Do People Get Annoyed With You Because You Count Calories?



  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    My husband gets terribly annoyed because he says he wants to lose weight, but hasn't made the transition yet.
    He figures if he goes to the gym he can eat whatever he wants because it will all balance out.
    He constantly makes comments about me using the app to input my calories.
    He asked me on Sunday if I was going to be doing this for the rest of my life..... i just told him "Yes"
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    My husband doesn't give me too hard of time, I think sometimes he's testing me to see it I am really counting everything, and for good reason! I wasted tons of money on Weight Watchers and cheated most of the time. Yesterday I ate two pieces of popcorn and was mad I couldn't figure out how to count those two

    Right now only my hubby and kids know what I am doing. I have failed myself so many times I don't want other to know yet.
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    I try not to make it a point, like if someone offers me something, i'll say, "Oh, that looks good, but I'm not hungry. Thank you though."
    I've found that if I don't make my "diet" the focus of a food conversation, then people don't ask about it.

    I do think it's funny however that if I were on one of those fad diets like Atkins or South Beach, that I could just say, "Nope, it's not on the diet." and people would probably just leave me alone. Even if I were on WeightWatchers (which I don't think is a fad diet) people would still be like okay.
  • jakemg
    jakemg Posts: 42
    I've got the Android app, so it's a little easier to do it surreptitiously. Still, if' I'm on my phone while I'm eating, I'm "putting my calories in."
  • jakemg
    jakemg Posts: 42
    I only hope people don't think I'm implying that they're fat or something. I will take it easy on portions or appetizers. When asked, I just say, "I'm counting calories." I hope that doesn't make them imply that I'm saying they're unhealthy for not being aware.
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    My husband did after about 60 days but he has gotten used to it now and it is just part of a meal.

    My coworkers? well a few of them call me the "Food Nazi." They started this with me and mean it in a nice way but they joke about having a motto for meals. W.W. A. E. What would April eat? Kind of funny. I do feel pressure from this though to always set a good example and it can get kind of tiring at times.
  • jakemg
    jakemg Posts: 42
    People give me crap for it all the time, just ignore them. They're just jealous ;)

    Could be. I'm in good shape and they assume I shouldn't need to be keeping track. How the f*** do you think I got into shape? How do you think I maintain my weight, etc. Maybe they're just mad that they aren't in shape and can't commit to just keeping track. It's actually kind of easy. If I know I'm going to eat a burger at dinner or something, I take it easy at lunch/breakfast and I always end up under my calorie goal. If I go out to breakfast and eat an omelet, I know to just rock some celery and yogurt for lunch to make up for that calorie fest.
  • jakemg
    jakemg Posts: 42
    ...maybe they are just jealous of the self control you have?

    Someone else said this. Probably. It's hard at first to exercise self control, but after a few weeks, it's super easy.
  • jakemg
    jakemg Posts: 42
    Yeah, but that's what you're doing (eat healthy and exercise). I think the term "dieting" implies that it's a temporary thing. You're counting calories and tracking exercise. It's a tool that helps you do those things. For me, I would (and will) snack like crazy because there's no way for me to keep track. Oh, it's just a cookie. Oh, it's just a donut. Yeah, but it adds up. This keeps you aware of how much it adds up.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    It always amazes me when folks are so opposed to tracking calories.

    When we want our vehicles to last a long time, we don't just toss any amount of oil into them. We pay attention to how much oil we add during an oil change, and limit it to the "prescribed" amount.

    When we want to stay fiscally sound, we track our deposits and debits from our bank accounts.

    In my world, our bodies are much more precious than our vehicles (which can be replaced) or bank accounts (which can be replenished), so it's logical (once we understand what calorie balance is and actually know the numbers that get us the desired healthful results) that we do the same kind of tracking/monitoring of our most precious resource -- our bodies.

    When people object, I share this thought with them, and usually get an "Oh well, I guess that's a point" answer.

    What I've also observed over the years is that almost all of the folks who object don't understand the basics. They leave it at a "well, I generally try to be moderate and not eat too much and that works pretty well." When I ask them if they know how many calories are in a pound of fat and how many are in a pound of lean, they RARELY ever know. This has led me to believe that most of these folks see tracking as nonsense at least in part because they don't realize that it (how many calories we need to maintain or lose or gain) is something that's genuinely measurable ... just like how many quarts of oil our vehicles hold and how much money is in our bank accounts.

