Team UK & Ireland - May 2011



  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Thanks Jillong and I'm sorry today is a little sad for you. :flowerforyou:

    Feeling a little more inspired already, with all the lovely new people here with their great goals! Welcome everyone!

    My goal this month is to reach my final target weight, 65 kg (about 10 stone). I was 65.9kg on my last weigh-in nearly 2 weeks ago so practically there, but I'm sure I'm up now, I'm avoiding the scales anyway until I've found my mojo back. :laugh:
  • Claire739
    Claire739 Posts: 114
    my plans for may is to try and loose around 10lbs!

    also to get into the next stone bracket would be nice!

    just glad all the bank holidays are over till the end of may!

    (ps anyone for the uk feel free to add me)
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Hi, I'm from London....

    I've been a member of MFP since mid/end of January....

    I was a member of Rosemary Conley (joined at the start of the year), but cancelled my membership at the end of March because I felt I was getting more support here on MFP...!

    Plus, I also invested in a KiFit ( - so now I have all the information I need to help me mange my calories better.

    Re exercising - I always 'aim' to work out 6 days a week... it doesn't usually happen though...! I usually end upwith 3 days... sometimes 4...

    On alternate days I do Turbo Jam Cardio Party (I just do the 45 minute routine... I can't be bothered with the complete workout plan) & No More Trouble Zones....

    So far I've lost about 38 inches...
  • plantboy2
    plantboy2 Posts: 224 Member
    Yo team UK

    My goals in May:

    - Be able to do 100 consecutive push ups by the end of the month
    - Lose another kg
    - Go the whole month without beer (not alcohol though - that would be crazy-talk)
    - Build an ant farm
    - Harness the power of the sun to fuel my car
    - Get a photo of Prince Harry snogging Pippa Middleton and sell it for a £1m

    Okay, I made the last three up, but still worth a try.

    Go May, go!
  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    I had an awful April, I ended up eating so much crap. At first I used the excuse that it was my birthday, then the beach with my little step brother and sister, so I ate what they wanted, then from them on it was one excuse after another lol :embarassed: So my goal for May is to get back on the healthy wagon and lose maybe 5-6 lbs. So far i'm having a good start to the month, feeling good and confident, planning out my whole weeks food ahead of time so I know I can't eat anything that isn't already in my diary.

    I hope everyone has a fab May, looking forward to chatting to you all, feel free to friend me if you wish
  • Hey team Ireland, room for a newbie??

    I joined MFP a few years ago after I quit smoking (and gained 3st!) but I didn't stick to it. However, I'm back with renewed motivation and I'm determined to shift that post smoker blubber!

    I'm currently 115lbs, my goal weight is 110lbs. I'm never good at sticking to stuff but this time I'm going to do it. I'm a newly engaged bride-to-be, what more motivation does a girl need! :)
  • shellybra
    shellybra Posts: 21
    Hey Team Ireland here!!!

    I'm off to Rome in 3 weeks with my wonderful hubbie and i would just like to be really good the next few weeks so i feel comfortable enough on hols!!!

    Good luck to everyone xx

    Give up the drink?????!!!!! but i'm going to try out some spirits with low cal mixers cos i need to find something to drink rather than BEER!!!!!
  • cesctheman
    cesctheman Posts: 139 Member
    I want to cut out beer, but not go alcohol free,
    Also I want to lose between 6-7 lbs as I've really struggled lately.
    I want to count my calories every day too as I've been slacking.
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    London Calling!

    Hey all,

    My May goals:

    ~ To kick start Couch to 10K
    ~ To keep at the training
    ~ To stop making excuses of NOT exercising, even if it's 10 mins! (Every little helps :P )
    ~ To drink more water

    I could've easily gotten used to all those Bank HOLIDAYS! But if we had Bank Holidays everyday, I would most certainly get back to my sluggish self one year ago in lightning speeds!! :explode:

    Here's to a superb month everyone!! :drinker:
  • hunni70
    hunni70 Posts: 57
    Hey team uk & Ireland i'm from the uk Harrow middlesex which is on the outskirts of london. Nice to find some mfp people in the same time zone anyone please send me some friend requests be nice to have some uk folk

    my aim for may is to lose 10 lbs so i would be in the 16 stone bracket that would be great. To drink some more water in the day and to join a gym am currently doing workout dvds so that would be nice. Bye
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    Team UK! West Mids here and would love some UK friends!!

    Goal for May is to lose at LEAST 10lbs. Here's hoping!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • nuttylou
    nuttylou Posts: 33 Member
    hey everyone,

    Im from the UK & recently joined MFP last month, I was doing fab with the gym/eating and lost 9lbs then my knees were out of action for a week and a half-2 weeks. Im now starting to get on track & Ive been for my 1st cycle ride this morning and walked to collect the kids from school.

    Im hoping to be gracing the gym with my presence tomorrow but with 5 children and a full time midwifery degree to complete time in of the essence!

