About Me

I'm looking for a few friends who are motivating and positive. I don't like having a long list of friends who never interact with me. I much prefer to have people on here who are going to give a "good job," "nice work," "you'll get it next time," or "keep trying" whenever I post something. I copied/pasted the info below from my profile, and if you think you'd be interested in being friends, feel free to send me a friend request.

I have struggled with weight problems since 2007. In 2012 I decided I was going to lose weight, and I did, then put it back on. I repeated this process in 2013 and again in 2014. I decided for 2015 I'm not setting weight goals, I'm setting life goals and not letting my weight keep me from accomplishing these goals. Of course I'd like to shed the extra pounds in the process, but my weight is not going to be my main focus this year.

[x] Begin C25K (12/29/2014)
[ ] Complete Week 4 of C25K (??/??/??)
[ ] Graduate C25K (??/??/??)
[ ] Run a 5K BEFORE leaving Hawaii 6/2015 (??/??/??)

[ ] Go Scuba Diving
[ ] Hike Koko Head Trail
[ ] Go Shark Cage Diving
[ ] Take a surfing lesson

I plan to add more goals as the year goes along, but for now these are the things I've wanted to do since I've been in Hawaii and haven't done. My time in Hawaii is running out, so I need to get going!


  • _Naeja_
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Looks like you've got some great goals for 2015! Welcome to the site :)
  • MusicalSharon52
    MusicalSharon52 Posts: 31 Member
    Great goals there, but don't shoot too high! Set goals that are within a real possibility or it could be worse than none. For example, I am very out of shape. My job has been keeping the couch from floating out the window. No walking called for. When I am walking, instead of planning on walking a mile, I cut it into smaller goals: walk down to that red car. When I get to the car, I give myself a (mental) pat on the back as I.look to getting to the corner. The mile is much shorter this way. :D