Anyone need to lose 150? Be my pal!!



  • 000angie000
    000angie000 Posts: 152 Member
    Howdy to all the newbies:). If you have Tried to Add me as a friend and I declined you please try again and add a message :)

    This week has gone pretty good for me. I weighed on Monday expecting to have gained but I was very nicely suprised by a loss!!! I am now pleased to announce I weigh 300lbs!! Strange that someone would be so excited about that but there it is:).

    I am having a hard time eating enough calories... Really strange. I used to be a fast food junkie. Dollar menus were the worst. I would easily eat 3000 calories a day. Now that I have decided to change my life and make healthy choices I eat much less. What I do eat is mostly whole unprocessed foods. Not very calorie Rich.... I am thinking about drinking a shake for breakfast... Any tips or advice?

    Hope y'all have a wonderful night. Remember as you lay your head on your pillow that if today was a dismal failure, if you fell off the wagon so hard you left skid marks, Well, tomorrow is a new day. Jump back on that wagon, grab those reins and show them horsies who's boss!!! :)
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Angie - try planning your daily menu the night before, log it in, and then stick to it. You should be eating something every 2-3 hours. This will keep your metabolism hopping which will help you drop #'s. You can check out my food diary for some snack ideas if you'de like. I love fruit, berries or even a handful of nuts.

    Drink plenty of H2O today.
  • Nikki_GodzPrincess
    WELCOME!!!! Feel free to add me...I have a TON of weight to lose and I could use some motivation and encouragement and I am always down to encourage others :) LET'S DO THIS!!!!!
  • CityGirlLost
    CityGirlLost Posts: 4 Member
    I have 100 to lose and I feel like I'm running out of time before my wedding in November 2012.
  • BrownSuccess
    BrownSuccess Posts: 11 Member
    HI there,
    I need to lose 120 pounds or so. Is there a forum for us all to share? It would be great to have one place wher we could all cheer each other along the road to success. We can all do it.
  • BrownSuccess
    BrownSuccess Posts: 11 Member
    Please feel free to add me, too.
  • 000angie000
    000angie000 Posts: 152 Member
    Hey Ladies and Gents(?),
    Sorry I havnt been here in a while. I am awful about posting on my own thread!!! I am so glad for the newbies that have joined us!! I have been at this since Feb and the changes in my body and in my emotional well being are astonishing!! Yall got any good news to report?
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Same here - it's going great. Looks like we're at about the same point. I am feeling so much better. I'm gearing up for a June Challenge and hope to run a 5k before the end of the month and get down to 230. I'm glad you are doing so well. Keep it up!! What are your June goals?
  • Sprinkie09
    Sprinkie09 Posts: 40 Member
    ADD MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! :)