    My goal for May is to get below 15st. Im currently 15st 6 so Id love to be under that goal! Its my birthday in 12 days and Im going to be 30 so Im looking forward to that also!

    Feel free to add me its nice to have some UK based people too :0)

    Good luck everyone :0) xx
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    So nice seeing so many new faces and hearing about your goals. We're a dedicated group of people at the moment :happy:

    Mairgheal (sorry prob spelled that wrong :blushing: ) I have a crappy back too. I'm relatively pain free at the moment though thanks to a procedure to numb the nerves and so stop the pain. I've also just started some new physio and that's causing things to be uncomfortable and I've been warned to go easy on the exercise for a while while my back is adjusting.
    Is swimming an option for you? I went swimming today, I only do backstroke though as it is most comfortable and actually helps stretch my back out.
    I can sympathise with you for losing your mojo. Constant pain is known to cause depression (not trying to imply that you are clinically depressed or anything) it's not just that we let ourselves get fed up it is actually a physical symptom of the pain. Everything seems much harder work when I'm in pain.
    Also personally I find it hard to accept that I cannot get out and exercise, that I cannot do some of the exercises that other people do (namely squats with weights). Yes there is a lot I can do, and I am doing well with the strength training that I can do but I still get frustrated at my body. I was on a bit of a downer a couple of weeks ago after I went for my follow up appointment. Basically the less lifting, moving etc I do the longer the pain relief will last for, it could be the difference between getting 2 years relatively pain free or only getting 8 months. Thing is I can't just sit around and do nothing, being fit makes me feel good, it's also important for my self esteem. I don't have the best relationship with my body and resenting it for not letting me do the things I want to is very negative. I've decided to carry on training as much as I can for now, I'd rather have 8 good months and I have been told the procedure is repeatable.

    Anyway enough rambling on from me, hope everyone is well and keeping on track.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    A thanks Yvonne, you're very good!
    Thankfully I woke up this morning with my back practically back in shape, yay! No idea what was wrong with it. I did two 10k walks over the weekend and I've been doing the 30 day shred, so I must have overdone it, or trapped a nerve or something. But it's way better now, so I'm delighted.
    Must be horrible to have this backpain all the time, poor you! Glad the treatments are giving you some relief, but I can read your frustration!

    Wow Nuttylou, you are one busy woman!! How cool that you're doing midwifery! I'm obsessed by "one born every minute", such a shame the series is finished. And five children as well! How do you cope! I've only two and I freak on a near-daily basis :laugh:

    Just had a healthy breakfast (I even weighed my cereal would you believe), so onwards and upwards from now on again. I WILL reach my target this month. There.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hi from guildford!!!
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    Hi from the Midlands!

    I'm about 11 weeks in now on my weight loss journey, was 40kg overweight or 50% over my preferred weight of 80kg, which is at least 7kg higher than BMI thinks it should be.

    Making good progress so far but impatient to get down to 36" waist as I've a whole bunch of clothes I want to wear for the summer that I have in the wardrobe from last time I was that size. In order to do that by the end of the month I think I need to:
    Drop 6kg
    Lose 4" off my waist

    That should drop me under the 16 stone mark, which would be another nice milestone.

    I've been doing around that so far each month but its getting harder to keep up my progress.

    Always looking for more friends.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member

    Just had a healthy breakfast (I even weighed my cereal would you believe), so onwards and upwards from now on again. I WILL reach my target this month. There.

    I pretty much always weigh my cereal because even when I think I've got it sorted and test myself I still give myself too much. Or maybe I should just get smaller bowls - what they think is a portion only just covers the bottom of my bowl!
  • Laika3
    Laika3 Posts: 37 Member

    Any room for another Team Ireland member? :flowerforyou:

    I have 10lb I want to lose before my wedding in Dec, would like to lose it slowly so for May i'd be happy with 2/3lb loss.

    I've started drinking lots more water and plan to have a proper breakfast EVERY morning.

    Feel free to add as friend :happy:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Hello!! from 'up north' in the UK (well Carlisle - its up north of england :p)

    My goal for this month is to be under 150lbs for my sisters wedding (2 weeks today) then to be at 148lbs (or less) by the end of May.

    I'm also going to set myself a challenge of not eat chocolate and sweets till after the wedding. 2 weeks of no choc or sweets - i think its going to kill me lol but i'm definately going to give it a shot! Anyone with me?

    Good luck everyone!!!!!

  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member

    I'm also going to set myself a challenge of not eat chocolate and sweets till after the wedding. 2 weeks of no choc or sweets - i think its going to kill me lol but i'm definately going to give it a shot! Anyone with me?

    Well I've given up alcohol for May so I couldn't cope with giving up chocolate as well, although now I've managed to finish my Easter egg I'm not planning on eating much for a while. I gave up all chocolate, crisps and sweets for a while last year and it is great to be rid of the craving. I have to admit though that chocolate has crept back into my diet rather more than sweets or crisps!
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