60 and looking for other seniors for support

Hi, I just turned 60 and have dieted all my life. I usually have 20 pounds to lose but this time 30. blaming it on metabolism ): I read a lot of posts from young adults, but would like to chat with someone more my age with same interests etc.


  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Hey there, I know that I'm a young adult but I would still like to welcome you to MFP!!
    I wish you all the very best with your fitness goals, may 2015 be your year for success!!

    All the best,
  • gluten2012
    gluten2012 Posts: 9 Member
    edited December 2014
    my hip and knee hurt. Aging changes hard to accept. However, I feel emotionally stronger. Please connect and we can lose weight together. Good intentions for BOTH of us.

  • Hi! I am 67 and would be happy to be your friend! I mainly walk for exercise and have about the same amount to lose as you! Not liking the golden years as in my honest opinion they are not so golden. They sure give ius a lot to tolerate! LOL Hopefully we can motivate and inspire one another!
  • rburgess7
    rburgess7 Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome, I'm 64 and still have 30 pounds to lose. I workout most days. Treadmill for an hour, strength training and stretching. I have gain and lost 5 pounds for the last year but haven't given up. I feel much better working out. I started stretching about a month ago. I still can't put my hands flat on the floor while standing but it's getting there. Above all don't get discouraged keep on trying.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Good luck! I lost that 30lb myself at 65 and have maintained for 2 years. Don't rush and you'll get there. In the process, I changed the way I lived, became consistently more active and became fit as well. I believe that working out is key to our maintenance and a long life.

    I will never yo yo those 20lb again.
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    Welcome! My mother is on MFP but isn't as active, partly because I think she needs to add other seniors for support. Her MFP name is Ravishing4e.
  • Hi, I just turned 61 and I am new to MFP. I would be happy to be one of your MFP friends. I want to lose 50 lbs. My knees would be so much happier with me once i lose that weight. I do have two dogs that i take walking but now that it is really cold outside, even they don't want to stay outside long enough to walk very long. I bought a total body machine so I'm hoping for some weight loss results. For my dogs, I'm going to get a treadmill, that all of us can put to use. So good luck to both you & me.
  • suzisezno
    suzisezno Posts: 2
    edited December 2014
    Hi, I'm 55 and would like to join your merry band. I've several health issues which need addressing, love yoga but need more cardio. Help and motivation much appreciated and reciprocated.
  • vlinders25
    vlinders25 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello ! I am 62 and just signed up on MFP a week ago. It's hard to find people around my age to partner up so any one who wants to add me, please do !! I have 100+ pounds to lose and also have limitations due to health problems. I would love to have friends who can offer suggestions and support. It may take me a while to get there, but I won't lose sight of the finish line.
  • Haven't logged in about a year I am 67 and interested in getting with a group my age.