I'm not new I'm just back!



  • NicholeElizabeth92
    NicholeElizabeth92 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm also not new, but returning after some medical problems that caused me to put back on the weigh I lost and then some. I am now restarting my journey :) anyone is welcome to add me.
  • erin3215
    erin3215 Posts: 20 Member
    I also have been on and off of mfp, love it, but somehow haven't found the time for it with work and munchkins. This time will be different, because I'm going to find me some friends to help keep me motivated! Anyone feel free to add me, and we can egg each other on :D
  • I've already lost 25lbs with Mfp, I became pregnant and just had my baby 2 weeks ago. I'm ready to get back in shape!!! I love meeting new people who are serious and can help keep me motivated!!!
  • BFit40
    BFit40 Posts: 163 Member
    If we band together, we can do this. I did this before too, just like all of you. Life just gets in the way though. For me it was an illness that meant I couldn't exercise and silly me, I didn't adjust my calorific intact...oh well...new year, NEW US!!!!
  • LozzieWebb
    LozzieWebb Posts: 69 Member
    :) I'm back too! Going to try to eat as much natural food as possible. BFit40 - I like your 'New Year, New us' statement - definitely my goal :) I'll need as many friends as possible to keep me on track, so everyone that wants to please feel free to add me as a friend and I'll help to keep you on track too! :)x
  • kp1066
    kp1066 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I'm back too
  • Back again as well :)..... Welcome back.
  • kirstenmaria
    kirstenmaria Posts: 112 Member
    I'm back. I've been flirting with the idea for a while, but I want off blood pressure meds asap. Easiest way to do that would appear to be weight loss.
  • BigTra
    BigTra Posts: 6 Member
    I'm back, never posted in here before but I have been a member for years. I'm more focus now and ready to shed a few more pounds, eat healthier, and tone up. Welcome back everybody.
  • I am also back and I want to know what happens when you skip entering meals for three days, can you just start up again:
  • kp1066
    kp1066 Posts: 16 Member
    Apologies for the short reply before for some reason phone lost most of the text :-1

    Hi, I'm back too, I have been logging for around 160 days but not following a regime to have a positive impact on any weight loss or fitness. A new year and a new start, I'm also looking to share experiences and motivation with MFP's, my name is Kev please add me if you wish, if not good luck anyway :-)
  • JamieK84
    JamieK84 Posts: 24 Member
    I just started up again too! I have a 7 year old son and I would love to finally drop this weight. I had success using MyFitnessPal back in 2012 (lost 50 lbs), so I know I can do it again. Definitely helps to have support though. Adding you!
  • LukerPslim
    LukerPslim Posts: 199 Member
    hey everyone. Looking for friends and motivational partners here. I have about 20 pounds I want to drop for good. feel free to add me!!
  • kp1066 wrote: »
    Apologies for the short reply before for some reason phone lost most of the text :-1

    Hi, I'm back too, I have been logging for around 160 days but not following a regime to have a positive impact on any weight loss or fitness. A new year and a new start, I'm also looking to share experiences and motivation with MFP's, my name is Kev please add me if you wish, if not good luck anyway :-)

  • fjdk19 wrote: »
    I am also back and I want to know what happens when you skip entering meals for three days, can you just start up again:
    I believe you can

  • I'm so excited to see so many people are coming back as well. so far the last couple of days it has really helped me keep on track and I'm loving it!