decided to stop running and take the rest of the season off. Here it is almost 2015 and the area STILL hurts! I ice it and it will help a little, but even walking makes it flair up! I cannot sleep on the left side or it is will so bad i can barely walk the next day. I have done some googling and found my symptoms most fit that of Bursitis....
    I will be seeing a dr. about this asap and finding out what I can do.

    Anyone ever have this happen? And I going to be laid up from running for ever? What did you do that helped?

    The rule of thumb is that if the injury involves soft tissue (eg tendinitis) the symptoms will improve with rest. If not, is often something more serious/structural. No point in speculating until you have a diagnosis. You also need to be seeing an orthopod who is experienced with running injuries. Do not waste time with a family doc.

    At this point, from a distance, I am reluctant to be really specific. The first rule now is "do no (further) harm". All movement should be gentle and above any pain threshold. If you try any strength training, stick to more isometric type or short-arc movements, esp those involving glutes.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited December 2014
    dbmata wrote: »
    603reader wrote: »
    So, its been over a year, and you are now going to the doctor asap? You've been in pain for this long and are now asking people over the internet what to do, when you haven't even seen a doctor yet. IDK, I think you should have gone to the doctor a year ago.

    Reading fail.

    She started running in June. So sometime in tue last 6 months shes hurt herself.

    In her defense, I've injured myself and by the time I saw the ortho, I had healed up so it does make sense to give it some time before insta-doctor. But she probably shouldve gone of it wasnt better after 2 weeks

    6 months though is a lot of time to heal wrong, create some pretty kick *kitten* muscle imbalances, and general gunge stuff up.

    So much this. My "journey" started with C25K and "eh, a little twinge" and I will now never be able to run again thanks to chronic peroneal tendonitis. Months of PT (with more than one PT) got me walking, but running or jumping, forget it, forever.

    OP you must STAY OFF it and LET IT HEAL.