    I track the debits and credits in my bank account to be fiscally responsible.
    I track the debits and credits in my diet to be physically responsible.

  • jakemg
    jakemg Posts: 42
    YES!! My co-workers and family members get really annoyed because I constantly point out how many calories everything has.

    I do this, too, because after tracking for so long, I can tell you that a single gummi bear has 10 calories and a large stalk of celery is less than that, etc.
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    people thinking youre neurotic will eventually subside. :smile: for the first YEAR everyone thought I was crazy... but I ignored them and kept on trucking and now they leave me alone because its working fo rme. :laugh:
  • dizzle2209
    dizzle2209 Posts: 10
    I count calories and even I get annoyed when people point to everything they see and yell "400 calories! 500 calories!" because at that point, it becomes a game, a showing off. I think everyone can stick to their calories or their diet and count calories without having to call attention to the calories you eat FROM EVERYONE. The attention to what you eat must come from yourself and you alone. You have to be conscious of what you eat but the dude, the friend, the family next to you don't have to! It's not their business. I went on holiday in my favorite country in the universe with a friend who spent every waking moment talking about counting calories. And I'm sitting there thinking "I work my *kitten* off spinning, lifting weights, doing yoga week in and week out...I deserve - hell, my body and my knees deserve to have a break. I don't need this!'

    The point is counting calories is important but you don't have to broadcast it to everyone for it to be effective.
  • jakemg
    jakemg Posts: 42
    I plan out ahead of time what I want to eat when going out, put it in the diary before I leave, and then I'm held accountable for eating just that much :)

    This has been a good strategy for me. If we're going out to eat, I get my hands on the menu beforehand, pick out what I'm going to eat, then put it in. Then I have more self-control over not eating too much.
  • jakemg
    jakemg Posts: 42
    Yes my husband and friends. I just ask them to be supportive of me. I say "dont you want to be supportive and help me be successful???" I usually get the response of yes and the subject is dropped:)

    Good call. This is the kind of response I was hoping for. I wasn't sure what to say. This will work perfectly. :D
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Yes, this has been a real issue for me from the beginning. It's defiantly worse for me now since I'm thin. I try to just take all comments with a grain of salt and move on. I just try to be understanding that most people don't understand what it is like to be overweight and work so hard to get to lose weight. In most cases they aren't trying to be rude, they just don't get it. Humor is usually what I fall back on in these types of situations.
  • jakemg
    jakemg Posts: 42
    It's sort of a running joke for my family and co-workers. I don't feel got at, they know I'm doing it, but I'd never make a comment on what other people are eating, unless they invited it!

    My sister was most unimpressed with the iPhone app; "When you can take a photo of your plate of food, and have the phone work out the calories in it, THEN I'll be impressed!" she said.

    I'm sure the iPhone app has the barcode scanner, too (I have the Android app). That blows people away. They see me scanning parts of my lunch in the breakroom and then ask why I don't just read the label. "Because it just automatically adds it to my log." This wows them. I've got a few people to grab MFP based on that feature alone.
  • caguas17
    caguas17 Posts: 2
    I am the same way about tracking calories and I do get funny looks and the rolling eyes as well as the comments about tracking everything. My standard answer is "it's what works for me". The looks and comments don't bother me...I'm perfectly content with my routine!

    Don't let it bother you...just keep on doing what you are doing!

    Good Luck! :0)
  • we do not count calories.... We actually eat 4-5x's daily, but I think we have family get annoyed at us since we are eating more organic, natural and healthy foods. They can't figure out how we are getting fit, healthy and losing weight and they aren't.

    the answer is we care what and how much we are ingesting on a daily basis and they do not.

    When we look into the mirror each day that is the person you have to answer to.

    I have strangers and friends who are more supportive than my immediate and extended family members are. I made a change and they are not and they are jealous.

    Crazy how that works, as long as you are like them, everything is cool, once you step out of the box for the better, they get upset and try to keep you from reaching your goals.

    Community's like this are awesome way for people to connect with like minds and goals.

  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    Totally! I used to have MFP post to my facebook and kept getting stupid comments, so I took it off fb. Pisses me off! Just because I care about my health and want to eat right and want to exercise! So what if I am at a good BMI- I'd like to stay that way for life!!!!!
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