I work from 9pm-6:30am


I am Angie. I'm new on this site. I need help with my diet habits. My problem is my shift is from 9 at night until 6:30 in the morning. I sleep until time to get my kids from school, and really never make time for breakfast. When I do eat, I end up eating at some fast food restaurant with my kids, ordering all the wrong things on the menu. Please help me!!!



    I am Angie. I'm new on this site. I need help with my diet habits. My problem is my shift is from 9 at night until 6:30 in the morning. I sleep until time to get my kids from school, and really never make time for breakfast. When I do eat, I end up eating at some fast food restaurant with my kids, ordering all the wrong things on the menu. Please help me!!!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Do you bring your lunch to work with you. That would be a starter right there. At least eat healthy while you are at work. Go to the websites of where you go out the most and look at their nutrition area. Even though some of the stuff can be low cal make sure you watch the sodium also. You are going to have to make a decision if you really want to make a change. I know it is hard. You are the only one that can do it for your self. We are here to help you in any way that we can and we will always listen to you gripe and so on. Just think that you can do it. You know you can. I have faith in you.

    I sometime bring my lunch, if I'm not running behind. When I don't I end up eating from the vending machine, which is normally something probally worse than the Fast food options. I work at a hospital without anything healthy to eat after a certain hour. There's a Krystal's across the street; Burger King, and McDonald's down the road, that I sometimes go out to get. I try to make good choices most of the times, but some times I just don't. I just know I need to do better, that's why I decided to keep track of what I eat, then maybe I will be more accountable for my actions.
  • cfwat
    cfwat Posts: 17
    I am seeing a nutriounal nurse thought my doctor and she has me eating only 3 starchy foods a day. I found it rally hard at first, but it is now getting really easy and I have lost 14 pounds in the last month. I didn't now until just the last little while that peas, corn and sweet potatoes are all starches too. The rest of the time I will grab fruit and vegetables to munch on.
  • celeste15
    I work from 7p-7a so I feel your pain! It took me a while to get an eating routine down because my body was so used to eating three meals a day and then when I got this job at the hospital, I started out eating horribly! Unless I bring my lunch, there is only junk food to consume out of the vending machines or a trip to the McDonald's down the street which we all know is the worst. I only work three nights a week so it's kind of this back and forth thing of eating regularly for four days, then eating all through the night for three nights when I'm at work. I pack a lunch, usually fruit , like bananas or apples, then for dinner, a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread, vegetable beef soup and crackers, something like that. If I'm in a hurry, I grab a Smart One dinner but I know those are loaded with sodium but I don't have a problem with high blood pressure and I don't eat those very often. I eat a lot of sugar free Jell-O too. For handy snacks, I like Nutrigrain bars or Fiber One bars. When I get off in the mornings, I don't eat a meal, I will eat yogurt with a little bit of Grape Nuts mixed in. This is the perfect snack if you're about to work out also. If I have the energy to do so, I will work out right after I get off, then go to sleep. When I get up, I usually only eat a snack, like fresh fruit, then have my dinner around midnight. Crazy schedule! I don't have kids yet so it's easier for me to work around these food issues but you can do it! Just experiment with different foods at different times and you'll soon find a routine that works for you. Good luck!
  • EvilPIB
    EvilPIB Posts: 334 Member
    Welcome fellow vampire :laugh: I work 7p - 7a or 11p - 7a and I understand the whole food thing. What I have done to help keep me on tract is, I have a prepared menu on my fridge with estimated times and what I should be eating. Since I'm doing the 6-week makeover program which requires me to eat 5-6 times so I can view my next meal. It helps keep me on track along with what meals to pack for work. Make sure you log all your foods because that too will help keep you honest. Hope this helps.
    We need to get back on track. I kinda of fell totally off for the last months, and gained 2 pounds. :huh:
  • cettefille

    I am Angie. I'm new on this site. I need help with my diet habits. My problem is my shift is from 9 at night until 6:30 in the morning. I sleep until time to get my kids from school, and really never make time for breakfast. When I do eat, I end up eating at some fast food restaurant with my kids, ordering all the wrong things on the menu. Please help me!!!

    I work 2 nights a week, 7pm-7am. I just try to plan ahead for my food at work, including snacks, and try to eat breakfast while I'm still at work, about 5 am. That way I'm not eating when I get home before I go to sleep. It's so convenient to just get fast food, but those are the worst because the calories in one meal could be a whole days worth. I would suggest maybe getting some healthy choice or lean cuisine dinners and packing them for dinner at work if you don't have time to cook for it, and getting some kashi waffles or something like that to bring to work to eat for breakfast. And when I'm not working, I try to cook everything so I can control the calories.

    I've only been on this site for about 2 weeks. The food diary has helped me become mindful of what I eat and more disciplined and motivated. It is harder when I have to work, but like I said I just pack everything and plan ahead for the entire 12 hours.
    Thank for your advice. Eating breakfast before I leave work is a very good idea.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Breakfast, phooey! I hated it, could not gag it down for nothing!

    I bought theses little single shots of yogurt. 90 calories, supposed to help you become regular too! The best part was it got my engine revved in the morning (whether that be 7 am or 2 pm!)

    It is very important to get your body burning fuel 1st thing. I have heard it likened to a fire in a fire place. When you go to bed you throw a log on to keep it fueled for the night. When you awaken it is just barely burning embers. You must stoke it and add another log to the embers to get every thing fired up and toasty again.

    Our bodies are the same way. So I would say find something you can eat within an hour of awakening.

    Good luck:flowerforyou: